Kays Translations

Just another isekai lover~

Chapter 69: I’ll leave the rest to you

 The carriage prepared by the royal family took us to the mansion of the Knight of the King’s guard, whom the king asked me to treat yesterday.

“Good morning Luke! I’ll be counting on you again today!”

“Good morning.”

Zeno-san was there when I got off the carriage…the king himself welcomes me?

“♪ He’s worried about his friends. Also, before master’s mind changes, it’s the highest priority for the country to learn how to treat labor cough, so it is also an important job for the king to come and ask for help.”

“He doesn’t want to leave it to someone else and put me in a bad mood? It seems like there are people out there who wouldn’t want to get involved with me because of my bad reputation.”*

“♪ That’s right. In fact, that’s very likely. Master is the “Orc Prince” who is notorious even in neighboring countries. It’s no wonder Zeno is cautious and moved on his own. “

By the way, Navi is waiting in the subspace.

 Hati and Diana are being taken care of by Mifa and Emilia. Navi, who observed Diana’s behavior all day yesterday, decided that there was enough common sense to let her do as she pleases. From now on, Diana will be allowed to do what she wants to some extent.

 When I said that I would hold a recovery magic seminar today, Diana seemed to be more interested in the “Summoning Ceremony” and chose to watch it. It doesn’t seem fun to come to a seminar. Besides, I didn’t really want to bring my servants here because today we have a gathering of potentially infected labor cough patients. I don’t think it’s something that can be passed to a god beast or a dragon species, but I didn’t feel like bringing them here.

“Luke, you told me that you could treat as many people as I wanted, so today I’m bringing 15 labor cough patients to the guest room of this mansion, that isn’t too many, right?”

 It doesn’t matter if they’re a lot because the patients gathered here are going to be everyone’s practice subject after I teach them how to treat it.

“Yes, no problem. By the way, I don’t see them but the temple officials are here as well, right?”

“Yes, they’re waiting for us in the hall inside. There are seven people from the temple, including the Pope and the Saint. I’ve also brought three court physicians with me, can they join us?”

 The court physicians? It’s troublesome when aristocrats are involved, but considering the position of the king, it’s not good to “teach only temple officials.”

“Yes, that’s fine.”

When I entered the hall, the Pope came to greet me as the representative.

“Good morning, your Highness Luke. You discovered an effective treatment for labor cough and decided to teach it to us free of charge. I couldn’t sleep last night, thinking, ‘If it’s true that treatment is possible just how many lives will be saved…”

“Good morning Pope. I hope my explanation is clear to everyone–“

 At first, I was thinking of wearing a mask to hide my identity, but Navi said, “how could there be no one with appraisal magic at a gathering of high-level temple officials.”

I briefly introduced myself to everyone and asked them to take their seats in the dining room.

“Well, first of all, I will start with a lecture before the practical training. I worked hard last night to make a picture book that even a monkey can understand, so I will explain in detail how labor cough is transmitted.”

“Does your Highness Luke think we’re on the same level as monkeys?!”

 Who is that…isn’t he one of the court physicians that the King brought? As I recall, he was the one who was introduced as the youngest of them.

“It’s a figure of speech….even if you show it to a monkey, it won’t actually understand it.”

“Well, that’s fine…I was wondering if you were making fun of us.”

“♪ He’s the type who makes a fool of himself. His tone is polite, but in his mind he’s looking down on master. 』

“Is that so? The King has brought a troublesome fellow.』\

“♪ It’s true that he’s excellent. He seems to have liked Mifa, and he seems to have gotten irritated when he heard rumors that she had been engaged to Master, so let’s overlook it. 』\

“A court physician…has he ever seen Mifa’s breasts?”

“♪ Master…what are you saying now…you disappointing Prince”*


“♪ The examinations of the queens and princesses are done by the female physician. She’s also participating in the workshop this time. “

Is that so?

“Lenglan! If you say anything else I’ll have you arrested! Engrave each of Luke’s words into your head and learn firmly!”

Zeno-san is angry!

“My King, I’m sorry for the unnecessary remarks!”

“♪ The court physicians were warned in advance that they should never make statements that would offend master.”

“Well, moving on…I will accept questions at the end, so please listen silently to my teaching until the end.”

I explained everything with the picture book I made last night. Everyone listened attentively to my explanation.

“Do you have any questions?”

The Saint raised her hand.

“Yes, Holy Mother.”

“I can’t believe that microorganisms do such invisible harm to the body. I’ve confirmed with my unique skill that His Highness Luke isn’t lying, but I can’t understand it. How did His Highness, Luke, know that something invisible existed and how did you confirm it?”

 I was asked the same question by Iris yesterday…after all, “How?” I guess that’s where I get stuck when I think about it.

 Next to the saint, the female court physician is holding her thumb and index finger in a circle and looks at her palm. What is that? The inside of the circle appears large as if she was looking through a scope.

“♪ It’s expansion magic. But that would only look as large as with a magnifying glass. “

When I saw the magic of the female court physician, an idea came to mind.

“The answer to the saint’s question is the application of the magic that sensei is using right now. Have you ever wondered how the blue-black mold that grows on bread grows day by day?”

“That’s the magic called [expansion]. Unfortunately, I can’t use it. The phenomenon where blue-black mold increases…? I see. If you apply it to the explanation in the picture book, it means that parasites are growing on the bread and feeding on it.”

“That’s right. Are there any knights with itchy feet?”

“Luke, do you mean athlete’s foot?” (Zeno)

“Yes, that’s right”

They don’t even understand fungus, so how can they call it athletes foot?

