Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 26: The Curiosity of the Bag Traveler.

In front of the girls’ dormitory of the Imperial Military Academy.

Sending her off might draw some attention, but Fiona said she didn’t mind. So, Ren decided to see her off in front of the building.

“Thank you, Ren-kun.”

The young lady of the Marquis family thanked him, seemingly reluctant to part ways. She felt a tug on her heartstrings as the time came to bid farewell.

After this, Ren would return to Elendil instead of staying in Arnea. 

He didn’t want to impose on them too much.

“Oh, Fiona-sama?”

Just as Fiona turned around to head towards the girls’ dormitory, Ren called out to her.

“You have something on your hair.”

“Huh? Where is it?”

“Over there… No, a bit more to the right.”


Not knowing what it was or where it was, Fiona touched her hair while tilting her head left and right.

However, unsure of what it was, she looked puzzled until…

“Excuse me.”

Ren gently stretched out his finger and picked the thing that was stuck in her hair. It seemed like a leaf from a roadside tree had fallen onto her head.

With a carefree motion, Ren let go of the leaf and chuckled, saying, “It was a leaf.”

His smile was gentle, the kind that made you want to keep looking at it.

“Oh, thank you…!”

She didn’t even notice when that thing got stuck in her hair. She could only feel delight and embarrassment at Ren’s sudden behavior.

“By the way—!”

At the parting moment, Fiona gathered her courage and stopped Ren.

He had already turned his back, about to leave the girls’ dormitory.

“Yes? What’s the matter?”

“Uhm… Ren-kun, do you have any plans for the winter break?”

“Plans for the winter break… Plans…”

Ren hesitated for a moment, and several things floated through his mind.

First, he wanted to visit the Lion Sanctuary and polish his sword skills. Besides that, he planned to train against monsters and refine his combat techniques. And of course, he had to study for the exams that were approaching right after the winter break.

So, in other words, he thought he would stay in Elendil the whole time.

“Well, I guess it’ll be like that.”

Hearing his response, Fiona’s expression brightened, and she asked with a pleased expression. 

“Then… would it be okay if I visit you sometimes?”

“Of course. If it’s me, I can be your conversation partner anytime.”

Seeing Ren nod without hesitation, Fiona’s cheeks flushed with joy. She was about to do a little dance of happiness but cleared her throat and composed herself.

“Sorry for stopping you! Uh, goodnight!”

Fiona deeply bowed to Ren and returned to the girls’ dormitory with light steps.

Left behind, Ren watched her until she disappeared from view. When he thought she was gone, she turned around at the entrance of the girls’ dormitory. Spotting Ren, who she thought had already left, she happily waved her hand before finally parting ways.

As Ren walked away from the girls’ dormitory, he didn’t head to the station but towards the Imperial Military Academy, where he was familiar with the way.

At this time, there were only a few teachers left at the academy. It was a time when students were not allowed to enter unless they had a special reason.

Nevertheless, Ren was heading to the academy because someone was waiting for him.

“I’ve heard everything. It must have been tough.”

The third prince and Ren’s best friend, Radius.

He was waiting with his back against the wall that surrounded the academy.

“What about the escorts?”

“Estelle is nearby. If anyone comes to attack, she’ll capture them in an instant.”

“For a moment, I actually considered trying to make a move as a joke.”

When Ren joked, Estelle’s voice came from the shadows.

“Are you giving me a reason to capture you by playing around?”

Hearing Estelle’s voice, Ren laughed and stood next to Radius.

That day, Ren, who had been pushing his body to the limit, exhaled and leaned against the wall.

Looking beside him, Radius had dark circles around his eyes.

“Have you not been sleeping enough?”

“I haven’t been able to sleep for the past few days. It’s been days of gulping down potions like a person drowned in alcohol.”

“Wow… Be careful not to collapse.”

“Knowing you, I thought you’d tell me to rest. But if you’re going to say it, saying ‘be careful not to collapse’ is still more meaningful than asking me to rest.”

“I guess you’re right. But I am curious about the reason why you can’t sleep.”

Radius stumbled in his response, saying, “I’ll tell you some other time.” Ren didn’t pursue it any further.

“By the way, there’s something I want to ask.”

“What is it?”

“About the factional war. The shield that could be considered the Leonardo family’s treasure was found, and the Heroic faction is getting quite lively.”

“What’s the matter? I thought you weren’t interested in factional wars.”

