Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 328: Whirlpool of Joy

 The celebrations will continue, starting with Aeris’s birthday party.

 The first is the birth of Aeriss younger brother and sister.

 Yes, the children born between Marquis Van Dyne and his former maid, May, were male and female twins.

  Aeris was overjoyed by this and said, “I have to do my best for my younger siblings!” she seemed to be very enthusiastic.

 As a result, both Aeris and Marquis Van Dyne left their mansions in the royal capital and temporarily returned to their domain, Marquis Van Dyne’s territory.

 During that time, Tauro and the others were allowed to use Marquis Van Dyne’s mansion freely, but as expected, since Tauro had been adopted by Count Graunewald, and Aeris had left the “Black Golden Wings”, they decided that it would be better to move on.

 Thus, Tauro left Marquis Van Dyne’s mansion, which had been used as his base in the royal capital for a long time, and decided to take care of Count Graunewald in earnest, taking Ankh and Ragune with him.

 Count Graunewald and his wife Aida were happy that Tauro had moved to their mansion in the royal capital, and both of them were constantly smiling and seemed happy just because of that.

 If they were not on a quest or doing something else, they would eat together much more often, and Tauro felt relaxed by the warmth of this couple.

 Although they were still strangers to each other as a family, but their relationship is definitely growing closer.

 Then one day.

 In the village of the Dragon People, Tauro and his group had accepted a quest to transport a supply group to the deepest level, accepting a pick-up quest for dungeon attack as usual.

“So you’ve already reached the 264th floor… I’m humbled by the efforts of everyone in the capture group.”

 The progress made by the capture group over the past few months has been tremendous.

 Of course, this was largely due to the support provided by Tauro’s “spatial transfer.”

 The capture group were able to fight willingly without worrying about food or supplies, so they did not have to worry about turning back.

 Therefore, they did not have to make calculations to conserve their strength.

 This allowed the attack team to fully demonstrate its original strength, leading to a rapid advance.

“The biggest contribution was made by Tauro-dono”

 Tsugumi, the captain of the escort team, emphasized Tauro’s contribution.

“No, but that doesn’t change the fact that the attack team is still fighting. I bow down to you all for your efforts against a strong enemy and for not being intimidated.”

 Tauro was humbled by Tsugumi’s words, and then the support group returned to the “break room.

“Oh, Tauro-dono, just in time! Tauro-dono, just in time. Actually, we’ve cleared the 264th level and reached the 265th level, so I’m here to report!”

 The support group members, who had apparently won a fierce battle to reach the 265th level, looked battered and bruised, but their eyes were shining brightly.

“Congratulations! I was already worried because it took almost a week to clear the 264th floor!”

 Tauro congratulated the support group when he heard their report.

“The 264th level realm guardians were so tough that we spent a whole day fighting them. The other monsters were strong, too, so it was tough.”

 The leader of the support group smiled as he answered in a nonchalant manner.

“Therefore, Tauro-dono. The key 265th level. ……,It looks like we are finally at the end of the line, I have called you here to ask you to witness the end it.”

“””” what?”””

 Tauro looked at the members of the escort team and supply team, including Ragune, Ankh, and Tsugumi, at his words.

 The end point, it marks the end of the dungeon capture, the long-cherished wish of the dragon people called the beginning of this dungeon.

 It was inevitable that everyone could not believe their ears.

“That means…”

 Tauro carefully asks back that he might have misheard.

“…… we have reached …… the deepest part of this dungeon, the ‘ Dungeon Core’!”

 The leader of the support group tried to politely respond to Tauro’s cautious attitude, but he could not contain his excitement and his last words were full of force.

 At his words, the 264th floor’s “break room” was instantly enveloped in a whirlpool of joy.


 The Dragon People had conquered the dungeon, which they had longed for. The Dragon People in the “break room” embraced each other, paid tribute to each other, and praised the achievement of the capture team for all their hard work.

 Tauro and Ankh were overwhelmed and dumbfounded by this spectacle, but Ragune embraced them with tears in her eyes and said, “Thank you!”, Expressing her gratitude.

 Thus, after several hundred years of endless battles to conquer the dungeon, the dragon people had finally conquered the dungeon of their beginnings, and Tauro, at the request of one of the dragon people, sent the members of the supply team to the ground by “spatial transfer” to report back.

“Tauro-dono, as I mentioned earlier, the capture team is waiting in the “dungeon core room” on the 265th level. A “break room” has been created in front of it, so please use “spatial transfer” to move there.”

 The leader of the support group said this and urged Tauro to use “spatial transfer.”

 Tauro felt that the support team must be impatiently waiting for them to arrive, so he, Ankh, Ragune, the escort team, and the support team formed a circle and “space shifted” to the 265th level break room.

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