Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 18: Anxiety about getting along

 Mr. Henry is scolding Mr. Kyrias with a scary voice that I’ve never heard before.

“Kyrias, can’t you see the sign on the door? The store is closed. What common sense is there in banging on the window of a closed store? Mai-san has caught a cold and is taking the day off.”

“I saw the sign. But you’re also here Mr. Henry. How did you get into the store?”

 Mr. Henry, who had peeked into the store as well, choked up with a “gulp”. Mr. Kyrias is a smart and well-spoken man. 

“I guess you peeked through the curtains, too, didn’t you? Well, never mind. You see, there was something I wanted to confirm about the construction. I asked the other civil servants and they told me you were leaving early today, so I thought maybe you were here.”

“What construction thing?”

“You told me to send out a wizard who is good at earth magic to replace the girder bridge, right? The best user of earth magic has returned to the countryside. The reason being that his mother, who lives alone, was badly injured and he wanted to go check on her. As you can imagine, I couldn’t really tell him not to go. He took some potions with him, so if that cures her, I’m sure he’ll come back soon, but his family’s house is far away, so he can’t come back right away.”


“That’s, well, that’s true.”

 Mr. Henry toned down.

"If we used a wizard who is weak at earth magic, it will be troublesome if something happens."

“Right? I wanted to ask for your advice on what to do. I’ll be busy with another project starting tomorrow.”

“Then we’ll rework the plan without that wizard.” 

“You do that. So, how is Mai-san doing?”

“She has a high fever”

“What? Come on, tell me quickly. I’ll get you a potion from the magic department.”

“Potions are strictly controlled. You can’t take them out without permission.”

“We can put one bottle of potions in a separate container and they will never know.”

 That’s a disturbing story. If you mean messing around with valuable items, please don’t do it. It’s not like the end of a tree cake.

“Please don’t do anything that could get Mai in trouble.”

“It’ll be fine.”

“Kyrias, don’t.”

 I thought Mr. Henry was clumsy, but he had a dexterous voice. Mr. Kyrias fell silent under the pressure of Mr. Henry’s scary voice.

“Kyrias-kun, no thanks for the potion. I’m going to sleep now.”

“I understand. I’m going back then. Take care. What about you,  Henry-san?”

“I’m staying.”

“Hmm. Mai-san, you look really pale. Well, take care of yourself.

 Henry saw Kyrias off and then came back after closing the curtains tightly. He placed a damp cloth on my forehead, which helped ease my headache a little.

 The next time I woke up, it was pitch black outside. There was more firewood in the fireplace, and the kettle was whirring away in the corner. Henry was asleep with his head on the table. He’s always tired.


 It seems that the worst of the cold has passed, and my headache is much better. My joint pain and nausea have also subsided a little. I quietly got up and lit the candles. As I was lighting all the candles that were placed here and there, Henry woke up.

“Are you okay to move?”

“Yes. I feel much better.”

“How’s your appetite, Mai?”

“I’d like some rice porridge. I’m going to make it now. Would you like to join me, Henry?”

“Tell me and I’ll make it.”

 Normally I would say, “No, it’s okay,” but I think (just for today, I may allow myself to be pampered). I’m not sure I can stand upright for the whole time I’m making porridge. If I make it while sitting down, Henry will get worried again.

“May I ask you for a favor?”

“Of course. Please just sit there and direct me.”

 I sat down in the chair, wrapped in a blanket, and explained to him, starting with how to wash rice. As I watched Henry sharpening the rice with an unaccustomed hand, I felt a lump in my throat and panicked. I realized that the sight of someone washing rice reminded me of my family.

 My parents died early in a car accident, and then I got sick and entered this world. I have had few ties with my family in my life.

 I don’t want to be sad anymore, so I have decided to be kind to everyone in this world, but not to get too close with anyone. And if I can make someone smile once a day, that’s enough.

 I am still living the life that should have ended since. I want to use this life that I was saved to be cheerful, to have fun, and to bring a smile to someone’s face. I don’t want to waste my life crying.

