Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 9: Fate of the World

After completing Meyleen’s check-up, Bennett-san handed Kenta some recipes for nutrient-rich, easy-to-eat liquid meals that are suitable for pregnant women suffering from severe morning sickness. Using Kenta’s teleportation magic, Bennett-san, along with Ivern and Yulia, returned to town.

As she watched Kenta teleport back, Bennett let out a deep sigh.

“Good grief, I’ve really been dragged into something outrageous.”

She cast a sidelong glance at Ivern and Yulia.

“Well… it’s just that we had no one else we could rely on but you, Bennett-san.” 

Yulia admitted, looking slightly guilty but firm in her resolve to help her friend.

Hearing Yulia’s words, Bennett gave a wry smile.

“You must care a lot about Meyleen, huh?”

“Yep! She’s my best friend!”

Watching Yulia beam with a bright smile, Bennett remembered something—Yulia had endured a rather unfortunate upbringing herself.

“The pain of not being cherished by family is something only those who’ve been through it can understand. And to be betrayed by those you’d hoped to trust… it’s unbearably sad.”

Yulia’s face grew somber as she spoke.

Having heard both Kenta and Meyleen’s stories in detail back at Kenta’s house, Bennett couldn’t help but sympathize.

Although Yulia’s expression showed sadness for a moment, she quickly brightened.

“That’s why I trust Kenta so much—he’ll protect Meyleen no matter what. I really, really want them to be happy together!”

Seeing Yulia’s innocent smile, Bennett turned to Ivern, who showed no sign of disagreeing.

“I feel the same way. They deserve happiness, and no one has the right to take that away from them.”

Ivern continued. 

“Even if their hearts are a little damaged, I still bless their union. The ones who hurt them were the people of this world. If they wanted revenge, we couldn’t blame them, yet they’re choosing restraint. We should be grateful for that.”

Bennett widened her eyes, surprised by Ivern’s insight.

“You… You realized that their hearts are damaged?”

Ivern and Yulia both nodded in response.

“Otherwise, it wouldn’t be so easy for them to talk about killing. In fact, some particularly sleazy bounty hunters have gone missing…”

“Meyleen may be gentle and kind most of the time, but when it comes to the Demon Kingdom, she flat-out says, ‘The entire new regime should die,’ without a hint of humor.”

Listening to the two, Bennett realized just how precarious Kenta and Meyleen’s mental state was. She swallowed hard, then spoke seriously to them.

“Listen. The only reason those two still retain a shred of humanity is because they have friends like you who stand by them. You give them a reason to believe there are still people in this world they can trust. So, please, whatever you do, never betray them. If you did…”

Bennett took a deep breath before continuing.

“This time, those two would bare their fangs against the world itself.”

Ivern and Yulia quietly absorbed her words.

“If that happens, it truly would be the end of this world. You both need to understand that the fate of the world rests in your hands.”

Hearing this, Ivern and Yulia exchanged a glance, then looked back at Bennett with a wry smile.

“That goes for you too, Bennett.”


Now that he mentioned it, it was true.

Thanks to the sincere way she had handled Meyleen’s check-up, Bennett felt that both Kenta and Meyleen had come to trust her quite a bit.

“…I’ve really gotten myself into something troublesome, haven’t I?”

Bennett gave a wry smile as she dangled the permit Kenta had handed her on her way out, allowing her to pass through his barrier at will.

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