Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 299: The Branch Manager’s Daughter
The room that Tauro was taken to, the branch manager’s office.
There was Salaman, the branch manager, his daughter Salaan, whom Salaman had introduced to him, and five of her companions.
The team consisted of six members including Salaan, and looking at the equipment other than Salaan’s, the team seemed to be well balanced with one spear, one shield, one mage, one bow, and one healer.
Only one person, Salaan, is missing any equipment.
It seems that she has a magic storage and usually doesn’t show her weapons
But from the composition, it would be a vanguard.
“Nice to meet you. Are you Tauro-dono? I am as my father introduced me, his daughter, Salaan. Thank you for accepting my request today.”
The daughter has the same long red hair and golden eyes as her father, Salaman, and although she is a head shorter than her father, she is still tall and well-proportioned, with the physique of a well-endowed athlete. Unlike the dynamic Salaman, she was well-disciplined, polite and likable.
“No, as an adventurer, I welcome the increase in the number of Quest, and I’m grateful for that.”
Tauro replies with a smile.
“I don’t really understand how the Adventurers’ Guild works, since I only heard about it from my father, but was that the right request form?”
Apparently, she was the one who submitted the request form.
“Yes, of course. If you had made a mistake, Ryuko-san, the receptionist, will point it out, so don’t worry. ──By the way, are you planning to dive to the 100th floor?”
“Yes. This time, I was planning to dive from the top to the 100th floor, but I heard from my father that the 86th floor was in trouble because of the ‘storm’, and he said it would be more efficient to ask Tauro-sama than to dive from the top….”
“Wahaha! Our daughters are still half-baked and not yet ready to become members of the capture group or their support members. They have come forward to support the middle level as training. However, it takes a lot of time, effort, and food to get to the middle level. Considering the efficiency, I recommended that Tauro-dono take them to the middle floor so that They could train more thoroughly.”
Haa, ……, is it training? Well, I guess that’s how the dragon people feel about it.
Tauro agrees,
“If that’s the case, I’ll send you on your way. I am an adventurer myself. As long as it’s in accordance with the regulations and I get paid accordingly, I have no complaints.”
I nodded.
“Hoho ……. That’s good to hear. Now I’ll be one step closer to my father again.”
Salaan’s goal is to be like her father Salaman.
Her friends, perhaps knowing this, watched Her warmly and patted her on the shoulder.
“Are you ready?”
Tauro confirms.
Yes, even if we didn’t get Tauro-dono’s approval, we were planning to start diving today.”
When Salaan answered, her teammates nodded in agreement.
“Okay then. Let’s head for the dungeon.”
Tauro gets up and leaves the Adventurers’ Guild with Salaan and the others.
Salaman said to his daughter, “Good luck!” And sent her off.
“After meeting the escort team at the castle gate, we will also meet the support and supply teams at the entrance of the dungeon to dive, and then I will guide you to the 100th level. By the way, what Level are you planning to be picked up from in the next few days?”
Tauro asked on the way to the castle gate.
“Ah, I forgot to say that. Please pick us up in 10 days from today. I don’t know how much we can dive in 10 days, but I think we can reach the 110th floor. So, so I will ask you to meet us at the ‘Break room’ on the 110th level. After that, we plan to dive again, and I will make another request at that time.”
Salaan answered with a smile for the first time here.
I understand. I will pick you up ten days after today at the 110th floor.”
Tauro promised, and joined the escort team with Tsugumi and the others.
“Good day to you, Tauro-dono. By the way, the guys behind you are ……, hmm? Is that Salaman’s daughter, Salaan, and the members of her group? What’s going on with you and Tauro-dono?”
In response to Tsugumi’s question, Tauro explained the situation and looked reluctant.
“It’s part of our training to dive steadily from above, Tauro-dono. Well, I know that Salaan’s group is not trying to cheat because they are coming in with their abilities. …… And I honestly think that Tauro’s abilities should be focused on the capture group. I’m not sure what to do about it, but if you’ve taken on the job as an adventurer, I can’t blame you. We are also tasked with escorting Tauro-dono, and we will go as far as we can.”
Tsugumi nodded his understanding.
In this way, we arrived in front of the dungeon, joined the replacement support group and supply group, and sent them off to the depths first.
Then, I joined Salaan and the others who were waiting in the “Break room” on the first level for my return, and moved up to the 100th level by “spatial transfer.”
“…Haa. You can really go to the target floor in such an instant… ──Alright, everyone! We’ve been given a chance to start from the 100th floor ‘break room’ that was our goal. Let’s go as far as we can go!”
Salaan encourages the members.
Salaan’s group thanked Tauro one by one,
“See you in 10 days, please!”
Saying that, they left the “break room” and went down the side steps to the 101st level.
“In our time, it was quite difficult to come this far, but thanks to Tauro-dono, the times have changed.”
Tsugumi smiles wryly as he sees off Salaan and the others.
“Haha. I see that the 101st level is that much higher. I don’t think I can make it without “spatial transfer” with my current abilities, even if I try really hard.”
Tauro was still laughing in a different way at the superhuman strength and standards of the dragon people.