Kays Translations
Just another isekai lover~
Chapter 39: Navi Studio
In addition to complaining to the goddess, I made some requests, but it seems that they’ll generally be met. It wasn’t 100% what I wanted, but the goddess told me something unexpected, so I decided to allow it.
“Wait a minute Iris”
“You prayed very enthusiastically? Which god do you believe in?”
” I believe in all the gods. More than that, Iris I have a request …”
Iris made a funny face.
It seems that it’s customary to worship the attribute god of your main attribute to increase the strength of your blessing.
“Request? What is it?”
“Goddess Nereids, I leave It to you.”
“Iris, this is Nereids, the goddess of water. Hello”
“Huh! What’s going on? There’s a voice in my head!”
Iris anxiously looks around looking for the source of the voice, but it’s telepathy and can’t be found. Telepathy is like talking directly in your head, so unlike when it comes in from your ears, it feels very strange …
You may be surprised at your first experience.
“Calm down Iris! It’s telepathy, so you can’t even look for it. It’s the words of Goddess Nereids, listen calmly.”
“I’m sorry to surprise you. I wanted to speak to you in this way. Actually, I made a request to Luke-san there first. I’ve allowed you to hear about it to some extent, but I want you to keep it and all related to it a secret from Duke Guile. “
“From the Duke? What is the request goddess-sama made to Luke?”
“I can’t tell you that. He will tell you when he decides it’s okay to say it. I know you’re tasked with reporting things about Luke from Guile, but that’s a bit of a problem … “
Iris was silent with an embarrassed face …
“Iris may be in trouble with the duke, but I’m not saying you shouldn’t report anything. For example, it is essential to raise my level to listen to the wishes of the goddess, but Duke Guile and the king of this country won’t allow it. Don’t they see me as a tool to sire heirs? To raise my level, I have to go out for dangerous hunting and defeat demon beasts … “
“I’m sure they’ll stop you. After graduating from school, I believe they want you to work hard to make children in a safe place.”
“Well, but that’s a problem.”
“Isn’t it better for the Duke to get a message from the goddess and give permission to go hunting?”
“It’s no good cause I can’t tell him the reason. He’ll try to hear the content from me and might order Princess Mifa to see through the lie.”
“I’m curious too …”
“I can’t talk about it yet, I’m sorry, I’ll give you a lot of recovery knowledge … Can you please accept that?”
“I understand. There’s no reason to decline the request of the goddess from the beginning. I’m very happy to hear the voice of God when I’m not a saint! I’m apologetic to Duke Guile, but the goddess words are more important, so I’ll follow Luke’s instructions when reporting to the Duke. “
“♪ Basically, only the saint receives an oracle. Iris is impressed and follows your instructions, cause even the Pope can only hear it several times during his term. “
“Thank you, Iris-san. I’ll give you a blessing of water to thank you. It is a blessing that allows you to learn advanced attack magic and recovery magic if you make an effort. “
“Really! I’m thrilled! Thank you ?”
She was so glad she shed tears …
“♪ Normally, it’s difficult to learn, even if you make an effort, attributes other than the main attributes you were born with.”
” Was It good Iris”
“Yes. Luke got something too right? What did you get?”
“Hmm. I’ll talk about it soon …”
“Is it a secret? I won’t tell the Duke … I’m sad that you don’t trust me.”
Don’t look at me with such sad eyes.
You know that you’re a maid of the duke’s house and you’ve been ordered to report, so I can’t talk so easily. It’s only been a few days since we got to know each other.
One of my other requests was “online mail order”, which I often see in light novels, but I was told that it was no good.
There was such an exchange before calling out to Iris.
“Why!? Is online shopping no good? 』\
“Of course. In the first place, if I could transfer things from other worlds so easily, I won’t have to choose you who were destined to die and reincarnate only your memory and soul. For example, even with just one apple, the transfer requires a great deal of divine power, that’s why I used a method like this one. “
“You told me you’d listen to everything, but it was a lie! 』\
“I can’t do what I can’t do. But there’s a good alternative instead. How about giving you information about the other world via Navi? The number one reason you want online shopping is that you want soy sauce, right? 』\
It’s awkward when she reads my heart …
With this, you can’t even bargain, so you can’t negotiate.
But what’s going on with Navi?
“What is this ‘via Navi’? 』\
“? Ahh! My name has been confirmed as “Navi”! I wanted master to name me! Nereids, that’s terrible! 』\
“eh? Was that so? I’m so sorry… “
“No way, cause it’s an AI system that navigates for me, it’s ” Navi “』\
“… is it bad? 』\
“♪ Did my name get chosen by such a casual thing …”
“But it sounds cute, doesn’t it? “Navi” is easy to call and I think it’s good, right? 』\
“♪ Is that so? If master says it’s good, I guess it’s okay to use “Navi”. ”
So easy …….
It was that moment the fairy’s name was decided by the goddess’s remarks.
“Ah, but even if I can search for information, I don’t have time to make soy sauce as a student. Even If I don’t have to get rid of the evil god, it’ll take several years to develop. It takes a lot of time just to ferment and age miso and soy sauce right? 』\
“That’s right … let’s do this. We’ll create a large workshop in your [Inventory]. We’ll give Navi the ability to create an avatar that resembles you in it, so let the avatar develop things in that workshop. The avatar will be tied to you like Navi, so let’s make it so your avatar’s proficiency is reflected in you. “
“Huh? I’m not sure … “
“The avatar can be summoned with your magic power. For example, if the avatar cooks a dish in the workshop in [Inventory], it will be reflected in your skill level, and after that, you’ll be able to cook the dish in the same way with a taste according to your skill level. Its five senses will be the same as yours. How about this, you won’t have to spend years directly developing it? 』\
If my avatar is convinced something’s delicious since our five senses are the same, it means that it’ll actually be delicious … It seems interesting to develop various things.
