Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 14: The Strongest Onmyoji, Audience with the King of Giants

We reached the capital of the giants before sunset.

“Hmm, this one doesn’t look like a royal capital either...or rather, it resembles a human village. Only in shape.”

Below me were rows of rustic houses, mostly made of wood.

Continuing from the royal capital of the demon ogre, it doesn’t have a very urban atmosphere. Compared to over there, it looked more like a human village because no monster bones were used.

However, aside from its size.

“It’s huge, everything.”

Even the wood used in the houses looked different.

If you turn your eyes to the plantation area, you’ll find huge crops that you’ve never seen before.


“Giants live a life quite different from humans and other demons.”

Risolera said.

“They eat different foods and use different tools ....... That’s why they don’t have much contact with other people. They have a different reason for living the way they do”

“Hmm, is that so?”

Well, that’s a big race. Of course, the culture is also unique.

I mutter while looking at the bundle of Hitogata.

“Well, this time it’s a giant opponent... how can I make him calm down...”

The guards are undoubtedly huge. It’s not impossible to shake off the threads of the earth spider or 《Jurouho》.

I was wondering what to do...

“I don’t think you need to worry about the gatekeeper.”

The one who said that was King Vill.

“Unlike the people of my race, i doubt they would attack suddenly.”

“No,...... actually, we’ve been attacked in the same way by both the devils and the beastmen. So I’m sure it will be the same this time.”

“Probably because you frightened the soldiers.”

King Vill said as he fixed the glasses that were too small for his face.

“Giants are different. They know they’re powerful. Even if you’re riding dragons, if they know you can talk to them, they’ll treat you with respect.”

“Huh, is that so? Then...”


King Vil spoke with a slightly distorted expression as if stabbing a nail.

“Except for the king. He is a violent man. It might be better to show him clearly what you’re capable of.”

“Huh? You're say that too...”


The reputation was the complete opposite of King Vill’s reputation.

What kind of king is he?


The giant’s royal palace was a remarkably huge mansion made of thick logs that humans couldn’t even cut down.

Even though it’s called a mansion, unlike King Fili Nair’s mansion, it doesn’t seem to be the king’s personal property. That’s why it’s a “royal palace”, Risolera said.


When the dragon landed in front of the royal palace, the lone gatekeeper said so in an intimidating voice.

This gatekeeper is also huge. He must be about the same as the representative who came to Rurumu Village.

The gatekeeper giant tells us, keeping his spear upright.

“Who is this?”

I get off the cage and answer.

“My name is Seika Lamprog. I am the supposed Demon King. I am here to see the king of the giants.”

“... What is the proof?”

The gatekeeper asked a few words without changing his expression.

I hesitated for a moment, then indicated the dragon and the kings who rode it.

“With my servant Dragon, I am accompanied by the King of Demons, Beastmen, and Ogres. Is this proof?”

The gatekeeper was silent for a while.

Naturally, this gatekeeper giant wouldn’t know the face of another race’s king. So the question is, can you believe my words?

While I was slightly nervous while waiting, the gatekeeper suddenly turned on his heel and said.


Seeing the back of the giant walking towards the open gate, I was impressed and muttered.

“... oh, he really didn’t attack me.”


I was guided to a room that was even bigger than the one where the ogre queen dowager was.

“Welcome, Maou-sama. Nice to meet you.”

A small giant was waiting for us.

About approximately 4.5m. He’s big, but not as big as the representative or the gatekeeper.

He wasn’t old enough to be called an old man, but he looked like he was quite old even among the long-lived races. From the clothes he wears, you can tell that he is in a high position.

“I am Jormudo Lu. I am the former king of the giants, and I am in charge of the current government affairs.”

While speaking in a relaxed tone that sounded like a whale singing, Jormud Lu bent over and held out his hand.

I said with a confused expression while squeezing his huge hand back.

“... I wonder if you won’t let me meet the king.”

“...? No. I think he’ll be here soon.”

Just as Jormud Roo answered with a puzzled look, the door to the hall banged open.

“Father! Sorry, I’m late!”

A shirtless boy appeared.

He is rather small for a giant. From what I saw, it was only about 8 shaku (about 2.4 meters). As if he had been training, he had a mock sword on his waist and was sweating.

