Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 49: The Battle of the Skyscrapers [Before]
If things proceeded as predicted, the area around the Grand Clock Tower would be the most dangerous.
There’s a plaza around the Grand Clock Tower with a fountain at its center, and it is now enveloped in an unprecedented silence.
It would have been the best if the entire town could be exorcised, but such a thing was next to impossible. If we did that, the demon cult would have suspected it, and it would have been no wonder that our original plan would have completely collapsed.
However, the area around the Grand Clock Tower was quiet.
Since late evening, the area has been sealed off under a certain pretext.
『The cobblestone pavement in the plaza has caved in, and access to the area is forbidden. 』
We will check the safety of the area, and in the meantime, commoners are asked to stay away from the danger.
There are no buildings around the Grand Clock Tower for ordinary people to live in. All that existed were commercial and other public facilities. Shopkeepers who were ordered to evacuate were later given a security deposit.
As for whether any civilians remained, those who had been arranged by Ulysses were checking to see if there were any civilians left.
They were also well-prepared to ensure that the people wouldn’t be harmed elsewhere.
What do the Demon cult think when they see that: —-
A trap? Or is this a prelude to replacing the magic stone in the Grand Clock Tower? Radius couldn’t decide which he thought, but there was one thing he could determine.
They were no longer at a stage where they could call off the operation.
Two people were trying to wander into the plaza by the clock tower.
They were Vane and Sarah.
They had left the Imperial City and traveled to Elendil immediately after today’s second examination. The reason was simple. They were there to praise each other for their hard work and to relax.
They were about to return to the capital.
“I’m sorry….. But you can’t go to the Grand Clock Tower Plaza.”
Sarah, standing on the street along the main avenue, let out a sigh.
If she continued on, she would have reached the Grand Clock Tower Plaza, but now a large sign was propped up against the cobblestones, with several guards standing guard next to the sign.
“I’m sorry, but you have to leave. You can come back another day.”
“Yes, it’s a pity we won’t be able to see it today, but I’ll put up with it.”
Seeing that Sarah had given up, the guard bowed his head apologetically.
The two were about to turn on their heels and head for the hanging gardens when they heard a voice that sounded like an angry shout, the sound of something exploding, and the sound of what appeared to be some kind of magic being used, causing them to get startled and stop in their tracks.
“…… Vane.”
“Yeah, I heard that.”
Their gazes turned in the direction of the Grand Clock Tower Plaza.
They then turned to go on past the cobblestone pavement where the sign was propped up. But the guard stood in front of them.
“Something may have happened. We will check, don’t worry.”
“We have reason to believe that you are a daughter of the Riohard family. Leave everything to us. We will not put you in harm’s way.”
In fact, Vane was a little lost when he was told that.
As the hero of the legend of the Seven Heroes, he is a courageous, if not righteous, boy who is willing to put his life on the line for his friends.
But he steps out of line when he thinks that Sarah is in danger.
“—-Then tell me.”
Then Sarah stood firm.
“Why were you able to calmly explain to me what was going on? You didn’t even raise an eyebrow after all that fuss.”
“We are trained to protect everyone from unforeseen circumstances.”
“I see. Then that’s enough. Then let me tell you one more thing.”
There was hostility in the way Sarah spoke.
Who was she being hostile towards? But it was not hostility toward the guards who were standing in her way. The reason for her clear hostility was that she didn’t know the identity of the guards.
“It’s strange. I’ve never heard of all the guards being hard sword fighters.”
The guards feigned calm.
They listened without raising an eyebrow.
“That’s brilliant gall…. but don’t underestimate the daughter of the House of Riohard. I’ve crossed swords with hard swordsmen more times than I can count. I sense the same in your behavior.”
“…… Sarah. What’s a hard sword user doing here?”
“I don’t know either….. but I can’t ignore it. For Licia’s sake.”
That is the primary reason for Sarah’s hostility toward the guards.
In the past, Sarah owed a debt to Licia for the case of Viscount Givens, who belonged to the same faction. She decided that the next time something similar happened, she would definitely lend a hand.
For example, even if it was stopped by her father, she would definitely interfere.
“Answer me! What is the royalist faction doing in the land of Clausel? And that sound you just heard, that was not just a matter of fact situation!”
“If you’re not going to answer, I’ll see for myself —- Vane, you wait here.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. If it’s for Sarah’s precious friend, I can’t keep quiet either.”
With that, they moved forward.
Just as they were about to pass the sign.
“I will not allow you to go any further.”
The guard’s voice changed.
“We have heard of your friendship with the daughter of the Clausel family. However, you must leave this matter to us.”
“Then tell us more.”
“……We will be in contact with the Riohards tomorrow.”
“That’s not good enough. If we go down this road, we can get to Licia’s house in no time. I’m going to keep going and check on her.”
The knights of the Holy Lion sanctuary were having trouble dealing with Sarah.
The other side is the Riohard family, one of the seven great heroic nobles, and their daughter, so if you say too much, it will cause quarrels between the factions.
Above all, they must avoid disturbing Radius and the others.
—— it was just before they crossed paths.
Just before the words of the knight of the Holy Lion Sanctuary reached Sarah’s ears, there was a loud explosion and several pillars of fire rose from the Grand Clock Tower Plaza.
Then a suspicious figure appeared from the shadows. The person ran in the dark night, aiming at Sarah’s back. —-
“Take the bandit alive! Don’t kill him, I won’t mind if you cut a limb!”
The knights of the Lion Holy Sanctuary instantly turned their aim in that direction.
At this time, they also hung the dark night and confirmed the appearance of those who were chasing after Vane and Sarah.
