Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 61: The Cursed Totem
I regained consciousness because Tauro had poured a potion on me.
The fact that I was soaked must have been because Tauro had poured so many precious potions on me.
In the midst of this thought, Tauro caught the Goblin Sorcerer’s attention and rolled away from me in the opposite direction.
When he looked, he saw the corpse of the goblin knight in front of him.
I didn’t remember. Did Tauro do this? It looks like he stabbed its neck.
Oh, this is no time to analyze such things.
I decided to help Tauro.
When he got up, he chopped off the head of the Goblin Sorcerer who had his back to him and was trying to hit Tauro with fire magic.
“Thank you for your help, Bob.”
Tauro smiled and thanked Bob as he ran over to him.
“No, I’m the one who was saved. Thank you.”
Bob looking tired, gave a weary smile
“Bob, once you have recovered the two right ears and the magic stone, can I ask you to report this to the guild?”
“Oh, yeah. What about you?”
“I thought I’d take a look inside the shrine.”
“Are you sure it’s okay to go alone?”
“Yes, I’ll be fine. If there’s any danger, I’ll run! No pressure.”
“All right, I’ll go back to the village after I get it.”
Bob replied, and the two parted ways.
Tauro arrived in front of the shrine.
“The shrine seems to be empty.”
When he peeked in from the entrance, he could see that there were many dark spirits gathered in the darkness.
Tauro had never seen so many spirits gathered in one place since he became able to see them, he didn’t take it for granted and decided to stay alert.
It was dark inside, so he used spirit magic to summon a spirit of light to illuminate the surroundings.
This way, he could walk safely without worrying about his footing.
As he walked deeper into the room, a bad stench hit his nose.
Animal carcasses were scattered all over the place, which was probably the source of the stench.
However, he was sure this wasn’t the stench that Bob smelled.
The number of spirits of darkness increased and the darkness grew thicker.
There was a strange scene unfolding in front of him with the light spirits illuminating the surroundings and the spirits of darkness pushing against each other in the same space. They seemed to be harmless so Tauro went on and reached a dead end.
There was a stone altar with a round stone sitting on it.
Dark spirits were thickly covering the area, but Tauro could see that they were keeping a distance.
In front of it, there was a totem that seemed to have been set up by the goblins to perform a spell made of various bones.
“It’s dirty and smelly, so let’s clean it up and get rid of the smell first.”
Tauro cast the “Purification” spell he always uses to clean his body on this totem.
The totem crumbled into sand and was blown away by the wind.
“Was it cursed by any chance? I’m glad I didn’t touch it…!”
Tauro panicked but was relieved to find that nothing had happened.
“Even the carcasses of animals have a strong stench, so I’ll clean up the entire shrine along with it.”
When he said that, he widened his span of the area, concentrated and chanted “Purification”.
How about now?
He could see the dark spirits moving a little closer to the round stone that sits on the altar.
“What? …Are you guys curious about that stone?”
Tauro spoke to the dark spirits.
Of course, there was no response, but he tried again, casting Purification on the stone.
Then the dark spirits, the black balls of light, moved a little closer again.
After all, the spirits seemed to want to get closer to this round stone.
So Tauro continued to chant “Purification” again and again.
However, Tauro who kept chanting the spell ran out of magic and almost collapsed on the spot.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t do any more today.”
Tauro who was hit by a strong feeling of fatigue drinks a bottle of magic recovery potion.
“I’ll be back tomorrow.” he said, leaving the shrine and heading back to the village.
He knew that if he stayed any longer, Bob would be worried and come looking for him.
Tauro proceeded to collect the trash in his magic storage as he headed for the entrance and when he exited the shrine, he put all the trash in one place from the magic storage and started heading back to the village.