Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 2: The Abandoned Prince Heals Enemy Soldiers

Five years have passed since I arrived at the front lines of the battlefield.

I've turned twenty, but I haven't grown much.

I'm barely 160cm tall.

I know the reason.

The food distributed at the front lines is far from delicious, and the balance is poor.

The beds for rest are hard, and with the uncertainty of enemy attacks, I can't sleep well.

I've heard that not getting enough food and sleep can hinder growth.


Perhaps that's why, even at twenty, I'm still short.

But well, thanks to the privileges of royalty, I still receive better treatment.

It seems there are many who oppose Hecton and Hecton's mom at the front lines, so I'm still treated as a prince in some ways.

I suppose I should just endure not growing as tall as I'd like.

But it's not all bad.

Being short makes it easier to hide in shadows, and while I may lack in strength, I excel in speed.

As a medic unit moving around the front lines to treat allied soldiers, being short might actually be a surprisingly favorable trait.

"Your Highness! Prince Reichel! Wake up!!"

"...Mm... I prefer toast for breakfast."

"Wake up, you idiotic prince!"

"What the--!? Who dares to rudely wake a superior officer and royal with a punch to the stomach!?"

With a heavy blow to the stomach, I regained consciousness.

"It's a wyvern air raid!! If you want to be toasted, I won't wake you up!!"

"I don't want that. Even though I can regenerate, the sensation of being burned all over is incredibly painful."

"In that case let's retreat immediately!"

I wrap myself in the white cloak I had placed beside the makeshift bed.

Stepping out of the tent and looking up at the sky, I see numerous wyverns.

This is a relatively safe rear base within the front lines.

It was built within the forest to deceive the enemy's eyes from above using wyverns, but it seems they've finally been spotted.

In various places, flames are already rising, and the screams won't cease.

"Prince Reichel! We need to abandon this position and move to another! Let's retreat quickly!"


"Nope. That's a no-go."

"What!? Wh-what are you saying!?"

"Our allies haven't retreated yet. There are also injured. We'll retreat after treating them. It's what they call a rearguard action."

"Is that supposed to be the job of the medical unit!?"

"Hahaha, it's a bit late for that, don't you think? Do you know of any medical units running around the battlefield casting healing magic on allies?"

Normally, when you talk about the medical corps, their mission is the management of hygiene, including first aid for the injured in the rear.

However, my unit is a little different.

Soldiers thought that my power, which can instantly heal even serious injuries as long as the person is alive, should be used efficiently.

At first, it was just me, but gradually my subordinates increased, and now it has become a unit consisting of twenty healing magic users.

Lately, due to the white cloaks we wear, we are feared by the Empire and given the nickname "White Knights."

It seems the nickname originated from the fact that soldiers who suffered fatal wounds on the battlefield were up and about the next day, consistently appearing on those battlefields.

Our role is not to let soldiers die.

If our position is attacked, we should let as many soldiers escape without casualties as possible.

"Well, everyone would normally die if they got hit by a Wyvern's flamethrower, so leave this to me and go ahead."

"Understood!! Good luck!!"

"Huh!? Isn't this where you're supposed to say 'Can we leave you alone!! We'll stay too!!'?"

"Uh, well, because we just don't want to die normally..."

They're really honest subordinates.

But well, it's understandable. They weren't originally soldiers.

They're soldiers who came to the battlefield through conscription obligation.

It seems like in Agaram Kingdom, just like in wartime Japan, there's an atmosphere spreading that dying for the country is the greatest honor.

It appears to be a scheme manipulated by Hecton Mama and other dignitaries.

However, as they fought on the front lines, many of them regained their senses as the brainwashing wore off.

Each of them is naturally someone who wants to live, who doesn't want to die.

Perhaps I'm the abnormal one for being able to do things that seem like I might die, precisely because I'm less likely to die.

"I see. Well, see you later then."

"Gah, jeez!! I get it!! But if I think it's dangerous, I'll run away right away, okay!!"

"A male tsundere isn't in demand, you know?"


They huddled in trenches made by the earth magic of the rearguard, treating the injured while casting glances at the Wyverns approaching from above and intercepting them with magic.

They minimized casualties, and the soldiers who were in the rearward positions moved to another encampment.

"Your Highness!! Let's retreat too!!"

"Yeah, that's right!! Being naked is mentally tough, after all!"

"That's because you let your guard down and got hit by the Wyvern's flamethrower head-on!!"

While exchanging banter, my sanitary corps also began to retreat.

And then it happened.

The attack magic unleashed by our allied magic soldiers shot down the Wyvern that had been hovering overhead.

And its massive body plummeted in our direction.

My subordinates screamed, "Oh no!!"

"Y-Your Highness!! Let's run!! The Wyvern's wings seem to be damaged, so it can't fly!!"

"...Ah, yeah. Well, that's true, but..."

In my field of vision, I saw one soldier.

It was the soldier who was riding on the back of the Wyvern that had crashed earlier.

In other words, a soldier from the Dragoon Empire, an enemy soldier.