“What would happen if I ordered that avatar to develop soy sauce?” 』\
“It all depends on your image”
“Image huh, then, let’s divide the workshop into different departments. Subdivide it into [Cooking workshop], [Weapon workshop], [Sake brewing workshop], [Machine development workshop], let Navi search for information on soy sauce from a major manufacturer, and let the Avatar develop it at [Cooking workshop]. I wonder if it is possible to shorten the aging time by applying space-time magic. …… Is it possible to do that? 』\
“Somehow, I feel like it’s going to be more amazing than I expected … but that kind of image is fine. However, you need to purchase the ingredients yourself. Even if you order it, it cannot develop things without materials. Also, the workshop will be managed by Navi, and the image of the workshop creation will reflect yours. “
“My knowledge is shallow, so please ask Navi to search for information and make up for my lack of knowledge.”
“I understand”
“Then immediately, get information on soy sauce, shampoo, and treatments from a certain manufacturer, and figure out the ingredients and materials the workshop requires. “
“As for the workshop, we’ll use the divine power to create it with a management system. If you build it in a subspace no one can see, it doesn’t matter, and it won’t need a lot of divine power in this world. Instead, I would like you to subdue the evil gods? 』\
“I understand. It’s a pity that there’s no soy sauce in this world, but it seems to be comfortable. I can’t go to the subspace, and the manager of the workshop is Navi so let’s call it “Navi studio”! Will you manage it? 』\
“♪ Navi Studio! I’m happy! Master, let’s go buy the ingredients now! All are available in the royal capital! 』\
“OK, I understand! But sealing Iris’s mouth is first … ”
There was that —
Why does it annoy me that isekai MC’s like to keep secrets?
U wanna go announce to everyone he can use all attributes when even just having holy makes him a breeding machine?
Did you not read about his other skills and what would happen? We already know he was sent over because he has the rare holy attribute and he’s there only for his skills and not his looks/personality.
Not only that, based on how well he is at potion crafting, that’s another sought skills that he probably would be forced to make potions while being locked up.
Think of it as if his secrets were to be found out he’d be working what is the equivalent of a Chinese sweatshop in another world. I do agree some secrets can probably be divulged but based on his bad reputation, he needs to fix that and gain trust first.
Luke originally had 4-5 attributes, decent magic power, and a theoretical learning curve before he died. Now imagine the new MC shows up and starts showing that he can make high-tier potions and antidotes. Then he suddenly starts spouting off he is here to defeat the Evil God hidden in a dungeon that nobody except top-tier royalty or the Pope should know about.
Should also be like he can now use every attribute and knows how to use a bow when he was never taught to. If the MC was thin and fit and had a likable personality and appearance could probably get away with it.
Having loose lips can sink ships. He would be kidnapped or made a slave for the rest of his life at a breeding factory and a workhorse. It’s not like he is invincible with infinite magic he ran out of magic power against a few bandits and needed a mana potion. Smart isekai MC hide their secrets until they have enough knowledge and skill to survive.
Workshop in inventory? Then what will happen to the things that his avatar make in the inventory? Do they get stored as items in the inventory and he can take them out like other stored items whenever he wants or just the ingredients are used for practice then vanishes indefinitely?
I’m pretty sure the items he makes in the workshop will be stored in his inventory after they are made say the weapons for example.
Thanks for the chapter!
Haven’t checked the raws but I’m assuming the name Navy, is actually supposed to be Navi, short for Navigator which is common in games as the guide to UI and other things and usually a mascot type character. It looks like you named the title using Navi, but ended up writing Navy when you actually started translating. Navy just reminds me of maritime forces.
Yeah, my bad, it’s been corrected.
“OK, I understand! But sealing Iris’s mouth is first … ”
“Then give her a kiss. The French one.”
Ugh. Been a while since I rolled my eyes so hard. He finally named the Fairy and got an OP new ability and it’s all for the sake of freaking soy sauce… I swear, every damn isekai always has the MC freaking out about rice, baths, soy sauce, miso, and fish before they start acting normally.
I get it, they’re all written by Japanese authors who write what they know but damn. It’s just nuts how high priority it always is. Well, hopefully they wrap the fish acquisition in a single chapter and don’t make it a whole arc where he travels to the sea for some.
I can see how this ability would be useful, but he’s priorities are completely messed up. Too bad, really. Seemed like an interesting character at first. Not the usual JP novel’s whiny, cowardly, perverted MC, who thinks of nothing but girls, food, and finding a way home, however, it’s starting to look like I was wrong. I too hope such nonsense doesn’t pop up too often. Not another Death March, please!
[I would like you to subdue the evil gods? ]
gods? multiple? more than one?
When I heard the fairy’s name was Navy, I laughed because the first thing that came to mind was the fairy in Zelda ocarina of time with her incessant, repetitive “Hey listen!” .
It brought back good memories but also annoying ones ^^.
Is that a typo or the goddess actually saying more about the MC’s goal?
She said “evil gods” and not “evil god” like she originally told him. Does that mean there’s more than one now?