“♪ Even in Japan, the words” athlete’s foot “and” tamushi ” {TN: google it if you want} were already used in the Edo period. It was also properly described in old literature. Since they didn’t know the existence of the fungus, at that time they thought that insects in the water and insects in the rice fields sucked and itched like mosquito bites. Athlete’s foot = insects in water, Tamushi = insects in the rice fields are said to be the sources.”

“Actually, it’s been bothering me for a long time….can you do something about it?”

“Can you take off your shoes?”

Wow, it’s dirty! Zeno-san OUT! That’s athlete’s foot!

“The nails aren’t gone but it’s athlete’s foot.”

What? It’s not showing with appraisal magic?

“♪ The level of appraisal magic is too low. Athlete’s foot isn’t a life-threatening illness, so at master’s current skill level, it can’t be seen by appraisal magic.”

“Since it’s not an illness, it can’t be cured right?” (Zeno)

“Did the court physicians say that? No, it’s also a nasty illness that can be transmitted to others. The invisible microbes I just showed you are parasitizing between His Majesty’s toes. It can be cured as well. “


“Before that…I will collect a little of the skin that is the athlete’s foot.”

Let’s make a lens with water magic.

First, make pure water without any impurities and maintain the shape of the convex lens.

“♪ Master, the idea isn’t bad, but it isn’t possible.』\

“If you stack several lenses, can’t you magnify enough to see the athlete’s foot fungi?” 』\

“♪ The lens used in a microscope is an objective lens. It has a complicated structure inside. Just collecting light like a convex lens does not provide enough precision to see bacteria. The image that Navi showed the other day is an electron microscope image. The principle is fundamentally different. “

“Well I thought it was too easy…”

I have no intention of developing and providing an electron microscope.

“♪ If it’s completely original, you can show everyone the athlete’s foot fungus right? Navi will assist you, so please create four lenses like before. “

This is what I did according to Navi’s instructions.

1. Suspend the skin collected from Zeno-san in the air with [Float]

2. Illuminate the skin from underneath with the magic [Light]

3. Add the magic of [enlargement] to the lens made by water magic.

4. Focus all four lenses created in step 3 on the skin

 The fourth image was a super-enlarged piece of skin with threads that branched out like roots of a tree.

“Oh, I’ve done it too!”

 Looking towards the voice, the female court physician had completed my original magic, which Navi had predicted would be impossible to imitate, without her support.

“Well-done sensei! These thread-like things are the true nature of athlete’s foot. They penetrate into the skin, absorb nutrients from the skin then divide and multiply like slimes. Iris, as my first disciple, why don’t you try it first? As I explained yesterday, use your magic with the image of removing this evil thing.”

Nominated among the brilliant members, Iris, nervously, treated King Zeno’s athlete’s foot.

I raise the level of appraisal magic to see if the treatment was successful.

“Congratulations Iris. The King’s athlete’s foot has been completely cured.”

“Really? I’m so glad! Can labor cough be cured in the same way?”

“You and I can only use intermediate magic, so we have to treat critically ill patients many times, but I think it will work.”

 The King was happy that his athlete’s foot had been cured, but if he puts on those boots, it will come back again.

 I told him that if he didn’t clean everything he was using with [Clean], it would reoccur. Then, we went to the guest room where the patients were housed and started the treatment practice of the Pope and others.

“The magic of the Pope and the Saint is amazing…Is that special-grade recovery magic?”

“Yes, that’s right…I think His Highness Luke is more amazing. This treatment developed by His Highness is amazing. To be honest, I’m surprised at how effective it is. How many precious lives have been lost so far…?” (Pope)

“This remedy also works for colds. This is probably the best way to cure other epidemics that can be transmitted to other people.”

“What! It’s also effective against colds?”

“Each illness has a slightly different image. For example, if you have inflammation of the throat, your fever won’t go down unless you calm it down. Therefore, it’s necessary to have an image of suppressing inflammation. Although, it can’t be said that the cause of the illness is completely cured. I’m still in the process of research, so there’re many things I still don’t understand.”

 When a high-ranking magician treats a patient with a severe case of labor cough using the method I taught, the patient can be completely cured with a single spell. As a teacher, I feel frustrated with this much difference in level.

“Navi, I’m scared of the level difference …”

“♪ That’s right. Although the master has a higher understanding of the illness and better treatment efficiency, the results are dramatically different due to the difference between intermediate magic and special magic. The same can be said for attack magic, so level differences are scary. I want you to raise your level as soon as possible.”

 On this day, 9 out of the 10 participants were able to learn this treatment. The sister who couldn’t learn it was depressed, but I don’t know if she didn’t have enough imaging ability or she didn’t understand it well enough. Well, I’m sure she’ll be able to do it soon.

 Iris, who was able to cure athlete’s foot, was also able to cure labor cough effortlessly. She showed me a very nice smile,  I wonder if she was happy that she succeeded.

 Oh yeah, the young court physician who was involved with me at first, is currently in a pitiful situation, surrounded by the guard knights and temple knights who had come as escorts. 

 He’s surrounded by a lot of knights and is constantly treating athlete’s foot. In any case, the people gathered here today are all heavyweights in the country, so their positions and titles are all superior to the knights.

As expected, I can’t casually ask the Pope or the Saint to treat athlete’s foot.

That’s why they flocked to the young man who had just become a court physician. My condolences.

“I have a lot of other projects I would like to research, so I’ll leave the rest to everyone here. I’ll give the picture book I made with Iris to the church, so please tell each temple branch about the cure.”

 I threw the whole thing to the head of the temple before he could ask me to go to each branch and hold a seminar.

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3 thoughts on “Chapter 69”

  1. Anonymous Coward

    Part of me wishes he instead did the “Lay On Hands” faith healing method of slapping and yeeting aristocrats off a stage.

    Not like they’d be able to tell the difference. And showmanship matters.

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