Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 352: Tolls
Tauro and his group the“ Black Golden Wings” entered Viscount Bowmen’s territory from Count Graunewald’s territory.
When we arrived at the border town, there was, of course, the first checkpoint, but we were only charged a small toll.
“…It’s more normal than I thought it would be.”
The red-haired Malak said this without letting his guard down.
“Based on the information, it seems like everything is fine so far.”
Tauro replied and entered the town on the border of the territory.
As the information indicated, the town on the territorial border was full of merchants, had a large market, and was bustling with activity.
“It seems to be true that most of the trade takes place in the border towns.”
Zumei, a blonde-haired, pretty-boy type, looked around and expressed his opinion.
“ Let’s look for a carriage to take us to the center of the city.”
Tauro called out to everyone, and they headed for the plaza where they thought they might find a carriage.
It was not so difficult to find a carriage.
There were signs posted to indicate that they were often used by peddlers, and it seemed that there were a number of carriages, such as “Carriages for peddlers” and “Carriages for local residents”.
“Which one should I take?”
Ragune showed a hesitancy as she looked at a number of signs.
“Why don’t we just go with the one that would get us to the capital the fastest?”
Ankh pointed to a large four-horse cart in front of the “Peddler’s Carriage” sign, which was about to depart for the capital at any moment.
“Then let’s see if we can negotiate a ride in that one.”
Tauro replied and approached the coachman who was attracting customers by the carriage.
“Can we get a ride?”
“Yes? Are you merchants? You got a permit?”
Tauro tilts his head.
“What, you don’t even have a permit, so you’re not even from here, are you? Are you outsiders? The basic way to get around the territory is to go to the next town. That’s why you need a permit. Of course, it’s close so you can walk, many people do this, but either way, there are checkpoints along the way, and they check your permit, so you definitely need it. ──Where can you get a permit? They sell them right there.”
We all looked to where the coachman pointed, and there was a small hut with a sign posted that said “Permit Sales Office.”
“Go over there and buy enough for the number of people. Without them, you won’t be able to get around. The territory’s residents are issued a different permit from that one, so they can still pay a lower toll at the checkpoints, the permit for outsiders is more expensive, and you should think that your activities are being monitored because every place you go will be noted. It’s a system that doesn’t allow for any wrongdoing. You can’t travel around without it, slip through checkpoints, and get spotted by guards in another city……. You’ll be gone by the end of the day.”
The driver whispered the last words into his ear, as if he didn’t want it to be overheard.
“…… good information, thank you.”
Tauro smiled and asked the coachman to shake his hand, and gave him a silver coin to hold.
“…… boy, be careful. There’s a snitching system here …….”
The coachman replied to the handshake with a smile and hid his mouth to warn Tauro, and then got into the carriage.
Tauro and his friends, following the coachman’s advice, purchased a permit and decided to find a carriage exclusively for travelers and boarded it.
“It will take four hours to reach the next town. There will be several checkpoints before then, so please be prepared to show your permit and pay the toll.”
The driver of the carriage exclusively for travelers answers the question in a businesslike manner as he received the deposit from each person as they boarded the carriage.
“It looks like it’s going to be a rather troublesome trip.”
As Ragune grumbled, the carriage started to move.
As the carriage exited the border town, there was a checkpoint, where they were immediately asked to show their permits.
Tauro and his team immediately presented their permit.
“Then, one silver coin for the toll.”
They charge us a silver coin just to get out!
Tauro was surprised inwardly, but silently paid the amount for the number of people in his party.
The other passengers were also surprised to hear the amount of money, but they paid it in good faith.
Once that was done, the carriage started to drive away, but after a while, there was a fork in the road, where another checkpoint appeared.
“What, another checkpoint already?”
The Blue-haired Reeva was surprised.
This is certainly fast paced.
Perhaps there are checkpoints set up at every fork in the road?
If you are not careful, each of us may be charged close to 20 silver coins just for the toll by the time we reach the next town?
Tauro was taken aback.
“What is this with this territory? There are checkpoints everywhere and we’re running out of money!”
One of the travelers on board began to complain in the moving coach.
He had already paid more than 10 silver coins.
Tauro and his team would have said the same thing had they not known this information at all.
“Customer. I understand your complaints, but if you say too much, I’ll have to report you at the checkpoint, so please bear with me.”
The coachman warned the traveler, perhaps out of kindness.
“What are you reporting? Can’t I just tell the truth? When I was traveling in other territories, they never took this much money from me!”
The traveler’s anger is understandable.
This Viscount Bowmen territory is abnormal.
“If you make too much noise, I’ll really have to report it at the checkpoint, so please limit yourself. I don’t want to get into too much trouble either.”
The coachman tried to quiet the traveler, but his words were not very warm.
He must have been offended by the words.
Then, report it! I’ll tell the guards right there and then that you’re ripping me off!”
Just as the traveler was heating up, the next checkpoint appeared.
“Well, you can go right to that checkpoint over there.”
The coachman, who knew the location of the checkpoint, actually turned the traveler over to the guards when he said that.
What? They really take you away for something like that!
While paying the toll, Tauro and his party were inwardly panicking as they followed the traveler being taken with their gazes.