Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 59: Strategy for Subjugation
When Tauro returned to the village of Dansas after losing the goblins chasing him, Bob was waiting for him.
“Tauro, are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine.”
Tauro smiled at Bob to calm him down.
“I’m sorry. It’s a bad habit of mine to come up with an escape plan only when the situation is the worst.”
Bob felt sorry for not being able to make the decision to escape quickly.
“No, I’m just glad that nothing happened to either of us.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I should be glad we’re okay now.”
Bob nodded, regaining his composure.
They went to the guild and reported to Chloe, the receptionist, that there were about ten goblins, a goblin sorcerer and a goblin knight living in the shrine.
“Eh! …I understand. But I’m in trouble. Bob, Tauro, and Kauno (62), a local farmer who specializes in gathering medicinal herbs are the only members of this guild right now. We have no choice but to ask adventurers from elsewhere, but everyone who came here has already left except Bob, and no one has come since.”
Chloe, the receptionist, sighed as she said this.
“What about the head of this guild’s branch?”
Tauro had been curious about this since he hadn’t seen his face since he came here.
I’m sure he’s a former adventurer, so he’ll be a force to be reckoned with.
“Right now, the head of this adventurer’s guild, Dansas branch, is absent.”
“When will he be back?”
“No, I mean the guild does not have a head at the moment. The previous head of the guild got angry with the villagers for being so cold to strangers right after he took office and quit immediately. Since then, we still have no one.”
“Eh…. When did that happen?”
Tauro asked, dumbfounded.
“It was about three months ago.”
“That’s right before I came to this village.”
Bob also looked dumbfounded.
“Yes, and I’ve been managing the guild ever since.”
This was more serious than he thought.
If the adventurers who had left here told others about the bad reputation of the guild, there was no way the adventurers who heard about it would want to come.
In the first place, this place cannot function without a branch chief.
If this continues, this branch will disappear.
I’m sure the villagers don’t want that to happen either, but this village is under some kind of curse from the outside.
Even if they understood, they would deny it.
This vicious cycle will not stop until they break the stench Bob is talking about.
However, adventurers won’t gather.
It looked like Bob and Tauro were going to have to defeat the goblins alone.
“The guild will request the two of you to take on the goblins as an emergency quest. No time frame is specified.”
Chloe, the receptionist, understood the situation and made the request.
“Let’s get our heads together. Bob and I will have to take them down.”
“But it’s going to be difficult to defeat a group of goblins including a goblin sorcerer and knight.”
“We don’t have to take them down all at once, or even right away.”
He grinned mischievously.
“Tauro, you’re making a bad face…”
Bob flinched.
From that day on, Bob and Tauro began a thorough hunt for goblins outside the shrine.
Since goblins act in groups, they didn’t push themselves too hard and retreated as soon as they were able to kill even one.
The goblin sorcerer and goblin knight must have found this troublesome because they sometimes led the goblins on a chase, but at that time they just ran away and hunted only the isolated goblins.
Anyway, for now, he didn’t want to deal with the rare species.
After a few days of this repetition, they had managed to reduce the number of ordinary goblins around the shrine to two.
“It’s about time, isn’t it?”
Bob, who had heard Tauro’s scouting report, suggested impatiently.
“We shouldn’t be in a hurry. Once the rest of the goblins are gone, the sorcerer and knight will have to find their own food. That’s our chance.”
Bob was ashamed of his impatience and obeyed honestly.
The next day, the two remaining goblins that had taken up residence in the shrine went out to get food and never returned.
Tauro spent the next two days watching the shrine.
Tauro who has “Presence Block” and “Magic Storage” that can store food indefinitely was suitable for surveillance and he suggested that Bob let him take over the watch and also asked him to save his strength for the main event.
Tauro has a lot of special abilities, but his basic status is that of a child.
When the time came to fight, he would have to rely on Bob for firepower.
In the midst of all this, the goblin Knight finally emerged from the shrine.
It was finally time to settle the score.
Thanks for the chapter