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Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 93: The Compassion of a Samurai

 Claude’s offer was a godsend. I was so sorry to see Albert and his friends having such a hard time, so I’m really grateful.

“That would be a great help. I’d love to hear from you. Then, please start tomorrow.”

“Oh, that’s great. Everyone will be happy.”

 Claude laughs as he says this. He is a macho man, but when he laughs, he looks like a young boy.

 Sophia-chan is extremely attached to Mr. Claude and rubs her forehead against his thigh. Claude also does on her. I wonder if there is something that the two dog-like beastmen feel for each other.

“Mr. Claude, I’m going to ask you a question that is difficult to ask. If you don’t want to answer, you don’t have to. Are all of your companions, Claude, um… beastmen?”

“As you may have guessed, my companions and I are all dog-type beastmen. We’re fast and never get our deliveries wrong. We also have good stamina. I think we’re suited to delivery work.”

“I appreciate that. But we will also be delivering to homes where patients are staying. Will that be okay?”

“Don’t worry, we rarely catch diseases from the general public. I’m grateful that you hired me even though you knew I was a beastman.”

 Mr. Claude said and left.

 The next day, Mr. Claude brought his friends with him, bringing the total number of delivery people at the “hideaway” to six.

 Since the number of delivery staff increased, more people who see them on the street have started placing orders on the spot. Customers are pleased, saying, “It’s convenient to be able to order without having to go all the way to the store.”

 Having finished his lunch delivery and eating his late meal at around 2pm, Claude approached me with a look of admiration.

“Both your delivery backpacks and lunch boxes are very well thought out. You’re a visionary, Miss Mai.”

“Thank you.”

 That’s because I’m using knowledge from the previous world. All of my cooking is also thanks to my predecessors.

“And the food here is great. I am grateful to be able to eat such good food every day.”

“That’s right. We were also impressed with the food at first.”

 Illustration (By Mitemin)


 Albert, who has been shoveling down his food with a one-two-one-two ferocity, responded to Claude. Both of them are smiling, but I could sense that Albert was being considerate towards Claude. It must be awkward, getting caught by a group of dog-like beastmen while trying to set fire to a place.”

 While I was thinking about that, I heard Henry’s voice coming from the piercing.

“I need to talk to you for a minute, is this a good time?”

“It’s fine. What’s wrong?”

“Her Majesty the Queen has fallen ill and would like some of your potions. Her Majesty’s chamberlain  has asked for you. She has already taken the potion from the magic department twice, but her symptoms has not improved.”

 I get nervous when I hear that it is the queen.

“I understand. Do you want me to carry the potions?”

“No, I’ll go and get it now. See you then.”

 Mr. Henry arrived on horseback. Not alone, but accompanied by a middle-aged gentleman with silver hair and blue eyes.

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Roman Ellington, Her Majesty’s chamberlain. Thank you for providing the potion.”


“It’s  not that they are doubting you or me, Mai, so please don’t be offended by Lord Ellington accompanying me.”

“It is all right. I don’t mind. I have bottled the potions for you, Sir Ellington. I prepared five bottles just in case. Here you go.”

 I handed him a wooden box filled with wood shavings and a long, thin portion bottle, and asked him what was on my mind.

“How did you know that the maker of the potions that the guard was handing out were related to Mr. Henry?”

“It’s ……”

 Sir Ellington glanced at Mr. Henry, who then explained.

“Lord Ellington’s job is to gather information not only about the royal capital, but from all over the country. Apparently, news of the amazing effectiveness of the potions being handed out by the guards soon reached his ears. From there, he told His Majesty, who then contacted my adoptive father and said, ‘I suspect that the potions being handed out by the guards are being made by Mai. If so, I would like you to share some with me.’ My adoptive father then confirmed this with me. He was surprised, as he had no idea about the potions.”

“Is that so? I understand now.”