“I never thought about participating in the factional war. Besides, I want to avoid getting the Clausel family involved ever again. But I’m curious about what you’re thinking, Radius.”

Radius let out a wry smile.

“They found the shield that one of the Seven Heroes wielded. Isn’t that wonderful news?”

That was his true feeling.

Radius joyfully received the good news that descended upon the leading heroic faction, the Seven Great Heroic Families.

“If it brings joy to our country’s people, then it’s all good. That’s what I think.”

“But factional conflicts are troublesome.”

“That’s undoubtedly true. That’s why I can’t ignore it either.”

“Are the members of the royal faction doing something?”

“Hmm… I wouldn’t say we’re just thinking about it; we’re moving in various ways. Mainly me.”

“Is it related to what you mentioned before, about you being busy lately?”

“That’s right. I’ll tell you eventually, so please wait a little longer.”

Although much of the history had already changed, Ren wondered what Radius was doing during this period of the Seven Heroes’ legend.

Ren couldn’t think of anything. Instead, he felt a sense of pain when recalling that during this winter in the legend, Radius was abducted and lost his life.

“It seems that a grand gathering with all the heads of the Seven Great Heroic Families, including the Leonardo family, is being planned. It hasn’t happened in the past few years.”

“Ah, yeah… That’s probably the case.”

“What’s wrong? Your attitude suddenly seems off.”

When Ren told him not to worry about it, Radius hesitated for a moment.

The conversation then shifted to the movements of the Royal faction.

“And lately, Ulysses seems to be lacking exercise. So, they suggested countering the Hero faction and going on an outing somewhere to have a party and sent some foolish letter.”

“An outing? Where exactly?”

“I can’t think of any place in particular, but it probably won’t be the Baldor Mountains.”

Ren, looking somewhat bewildered, replied.

“It’s better not to let you and Ulysses-sama go there.”

The combination of the Baldor Mountains, Ulysses and Radius seemed to be a bad omen.

It was all a joke, but for a moment, Ren’s smile froze.

“Shall we head back soon?”

“Yeah, it’s about time.”

Estelle, who had been refraining from interrupting, approached the two.

“Ren, should I have one of my subordinates escort you back to Elendil?”

“It’s okay. I don’t think I’m so weak that I need an escort.”

“Kuku, I’m sure of that. Any attackers will probably flee.”

After bidding farewell to Radius and the others, Ren began his journey back to Elendil.

Along the way, Ren thought about the event triggered when they found the Hero’s equipment.

It was a sub-event that occurred when they advanced in the quest to find the Hero’s equipment. As of the events of “The Legend of the Seven Heroes II,” the reason why the equipment of the Seven Heroes was sleeping in various places had not been revealed. Of course, it was anticipated that there must be some hidden reason.

The Hero’s equipment was a historical legacy. Being the precious equipment of the heroes who defeated the Demon king, it would be a huge event if it was found. Although Ren, Radius, and the others, as well as Licia, who was talking about it in the guest room in Arnea, did not make a big fuss in the conversation, it was causing a commotion in Leomel.

In the game, there were many stories that could not be fully depicted. Setting aside those commotions, Ren was concerned about one thing.

“Let’s keep doing our best, Vane.”

“Yes! 』

A scene from the Leonardo family’s party.

After that, while moving through the Leonardo territory, there was an event in which they randomly encountered a Demon cult attack. The term “random” meant that there was no specification of when or where during their journey it would occur.

However, it wasn’t a defeat because it was an event battle. It was an event to demonstrate the absolute power of Airia, which Kaito acquired.

If they repelled the powerful monsters provoked by the Demon cult, they should earn experience points and such.

Ren barely remembered, but at that time, he tried to defeat the monsters a few times. They were too strong for appearing so suddenly, and they were strangely ominous enemies, so he couldn’t resist trying.

However, like other players, he also couldn’t defeat them.

“If I don’t talk about it…”

He couldn’t keep silent about the danger.

However, he was still unsure about how to convey it.

Simply saying that this might happen didn’t have any persuasive power, and he lacked the strength to move adults by himself.

But he also felt that there might be a way to convey it.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

One of the sealed doors was unlocked, and that day marked the end of investigations conducted by the Ragna Research Laboratory, which was at the center of the Mystery Agency’s work.

“Director, it’s about time.”

“I’ll be right there. Wait for me outside.”

Ragna was sometimes addressed as “Director” and other times as “sensei.”

