Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 50: Mr. Henry had the hang of it.

 The day after the festival. Mr. Henry apologizes apologetically when he comes to lunch.

 “You have a lesson with Mr. Glidden tonight. I promised to be there, but I’m going to be very late. Worst case scenario, I may not make it in time. The Prime Minister has invited me to dinner.”

“The Prime Minister ……. That’s an invitation you absolutely cannot refuse. I’m sure I can handle it.”

“I am truly sorry.”

 I served him coffee, hoping he needn’t have worried.

“There were no coffee beans in the Coulou area either, so I converted the acorns again and turned them into coffee beans. I came up with a great way to do it.”

“you stuck with acorns.”

“I wanted to make it with materials close at hand. This time, I peeled the acorns and removed the seeds, and then I removed the stuff that was inside the acorns and converted them into coffee beans. and the flavor was better than before.”

 After taking a sip, Henry makes an “Oh?”  look.

“It smells faintly like fruit. I can understand peeling it, but how do you get rid of that stuff?”

“All at once with transformation magic. Would you like to see?”

“By all means.”

 I placed five acorns on a wooden plate, then placed another wooden plate next to it and released the transformation magic.

 The skin and stuff remained on the first wooden plate, and only the contents appeared on the plate next to it.

 “See? Now I’ll take the naked acorn over here……”

 “Wait a minute. I was wondering why you had two plates lined up, but now a naked acorn has appeared on this one.”

“Yes. I want to avoid touching the bugs as much as possible, so I want to separate the plates. When I cast the transformation spell, all I have to do is imagine a naked acorn appearing on this plate over here. I wasn’t given any knowledge on this, but I tried it and it worked.”

 Henry seems impressed that the naked acorn moved?

“Even when the table becomes a two-wheeled cart, things get partially moved, don’t they? In the case of the ginger ale I often make, the ginger in the basket and the honey in the bottle are reduced by the amount used. In other words, the ingredients move into the wine bottle. I think that’s what transformation magic is all about.”

 Mr. Henry is expressionless. He is thinking about something while tracing his lips with his index finger. This is a habit that Henry has when he is in serious thought. He had traced the rim of the cup with his finger before.

“I don’t know what ginger ale is, so could you make some and show me?”


 To make it easier to understand, I placed a plate of ginger and a bottle of honey on the table, and prepared an empty wine bottle on the table next to it. I used water magic to fill the bottle with cold water and then cast transformation magic.

 I poured the finished ginger ale into two cups, offered it to him, and drank it myself, saying, “Here you go.” The same nostalgic taste as usual. At “Café Riyo,” it was served with a lemon cut into wedges.

 Henry looked at the ginger carefully and then at the jar of honey. The ginger was smooth and reduced as if the cut end had melted, and the honey was also reduced by lines on the bottle. After confirming that, Henry drank the ginger ale.

“It certainly is moving. What about these ale-like bubbles?”

“I added it because part of the air contains something called carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is, uh …… humans, animals, and plants all have a lot of carbon dioxide in their exhaled breath. Even the bubbles in ale are the result of the breathing of tiny, invisible creatures.”

“Ah shit…”

 Mr. Henry puts his hand to his forehead.

“I’m not sure how I feel about this, I would rather be with you than having dinner with the Prime Minister, both mentally and in terms of learning. It’s a shame that I can’t say no due to my position.”

“I’ve been here a long time, looking forward to your arrival, Henry. So please dine with the Prime Minister tonight.”

“I have been here all along, waiting with great anticipation for you to come and see me. So please dine with the Prime Minister tonight.”

 Henry raised his head, which had been bowed, and looked at me.

“Say that again, please”

“ I’m I going to make ginger ale again?”

“No, I mean, repeat what you just said.”

“Henry, I’ll be here all the time, waiting for you to come and visit me.”*

 I said with a smile, and Mr. Henry put his elbows on the table and buried his face in his hands. I gently stroked his hair, thinking how cute he was. Henry-san muttered with his face buried in his hands.

“I am more and more shaken in my resolve. I wish to refuse to dine with the Prime Minister.”

“No, please go and dine with him.”

“I know I should go.”

 With that, Mr. Henry looks up and says something surprising.

“As a thank you for your kind words, how about I turn into a cat?”

“What! Really? You can now transform into a cat at will?”

 I was excited for a moment, but then I realized, no, I shouldn’t be happy. This guy has been struggling with being a half-beast all his life, separated from his mother, and he doesn’t even know his own father’s name.

“No, I don’t mind after all.”

“You just made a very happy face, didn’t you? I’ve come up with a way to quickly turn into a cat. When it’s time to turn back into a human, just remember the face of the snobby military doctor and you’ll be able to do so quickly.”

“What do you imagine when you become a cat?”

“I can’t tell you.”

 With that, he strutted off into the back of the kitchen’s sign curtain, and soon a black cat the size of Mr. Henry emerged.


 It’s been a while since I last saw Henry the cat. No matter how many times I see him, he’s still cool. And beautiful.

 Even though he has a slender, graceful silhouette, his leg muscles rise and fall as he walks, his eyes are a brighter emerald green than when he is in human form, his fur is shiny, and even his whiskers are graceful. I love the mysterious way his tail  sways back and forth like it’s another creature. I’m sure his paw pads are fluffy. He does usually wear shoes after all. They’re as soft as a newborn kitten’s.

 I breathed quickly, I had forgotten to breathe in my happiness and excitement.

 Mr. Henry the cat was staring at me panting, so I made a face like, “I’m not really excited,”  but I think he could tell.

 Mr. Cat Henry slowly came in front of me.

“Go ahead.”

 With that, he sat down in front of me and gently placed his chin on my lap. I stroked his black, round head, took his face between my hands, and let out a sigh, “Haaaa.”

 His long, black tail tapped the floor with a thumping, making a nice sound. The stiff whiskers push back when I stroke them with my fingertips. I turned his lips to reveal pink and black mottled gums. Yotaro also had mottled gums. I was fascinated by those mottled spots!

“Wait a minute. Mai, did you do this to Yotaro too? Didn’t he turn his lip and bite you?”

“He didn’t bite me. He was purring and happy.”

 Even when I turned up his lips, he didn’t bite me. In fact, I even kissed him a lot. Yotarou was quietly enjoying the kisses. Every time Grandma found me, she would get angry and say, “Stop that! That’s unsanitary!”

 No, no, no. People who don’t live with cats will be put off if you say you were kissing a cat. Let’s not mention anything about the kissing.

“Perhaps you kissed Yotaro on the mouth?”

 How do you know?

“No, never.”

“You never did?”

“Well, you know…”

 Asking a question despite being certain of the fact is “mean.” While I was thinking of an excuse,  Mr. Henry the cat came close to me and licked my lips twice.

 Seeing me frozen in shock, Henry the cat laughed bashfully, “Pfft,” and looked away, as if embarrassed.

“Well then, it’s time for me to return to the castle.”

 With that, he returned to his human form again in an instant and left.

 Mr. Henry is more assertive when he is a cat. 

TL Note:

Noren/sign curtain hung at shop entrance,reputation (of a store),goodwill curtain.

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