Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 15: Ms. Carlotta

 I waited for night to fall and headed to the indicated location. I put on my going-out clothes so as not to look suspicious to strangers. On top of that, I put on an old coat over them so I wouldn't look like a rich person walking alone at night.

 I arrived at the red pine forest and waited in the pitch black for Henry the cat. I thought he might have turned back into a human by now, but before the seven o’clock bell had finished ringing, a big black cat appeared.

“Sorry I made you wait”

“I haven’t been waiting that long. Come on, let’s go.”

 After we both started walking, my curiosity got the better of me and I asked the question.

“It must be hard to pick locks and open doors with those hands, isn’t it? How did you get out?”

“I may look like a cat, but I’m still human in the inside.  It was a little difficult, but I managed to open the window lock quite easily. I opened the window and jumped from the second floor balcony into the garden, and realized that with this body I’m not afraid of jumping from high places.”


“That’s very positive. Oh, yes, what’s your mother’s name? If we’re going to call her, I need to know her name and what she looks like.”

“My mother’s name is Carlotta. She does not have a last name. She has black hair and green almond eyes. She is forty-three years old, but looks a little younger.”

“Roger that.”

“I’ll sneak onto the grounds from the shadows.”

“Got it, got it.”

 It was past seven o’clock at night. There were hardly any people on the streets. A customer at a coffee shop in the other world had said, “At night In the countryside, there’s no one walking around at seven o’clock.” The night in the other world was the same. Thanks to that, the big black cat and I managed to avoid being seen by anyone.

 When we arrived at the dormitory of the girls' school, it was surrounded by a high wall and a gatekeeper was standing there. I approached the gatekeeper, who was wearing a uniform and carrying a sword, and spoke to him with a big smile. At times like this, it's essential to be friendly.

 “I am sorry to bother you at this time of night, sir. I have an urgent matter for Carlotta, the maid. Could you please call her for me? My name is Mai. If you say it’s about the young master, she’ll understand.”

“Are you looking for Ms. Carlotta? Then I will check with her, Please wait here.”

 The gatekeeper proceeded along the side of the luxurious building and entered a two-story wooden structure at the back. Is that the building for employees?

 After a few minutes of waiting, a slender, dark-haired woman came running toward us. (I thought to myself, “She has a beautiful way of running, too..) Perhaps beautiful movements are a characteristic of cat-type beastmen.

 Carlotta looked anxious.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. I’m Carlotta. What business do you have regarding my son?”

“Henry-san has run into some trouble, actually…”

 When I told Mr. Carlotta what had happened in a voice that only she could hear, she said, “This way,” and took me to a place where the gatekeeper couldn’t see us. Then Mr. Henry came down from above without making a sound, and landed right next to us. Did you climb over the wall!  The wall was more than two meters high!

“Mom, it’s me.”

 Carlotta peeks in and sees Henry the cat.

“it’s you Henry, isn’t it? Oh my goodness, you’ve turned  into a fine young cat. Even as a cat, you’re still handsome.”

“Aren’t you surprised? I’m in a lot of trouble.”

 Henry says “I (Boku)” in front of his mother? That’s cute too.

“You’re my son. I wouldn’t be surprised if you turned into a cat. What do you mean you’re in trouble?”


“I can’t go back. Do you know how to get back?”

“Oh, I see what you mean. Since when?”

"I became like this last night and I haven’t been able to go back."

 Carlotta bent her knees and took the black cat’s face in her hands, then gave it a quick kiss on its shiny, wet black nose.

“You’re all grown up now, that’s why you look the way you do. The season of love has finally come, hasn’t it? I thought you would remain human for the rest of your life. Yes, at last. Who is your partner? Is it this young lady?”

 Mr. Henry backed away with a jolt.

“Wait. What are you talking about?”

"When mating season comes around, we cat-type beastmen often take on the form of cats. All beastmen start doing this around the age of 12 or 13, and are able to change form at will. You don't seem to be able to do it yet, but I'm sure you'll be able to in time."


"They say that this form is useful for protecting one's own life, defeating rivals, and pursuing one's love interest. You won't turn into a cat against your will anymore."

“Wait a minute. I’ll get my head out of my ass right now. But before that, how can I quickly turn back into a human? If you have any tips, please tell me.”


 Carlotta-san glances at me and smiles with a troubled look.

 Why are you troubled? Why do you look at me like that?

“Oh yes, I have some medicine. They’re old, but I think they’ll work. I’ll get them now.”

 Carlotta-san ran to the employee building and quickly returned to hand me a glass vial. The vial is half full of pills.

“Here, I’ll give you these. I don’t need them anymore. For a man of your size, well, I think three pills at a time should be fine. Chew them up, swallow them, and you’ll be human again in a few days. Even if you don’t take the pills, you’ll be able to return to human form in a few days.”

“A few days is absolutely impossible. I’m a civil servant working at the castle.”

