Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 38: There’s a monster in our midst
───── It’s not a good idea to leave it as it is, is it?
And so, the captain himself took out a pair of scissors, and the grown adult man burst into a screaming fit, saying, “I don’t want to do it, I don’t want to,” acting as if he was about to be killed.
“Don’t do this! You’re a demon! You guys demons! Demons, demons, demons!”
“You can’t just leave it like that.”
“People will think we have a prowler amongst us knights.”
“Give up, Nils. Just a little bit of tidying up is all.”
When the men around him jeered and jeered at him in a chilling tone, He turned around, points and shouts.
“A little bit of─────?! You guys won’t be strangers to this! When you wake up in the morning, and it’s time to count the loose hairs on your pillow, and I don’t know if you’re already near it. ───── Ah ‥‥‥‥”
The vice captain’s iron gavel finally fell on the too effeminate weeping.
“Now, things have quieted down. Let’s get on with it. Captain.”
“…Oh, oh. You’re so ruthless sometimes. Huh? What happened to your glasses? Did they break?”
“I don’t need them anymore.”
Once it was quiet, the person responsible, the culprit, peeked out from behind the chore boy.
“Why don’t I change it back? Then he might think he was dreaming, right?”
In everyone’s silence, Nils’s hair was given a warm welcome. ──────I was a bit moved.
We all agreed that it was indeed pitiful. It’s also true that I could see a future where it would be loud and noisy if ───── it was back to normal when he woke up.
───── woof.
Hakuyo let out an exasperated sigh, wondering what the humans were making such a fuss about.
Nils, who had been given a clean haircut, was rolled onto the ground.
“Is that okay?”
“Don’t worry – someone will retrieve him at the appropriate time.”
─────Come on, let’s all eat this together. The chore boy moves around nonchalantly.
The miu berries were very popular. Everyone knows that they are a luxury item, so they taste them with great care. He was rolled over and ignored.
“I’ve only ever eaten thinly sliced stuff.”
“Oh, I couldn’t taste anything.────Now, Miss. I’d like to ask you a few questions.”
“isn’t that my job?”
whichever. Either of them is fine. Just as I was thinking that, a third person intervened from behind.
“I see, how old are you? You look young, but you’re quite young.”
“since you said so, how old are you? You look young, but you’re quite ─────”*
─────bam─────whack!! ─────sliiide ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥
“You wanted to ask me a question? What is it?”
I smiled elegantly and showed it, but I wonder what happened? Everyone looks pale, right?
──────Oh, are you curious about the “chair” I’m sitting on?
I just did a little “cleaning up”, okay?*
────── A yawn escaped from Hakuyo.