His short-cut hair makes him look very youthful among the bearded giants.

The giant boy looked startled when he saw us.

“Uh, a guest! Sorry! What is it, father, if someone is here, please tell me!”

“... I should have told you, Gauss. What would a king do with such an outfit?”

Jormud Lu said in amazement.

“You’re in front of the Demon King. Please dress appropriately.”


King Gauss had left the room...or so I thought, but the hall’s door banged open again.

“What!? Demon King!?”

Leaving the former king holding his head down, King Gauss rushed over and forcibly took my hand.

“Was that you! I wanted to see you, Maou-sama!”

Shaking my hand, King Gauss said with a big smile.

“Were you not in the village of divine Demons? Why did you come all this way!”

“Um... I didn’t really understand the inner workings of the giants just from Ente Goo-dono’s story, so I wanted to ask you about that...”

“In other words, you wanted to talk to me!? That’s a wish! In fact, I also had something I really wanted to ask you!”

“A favor.....?”

King Gauss said with a big smile to me who was taken aback by the momentum.

“If you form the Demon King’s Army, definitely make me the number one spear!”


Jormudo Lu said bitterly.

“Let’s not get in the way. And the number one spear, and so on...”


King Gauss shouted back.

“I’m an idiot, so I don’t know how difficult it is, but I do understand that the old way of life can’t be continued forever. The outside world continues to develop, and if things continue like this, our race will one day perish. Fight. We have to have a will!”

Then King Gauss turns to me and says.

“Hey. You’re as small as a human, but you’re strong because you’re a demon king, aren’t you? Train my soldiers! Start with me, how about me?”


Jormudo Lu said in a reproachful tone.

“It’s enough, back down for a moment. You shouldn’t talk like that.”

“Chee... I’m sure there’s always a point in what my father says! I understand!”

Slowly, King Gauss leaves the room with long strides.

In the midst of an indescribable atmosphere, Jormud Lu said tiredly.

“It’s embarrassing... But for the time being, he’s my son and the king of the giants. Even though he doesn’t have real power right now, I sometimes get lost as to whether I should let him succeed the previous king’s position.”

Jormudo Lu continued apologetically.

“The demon king said that he had come to hear from the king about the internal affairs of our tribe. But as you can see at ....... If possible, I hope you will allow me, Jormund Lu, to address the Demon Lord.”


I glanced at Risolera.

From now on, the king seems to be decent enough, and I’m beginning to feel that it’s better for me, but...

When Risolera noticed my gaze, she said to Jormud Lu.

“Um... Demon King-sama wants all the kings to meet together. That’s the way it is now.”

She seemed somewhat unsure of herself. The momentum is not there.

Jormud Lu was in a moment of hesitant silence, and then he said.


“Umm, is that okay?  He said he wanted to take your king, but...”

“Yes. He was born small to me and my wife, but he’s still a giant. He has enough power to protect himselff. Accompanying Demon King-sama is a good opportunity to broaden his knowledge. It will be… But, Maou-sama....”

Jormud Lu said in a tone of weight befitting his predecessor status.

“We, the giants--- above all, we want the same peace as before.”


“I was able to come out peacefully, but...”

One minute later. We were up in the sky again.

Gauss Lu, the new king of the giants, is on board.

“Uwaaahhhhhhhh! It’s my first time flying in the sky! This is the best!”

“...as usual, he’s a noisy man.”

As King Gauss made a fuss behind him, King Vill said while fixing his glasses.

“I can’t feel even a sliver of intelligence. If this is the king of giants, the former king will surely have a headache.”

“Hey. A demon ogre who pretends to be a scholar, don’t throw cold water on my emotions!”

The mood is getting sour on its own. It seemed that the two were not compatible with each other.

“These two have always been like this. You don’t have to worry too much.”


After responding appropriately, Risolera continued.

“By the way, the demon ogre and the former king of the giants were on bad terms with each other since they were little.”


I silently looked back at Risolera.

The demon girl said while looking at the setting sun.

“Come on, Seika.


I ride the dragon.

At the same time, a question popped up in his head.

The lifespan of the divine demons should have been about twice that of humans. Not to mention the giants, it is far from the demon ogre.

Why does Risolera know about the early childhood of the former king?

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