Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 288: The Adoption Story (2)
Tauro, who was told about the adoption, the next day, Ragune came to pick him up using the “dimensional corridor” in the morning, he immediately flew to the royal capital, which was connected by “spatial transfer,” and arrived at the residence of Marquis Van Dyne.
In front of him stood Aeris, Ankh, the Marquis Van dyne, and an unfamiliar man who appeared to be a nobleman.
“Aeris, Ankh, it’s been a long time. I’ve heard about you from Ragune, and I’m glad to see you’re both doing well.”
As Tauro said so, Aeris lowered her face and slowly approached him, and gave him a quiet hug.
“Are you being reckless by yourself? That’s the only thing I was worried about, because you do it even when we’re around.”
Aeris said as she hugged him, and Tauro hugged her back, patting her lightly on the back,
“As it turns out, I was a little reckless, but I did okay.”
he replied
“I knew it! I knew you’d be unstoppable without us.”
Aeris broke the hug and turns around, looking amazed at Tauro.
“It’s going to be okay. As I’m sure you heard from Ragune, I made a new friend, so from now on, I’ll be fine. Pella, my friend, say hello.”
Tauro was in plain clothes, so he touched Pella, a familiar who was mimicking his belt, and urged her to greet to say hello.
Then, Pella broke the mimicry and appeared right in front of Aeris and his friends.
“This is a surprise, ……. Ragune told me that this is a Slime Emperor, said to be the pinnacle of the slime species, but whose existence has not yet been confirmed on the ground!”
Ankh snuck out from beside Aeris and stared at Pella seriously.
Pella jumped up and down, and then stretched and contracted her body further, as if in greeting.
“Nice to meet you, Pella. Tauro is going to do a lot of reckless things, so please protect him.”
When Aeris greeted her, Pella jumped on Aeris’s shoulder, rubbed herself against her cheek, and jumped back to her original position, mimicking Tauro’s belt.
It seemed to be a sign that she was going to protect him properly.
“I’d like to ask you personally about that slime, ……, but I think that’s enough for a reunion greeting, don’t you? If you don’t mind, I’d like to say hello to You this time, too. This man is Count Graunewald. He is the man who has expressed an interest in adopting you for some time now.”
Marquis Van Dyne introduced someone Tauro had no recollection of meeting.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.”
Tauro turned to Marquis Van Dyne and the others and bowed this time.
“Marquis Van Dyne, it has been a long time. Thank you for your working for me this time. Count Graunewald, nice to meet you, my name is Tauro. Thank you for taking the time to discuss the adoption with us.”
Tauro bowed deeply to the mild-mannered, gentlemanly, slender count in his thirties with purple hair and blue eyes in front of him.
“No, we have been interested in you since the last time the Marquis proposed you to us. We are grateful that we will be able to adopt Tauro. Every time my wife receives a report about you, she is always eager to meet you because she likes your personality.”
Count Graunewald was very happy to see Tauro, whom he knew from the report, and he looked at him closely from various angles.
It seems that he is a very curious person.
It is strange because although I am being watched, I Don’t feel uncomfortable at all.
Then, Ragune came back in the “dimensional corridor.”
“I was late because I was talking to my brother. ──Huh? What is the situation now?”
Ragune looked at Tauro, Aeris and the others, and the Marquis Van Dyne, and asked without grasping the situation.
“For now, why don’t we sit down and talk about it?”
Tauro, though it was not his place to say so, motioned for Marquis Van Dyne and Count Graunewald to be seated, and then he too sat down in one of the plush chairs in the parlor.
“Today, I will ask you to sign the adoption papers first, and then we will go right afterwards to pursue the charges against Viscount Saissi, I hope that’s not a problem, Count Graunewald?”
The Marquis Van Dyne confirms to Count Graunewald next to him.
“Of course not. Of course, Tauro-kun’s safety comes first. As I confirmed earlier, the first priority is to expose Viscount Saissi’s criminal acts in the open, and then I would like to respect Tauro-kun’s wishes. After all, my wife and I are big fans of Tauro-kun. I’m looking forward to reading the report… Ha ha ha!”
Count Graunewald, who seemed to be very fond of Tauro, showed his generosity.
I’m curious to know what Ankh wrote in his report?
Tauro glanced at Ankh while feeling good about Count Graunewald passionate feelings.
His gaze met Ankh’s, but Ankh quickly looked away, whistled and pretended not to know.