Over ten years ago, Ragna had attended school. Not at the prestigious Imperial Military Academy but at an ordinary and unremarkable school located in a provincial city.

During his student days, Ragna developed an interest in fields such as archaeology, influenced by his parents.

Gradually, his research focus centered on the time when the Seven Heroes lived.

However, he was not particularly interested in the Seven Heroes. There were various legends about them, and the existence of the Seven Great Heroic Families made the research less appealing to him.

Ragna was currently in a room that housed the mural of the orphanage.

Now, he stared intently at the mural illuminated by magic lights.

“No doubt about it.”

Looking at the girl depicted in the mural, he was certain.

This was the story of the creation of the world—essentially a myth. It was a story that began when the world had no concept of light and darkness.

Before the world began, there existed a girl. She had no name and didn’t know the reason for her existence.

Alone in the empty space, the girl hugged her knees, trembling in loneliness. Spending what felt like an eternity in such a state, she eventually began shedding tears.

As the tears fell, they began to glow and emit light. Each time the girl shed tears, the surrounding area was illuminated.

The ripples of her tears spread endlessly, and in the previously empty space, lush green land emerged, flowers bloomed, and a vast azure sky extended as far as the eye could see.

The expansive sea rippled, and the dazzling sunlight shone upon the girl.

A small spring formed where the girl had been crouching.

When the girl scooped up water from the spring and sprinkled it, it reflected the sunlight and sparkled. The sparkling droplets danced through the air, giving birth to four sisters.

That was the beginning of the Four goddesses, the absolute beings highly revered and worshipped.

And that girl was…

“The Creator Goddess Alice. Geno depicted quite a unique deity.”

The places where the most ancient gods were enshrined would be limited around the world. After a long history, the center of worship shifted to Elfen, and the stories about these gods became less common.

The existence of the war gods who determined the Sword King also played a role.

…This was a fragment of an old myth.

After reminiscing about all of this, Ragna quickly lost interest in the mural.

For him, there was a more fascinating research subject.

“It might be the first time I’m so excited.”

Muttering to himself, he left the small room.

Crossing the rest of the researchers in the hall, the wisdom-seeking Shelgadian once again glanced at the door leading to the small chamber and began walking again.

Exiting the orphanage, he stepped outside.

Only a faint starlight illuminated the old submerged city. All the surrounding lights were produced by magic tools.

As he walked slowly, one of the researchers called out to him.

“By the way, who opened the sealed door here?”

“It was someone in a special position. As stated in the great Empire’s laws, it falls under the Mystery Agency’s confidentiality obligation. Besides myself, no one else has the right to know. There’s no need to pry.”


The researchers gathered in front of the library.

Ragna stood with his back against the wall in front of the library.

He gazed in the direction of the orphanage and began to recite a passage.

“The traveler who fought the Phoenix said this: I’m used to dealing with children. I’ve helped friends and played with children countless times. The hero known as the traveler seemed to prove it by cradling the baby.'”

A simple old tale. It was a fragment of a story said to have occurred when the Phoenix was defeated, preserved only in a part of Shelgad Kingdom. Depending on the region, there were small tales like the one Ragna had recounted.

“…It sticks in my mind. Why was Ren able to open the sealed door? And Ashton the adventurer, too?”

The Shelgadian, who relentlessly sought romance and wisdom, wondered about this.

He pondered over the ancient tales, the existence of this orphanage, and Ren’s words about the “adventurer Ashton.”

He wondered if all these stories might be connected…

“I should investigate various things.”

After thinking this, he returned to the Mystery Agency.

After tidying himself up, he informed his subordinates. 

“I’ll be away for a while. It’s a matter of investigation.” 

That was all he told them.

“Now that we can finally enter the orphanage, is it alright?”

“I became curious about something. I’ll be back as soon as possible, so you all work carefully. Try not to damage the murals and such. I’ll be studying here for the next seventy years.”

“Well… We understand, but most of us won’t be in this world anymore in seventy years, due to old age.”

Although his words were harsh, his subordinates laughed as usual.

Ragna spoke directly with all his subordinates. It was just his habit to mix laughter into his words, not a sign of doubting their work.

Ragna would achieve more than enough results, so the Mystery Agency wouldn’t scold him if he suddenly disappeared.

That night, in search of new wisdom and romance…

“Let’s go.”

He left the Mystery Agency alone.

With his familiar robe and a large bag on his back, he looked like the rumored traveler.

On the day he reached a certain piece of information…

Only one month remained.

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