 I said this to Mr. Henry and Mr. Ellington and saw them off, but when I was alone, I mumbled, “Wow, scary.” I mean, a man whose job it is to gather information in the country, that means he has people under his command who gather information all over the place. Also, asking the Howler family instead of Henry-san is very royal.

“Mai-tan, what are you scared of?”


 Illustration (By Mitemin)

 Doggie Sophia was at my feet.

“Sophia-chan? How long have you been there?”

“Mmmm, I don’t know.”

“Have you always been a doggie?”

“Woof-woof, now.”

 Thank goodness. If there had been an uncommonly large puppy, Sir Ellington would have realized that it was a beastman.

“Fee-chan, Claulo, like.”

“Claulo”? Ah, Mr. Claude? You’re so sweet.”

“Mai-tan, do you like Claulo?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Mai-tan. I love claulo! I love him!”

 Hmm? Am I misunderstanding something? But it would be weird to say “What does ‘like’ mean in this case” to a three-year-old. Please just don’t say in front of Henry, “Mai-tan said she likes Claulo!”

 Sophia runs around Claude and his friends, sometimes biting and tugging at their pants while still in her toddler form, but they all laugh and play along with her. Dog-type beastmen get along well with each other after all.

 Come to think of it, I wonder how the beastmen of the Kingdom of Arcetheus are doing. I wonder if they have had any unpleasant experiences in this country. Has Claude heard anything about them?

“Have anyone from the Kingdom of Arcetheus ever come to your shop, Mr. Claude?”

“Yes. The civil servants came often. They said that the food and alcohol here in the kingdom were delicious and they liked it.”

“Were they not being made to feel uncomfortable just because they’re beastmen?”

“I have never heard of that. In the first place, the only people who come to our country are important people. Even if someone has prejudice against beastmen, I don’t think they would be able to be rude to those people.”

 I see. I’m glad to hear that. I hope that the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Arcetheus will lessen the prejudice against beastmen in this country. It breaks my heart just thinking about what might happen to Sophia when she grows up and starts working in society.

 In the evening, I got a call from Henry.

“After being tested for poison, Mai’s potion was safely handed over to the Queen. Thank you for today.”

“You’re welcome. I hope she gets better soon.”

“I’m sure it will get better.”

 This is just my amateur opinion, but I think the potion boosts the immune system. If the potion eradicates the disease itself, the chicken pox will disappear without scabbing. I confirmed with Victor that my potion, which is said to be more effective than the potion at the castle, also cures the disease after it has gone through its stages and scabbed over. He said the difference between taking the potion and not taking the potion is the time it takes to heal.

 I hope that your immune system will be strong, your majesty, and that it won’t be too late, as it was for me.

 That night, after I got into bed, I heard Henry’s voice.

“Are you still awake?”

“Yes, I’m awake. Are you at your quarters, Henry?”

“Yes. I just took a hot bath and laid down on the bed. I’ve seen the delivery men from the hideout a few times in town recently, and I feel like I’ve seen one of them somewhere before. I was wondering where  had seen him.”

“Ah, yes, yes. I hired Mr. Claude and his friends as delivery men. Mr. Claude is the one who worked hard running around the outermost perimeter of the dyeing factory.”

“Ah, it was him, that dog-type beastman. ……”

“You don’t like that l hired Claude and the others?”

“No way. How narrow-minded do you think I am?”

“Thank goodness. You’re not like that, are you, Henry?”

 After a subtle pause, he said, ‘that’s right. I don’t mind. Then I’m going to bed. Good night,’, his voice a little lower than usual. It sounded like his voice when he was turning into a cat, but it was a warrior’s mercy. I’ll pretend I didn’t notice.

Tl note:

武士の情けだ: Bushi no nasake) is a Japanese phrase that refers to the concept of mercy – samurai compassion.

The Bushido code was a moral code that samurai were expected to follow, and was similar to a code of chivalry for medieval knights. The samurai were expected to exercise their power over life and death with discretion, and to kill only for the right reasons.

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