 But when he treats me so kindly, I can't help but want to rely on him. No one knows how long he'll be with me, not even Mr. Henry himself.

 Losing someone important to you is painful, like your body is being torn apart. If I were to experience that pain again, I'm not sure if I'd be able to recover and walk again. That’s why I...

“Mai-san? Is something wrong?”

"Nothing. I'm regretting that I overestimated my physical strength.”

“I’m also incredibly healthy, and even as a child I only had a fever once. Maybe that’s why I tend to push myself too hard.”

“You’re always tired.”

 The pot began to make a bubbling sound.

“Please move the logs to reduce the fire. One stick is all you need.”

“Like this?”


 After a short silence, Mr. Henry spoke up, keeping his eyes on the pot.

“Do I always look tired?”

“I’m sorry if I offended you. That’s how it seems to me. I just assumed you had a mountain of work to do and were working like crazy without cutting corners.”

“I see. ……”

“I’d like to ask you something, Mr. Henry, if I may. I told you that my grandmother gave me magical knowledge and magical powers, but you, Mr. Henry, you never asked me if I can use magic.”

“Well, that’s …… ah, I see. So Mai-san isn't that knowledgeable about this world."

 What does this mean?

“There are quite a few people who are born with magical powers. But very few are born with enough magical power to become wizards, so asking someone, “Can you use magic?” Is a very irritating question depending on the person you are asking.”


“People with magical powers are cherished from childhood, but there are less than a handful who have enough magical power to become sorcerers. Even if they have magical power, there are also people who cannot use magic well. There are only nine people in the castle’s Magic Department right now. It is that narrow. There are a rather large number of people who have both a sense of superiority and a sense of inferiority because they only have half-baked magical powers.”

“Are you saying that they are suffering because of their special abilities?”


 I remembered the face of a childhood friend in my neighborhood.

 Yae-chan was very good at the piano. She had won various competitions since she was little, and even went on to music college.

“I was reminded that there’s always somebody better. I was just an ordinary person in a group of geniuses from all over Japan. I had it all wrong. I have sacrificed everything for the piano since I was a child, but I was nowhere near the level of a true genius. No matter how hard I tried, there was a wall that I couldn’t overcome with effort alone.”

 With these words, Yae never played the piano again after graduating from music school. She said, “I feel sorry for the lessons my parents paid for, and I will never be able to look them in the eye.”

 She also said, “I think it is the same for professional soccer and baseball players. Even those who end up in the minor leagues and never get into the spotlight were probably heroes in their hometowns.”

 Eventually, the porridge was cooked. I just sprinkled a few shavings of rock salt on it. I decided to eat it with some minced meat, which I always have on hand for Mr. Henry’s regular together with them. 

“It’s something I keep for myself. It’s made from finely chopped meat and flavored with sweet and spicy seasoning. It looks plain, but it’s delicious.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

 Henry eats slowly and little by little because he has a sensitive tongue. I ate the hot porridge that almost burned my mouth. Hot porridge warms you from the inside out and cheers you up.

 While we were eating, Henry talked to me in a casual manner.

"I'm adopted and half beastman. I've always wanted to not lose to anyone. When people find out I'm half beastman, I don't want them to say, 'Oh, I thought so.' If I look tired, it's probably because I'm pushing myself beyond my capabilities."

“You can probably continue because you’re young, but… you really shouldn’t push yourself too hard. If your body breaks down, it may not recover even if you’re young.”

 Even with Japan’s cutting-edge medical technology, some things were impossible.

“You see, I want to live in this world with a smile, and I want to be of some use to someone, even if it’s just a little bit. Although, I’ve caused a lot of trouble for you today.”

“I’m doing this because I want to. This meat goes really well with porridge. It’s delicious.”

“The trick is to use lots of ginger. Sesame seeds also add a fun crunch, don’t you think?”


 I guess I’ll never get to pet him again.

 I looked at Mr. Henry’s black hair as he ate his porridge with relish (I wish I could pet Henry the cat just one more time).

TL Note:

Baumkuchen- tree cake, German Spit cake(Japanese version)

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