“Yes, that’s right. Anyway, don’t worry, turning into a cat isn’t a disease. It’s a natural thing. And don’t take that medicine all the time. It’s harmful. By the way, what was your name, young lady?”


 Ms. Carlotta gave me a friendly smile.

"This child was adopted by human parents when he was a baby and knows nothing about beastmen. There may be problems in the future. If that happens, you can always come and ask me. Please take good care of my son."

“Okay. Likewise, please let me rely on you.  Thank you very much.”

“Henry, she’s a lovely person.”


 For some reason, Mr. Henry is looking down at the ground and behaving suspiciously.

“Well, I’m going back to work. It would be troublesome if my roommate got worried and came to check on me.”

“Yeah, I get it. Can I just ask one last thing? Does my father know that you work here?”

“No, he doesn’t. I told him not to look for me if he doesn’t want me to be killed. You should go home now. If you stay here, someone might see you. Thank you for tonight, Henry, Mai.”

“Good night, Mother.”

“Good night, Ms. Carlotta.”

“Oh yes, could you come again in your human form sometime soon?"

“Of course, I'll come back after I turn back into a human."

 Ms. Carlotta saw us off as we headed home. The streets were very dark because there were no streetlights, but I felt reassured knowing that Henry was with me.

“I am glad you got your medicine.”

“What? Yes, that’s right.”

 His eyes were sparkling and beautiful as he looked up at me with a distracted reply.

“Are you taking your medicine now?”

“Oh, that’s right. I’ll take it now. Please give me three pills.”

 I produced three pills in the palm of my hand and held them out in front of Mr. Henry’s mouth. Mr. Henry opened his mouth, but then closed it again.

“Won’t you take it?”

"Like that, I'll end up licking your hand, Mai. Could you drop it in my mouth please?"

“Oh, yes. You didn’t have to worry about it.”

“I do care. So please.”

 Henry opened his mouth wide. Even in the dark, I could see his shiny fangs. I couldn't help but stare at his mouth. His sharp, long fangs were cool. His molars were jagged.

 "Mai, please don't look at me and drop the pills quickly. It’s dumb to keep my mouth open.”

“I’m sorry. Here you go.”

 When I dropped the pills into his mouth, he closed it with a clap. Crunch, crunch, he chewed into the pills, swallowed them, and then let out a cry, "Gah!" His fur stood on end and his tail was swollen up.

“What’s wrong? Is it bitter? Does it hurt anywhere?”

"This is bad! I didn't bring any clothes and I took the medicine! What have I done?"

“Oh! That’s right! I forgot too. Well then, if you feel like you’re changing back, I will lend you my coat.”

“I’m sorry it’s so cold. I don’t know why I made such a simple mistake. ……”

"It's not normal so don't worry about it."

 Henry is very depressed and walks with his head down. Henry is usually calm and collected, so maybe he had too much on his mind to have forgotten his clothes. I wasn’t thinking when I suggested the medicine. This is my fault.

 The medicine worked slowly so there was no need to panic so much. After about twenty minutes of walking in the dark. Henry the cat stopped.

“My whole body is tingling. Maybe I can go back. Mai-san, could you please turn around?”

“Ah, yes!”

 I took off my coat and draped it over Mr. Cat Henry before turning my back to him.

 As I waited, a voice said, “It’s all right now.” I turned around to see Mr. Henry standing there barefoot in my coat, the sleeves not quite long enough and the dress length also not quite long enough. And for some reason he is covering his face with his hands.

“Henry? What’s the matter this time?”

"I'm so embarrassed and ashamed of everything. I'm dressed like this and what I'm doing is so stupid. Normally I would never make such a mistake. I don't have the face to show you Mai-san. All I do is show my shameful side."

 In fact, I'm the only one who sees it, so you don't have to worry about that.

“There’s no need to worry. I’m glad you’re back to normal. Now you can go home.”

"Y-Yes, that's right. I'm going home. I’m sorry for borrowing your coat even though it's so cold. I’ll walk you home, so let’s hurry back to the ‘hideout’.”

“You don’t have to walk me home. ……”

“I’ll walk you back. It’s non-negotiable.”

 It was too cold to stop and argue, so I gave in and started walking.

 We walked quickly back along the deserted road. Henry was barefoot and wearing only a knee-length women’s coat. I fret about how cold it must be.

 We returned safely to the “hideout” without being noticed by anyone. I offered to lend him a pair of trousers that he could wear with my clothes, but Mr. Henry stubbornly refused, saying, “These are good enough.” Stubborn, isn’t he?

“Then please hurry back to the mansion before you catch a cold.”

“I will certainly repay you for your kindness.”

"Fine, fine. Go home quickly. Also, if you're worried about thanking me, please use ‘I’ even in front of me. Well, good night.”*talk casually 

 Henry muttered something under his breath, but I let him take his medicine and pushed him home. I sent him off, hoping he wouldn't catch a cold.

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