It seemed like they had hit their head hard when thrown from the Wyvern's back, as they were lying unconscious.

Upon closer inspection, I noticed that stones and wood fragments had pierced through their thick armor, lodging into their body. If left untreated, they would undoubtedly die.

"...Your Highness, um, you're not thinking of treating an enemy soldier, are you?"

"...Wh-what? I haven't said anything yet."

"You always try to play it off, but I know. You always treat people who are on the verge of dying, regardless of whether they're friend or foe."


H-How did they find out!?

"W-Well, you know, even if they're enemies, I still don't want to see someone who could be saved die right in front of me, you know?"

"But what if the soldier you help might end up killing our allies?"

"Um, w-well, yeah, that's true. But, you know, it's just impossible for me. Seeing someone die right in front of me, it's, um, mentally..."

I understand that there's a risk of increasing casualties among our allies.

I'm not stupid enough not to grasp that.

There have been times when I've even thought about giving them mercy so they wouldn't suffer.

But right before that, if they were to say something like, "Mom, I'm sorry," I couldn't do it!!

I can't kill someone who's preparing for death while calling out the names of their family or loved ones!!

That's why I always end up helping them.

"A-And besides, you know, I only heal them to the extent that they can barely return to the front lines!! If our allies are injured, I can just heal them!!"


My adjutant let out a heavy sigh.

Uh-oh, was it really a bad thing to secretly treat enemy soldiers?

As I pondered this, the adjutant spoke cautiously, scanning the surroundings.

"If you're going to do it, please hurry. If the enemies gather, I'll run with all my might."

"T-Thank you!!"

I hurried over to the soldier from the Dragoon Empire and began treating their injuries.

Meanwhile, my subordinates, who had been watching the scene, started whispering to each other.

"...Sigh. Honestly, His Highness Reichel is too soft on various things."

"What's wrong with that? As long as we handle things properly, it's fine."

"You guys spoil His Highness too much."

"Well, you see, I have a younger brother, so I can't help it. Besides, His HIghness is small for his age, so I tend to spoil him."

"I get it. And I don't mind it, you know? His Highness's approach makes it less likely to leave behind the aftermath of war."

"Sometimes it's a shame when he acts foolishly, taking advantage of his power."

They're really saying whatever they want.

Thinking that, I continued treating the soldier from the Empire.

"Huh? Wait, isn't this person..."

I removed the soldier's helmet and checked the face.

She had fiery, long red hair and a beautifully sculpted face, like a doll.

The Empire's soldiers who ride Wyverns, commonly known as Dragoon Knights, wear thick armor all over their bodies and are nearly 2 meters tall, so I didn't notice at first glance.

However, a problem arose here.

My "Complete Regeneration" requires direct contact with the person when used on others.

"N-Namu Amida Butsu!! Please forgive me!! It's for medical treatment!!"

I removed the female soldier's armor and touched the injured area.

Suddenly, I thought to myself.


Taking off the female soldier's armor revealed a stunning figure, and I felt guilty emotions rising within me.

N-No, this is medical treatment.

At first glance, it might look like I'm groping the breasts of a unconscious woman, but I'm actually treating the chest wounds.

I'm definitely not doing anything inappropriate!! ...But they're so soft. And they smell nice.

I want to keep touching them. No, I want to keep treating them.

"Your Highness!! Your Highness Reichel!!"

"Huh? What is it? I'm almost done――"

"That's not it!! Look around!!"


At the adjutant's urging, I looked around and realized that we were surrounded by Dragoon Knights who had mounted their Wyverns.

Oh no. We're completely surrounded!!

"Hey, you there. Don't lay your filthy hands on that person."

"I-I'm in the middle of treatment!!"

"Do you think there's a brat like you, treating enemy soldiers naked, in our ranks!!"

"That's absolutely right!!"

"Hey, you guys!! If you're my subordinates, at least stand up for me, idiots!!"

"...I see. Are you their superior?"


Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!!

The soldier I'm treating right now is probably someone of considerable rank.

The Dragoon Knights of the Empire are showing clear hostility, as if they're about to attack us any moment.

W-What should I do!? What can I do!? Should I bow down and apologize? Will my subordinates forgive me if I do that!? Is it even possible!?

"Stop, all of you. I won't allow you to lay a hand on this boy."


And thus, our predicament was unexpectedly resolved by an unlikely figure.

It was the girl with fiery red hair, whom I was treating.

Seeming to regain consciousness, her eyes, the same crimson hue as her hair, were fixed straight on me.

"B-But, Your highness Rosemary..."

"Are you going against my orders?"

"N-No, of course not."

"Then be silent."

Huh? Your highness Rosemary?

"I appreciate it, healer of the kingdom. I apologize, but could you continue treating me until I feel a bit better?"


"Ahn♡ A-Also, um, please try not to touch my chest too much. That area is, um, sensitive."

I did my best to avoid touching her chest as I continued treating her injuries.

The hostility emanating from the Dragoon Knights behind us was truly terrifying.

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