The person who seemed to be a member of the demon cult was easily apprehended.
The man’s arm was severed when he swung his arm and released his dark weapon, and when he fell, he was instantly tied up.
Surprised at the suddenness of the situation, Vane and Sarah drew their swords and were already ready to fight.
Both of them were filled with amazement and tension throughout their bodies.
“……What’s going on up ahead?”
“I can’t tell you. The only thing I can tell you is that I want you to leave this place as soon as possible—“
Then, a dozen or so new Demon cult members appear.
The knights of the Lion’s Holy Sanctuary stood in the way to protect Vane and Sarah. At the same time, several members of the Riohard family appeared to protect them. They are knights in white and silver cloaks. They must be the ones Ren recalled in the past who protected them from the shadows. It didn’t matter if a dozen or so Demon cult members appeared.
When some of the Demon cult tried to attack those who were protecting Vane and Sarah—-.
“Can you handle it?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
The voice came from behind everyone, and Ren appeared between those protecting Vane and Sarah and the approaching Demon cult members.
Both Vane and Sarah were surprised to see Ren.
They had met him before in the forest outside Elendil.
“Look out!”
“Run! If you stay there—-!”
The two of them called out to Ren in panicked voices.
The two thought it was strange. They could observe the knights of the Lion’s Holy Sanctuary looking awfully calm during this situation, and the fact that these knights didn’t move to help Ren.
But they soon found out why.
The boy with whom they had exchanged words that day was an overwhelmingly powerful man.
“I’ll show no mercy.”
The iron sword was swung forward with great force.
The shockwave created by the swing spread out like a fan, frightening the approaching demon cult members.
Ren immediately readied his iron sword and stepped forward sharply, quickly putting several of them in a coma. Some were hit in the gut, others in the neck.
Witnessing Ren’s strength, Vane and Sarah were stunned.
They mutter words of amazement in their mouths, such as “Impossible ……” and “So strong“…….
“Wha–What the heck is this kid …?”
“What the —-?”
Unlike when he wielded his sword at the Holy Lion-Sanctuary, Ren was now just literally laying waste to them all.
When every last one of them had been defeated.
“That monster-like strength.”
Radius appeared on horseback and alighted beside Ren.
“I’m fine. You better check it out quickly.”
“I know.”
Vane didn’t know Radius yet, who had suddenly appeared. But Sarah had seen his face before, so she was troubled by the sudden appearance of the royalty.
“……These people here are not enough. More.”
After holding up his hand to the fallen demon cult imprint and making it glow dimly blue, Radius mounted his horse once again.
Beside him was the horse Ren had ridden, and he too mounted.
“That person over there is Sarah Riohard, right?”
“Eh? Yes!”
Sarah hurriedly took the courtesy and bowed to Radius on horseback. Of course, Vane, who was standing next to her, also bowed.
“I will not allow you to go any further. I know you are concerned about the Clausel family, but that is unnecessary. I give you my word in the name of the royal family.”
Once that was said, Sarah couldn’t interfere.
The reason is that the other party is not a royalist, but rather a member of the royal family.
No matter how much she was worried about Licia and how much she cared about her, the area beyond this point was no longer one that Sarah could meddle in on her own.
Radius saw that Sarah was satisfied and exchanged glances with Ren.
As they made their way to the Grand Clock Tower Plaza, Ren and Vane’s gazes met for a moment.
“Sarah, he’s the one from the other day.”
“I know. He’s ridiculously strong, and I don’t know what’s going on anymore.”
“Yeah…. I don’t either.”
They exchanged words like that, and then left the place, urged on by the private soldiers of the Riohard family.
Sarah was driven to the back of her mind until the very end, but with the third prince involved, it was hard to believe that it was just a factional war.
That was one of the reasons why she finally set out on her way home while suppressing her feelings of concern for Licia.
The private army of the Riohard family forced her halfway home.
◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
The effects of warfare are surprisingly not apparent until one is near the Grand Clock Tower Plaza.
The fire was controlled to prevent its destructive power, sound, and flames from spreading to the surrounding area by installing special magical tools.
However, it was still a surprise to the knights of the Lion’s Holy Sanctuary.
The fact that the demon cult had attacked with such fire and without fear of being seen was still a surprise.
“Where were they sneaking in through?”
“Whether they were among travelers and adventurers or amongst the cargo that was loaded on them, it makes no difference what we have to do.”
None of them were ever upset.
Because they were all knights of the Lion’s Sanctuary. They are knights among knights, and they are made up of only a handful of elite men.
“Wh-What’s that…… these guys!”
“I didn’t hear anything like this! What’s going on?”
“I thought the security was thin……”
Those in jet-black robes were in a panic. The unexpected gathering of such powerful people had sent the Demon cult and others into a state of confusion.
The result will not change even if a crowd of people gathers. It looks like they finally regretted their decision to invade the land of the Lion King.
Without losing his breath, he simply processed the matter administratively.
One by one, the Demon cult members were cut off from consciousness, and were assembled on the cobblestone pavement.
“It’s His Highness! His Highness is here!”
Radius finally appeared.
He rode his horse across the square of the Grand Clock Tower with Ren in tow. They were headed for the Grand Clock Tower and its entrance.
There are already signs of destruction near the entrance, indicating that they have been snuck inside.
“We must not allow them to interfere with His Highness’ path!”
“In the name of the Lion King! Kick them to the curb!”
The knights of the Holy Lion’s Sanctuary roared with even greater energy, using their mighty swords.
No obstacles existed. Ahead of Ren and Radius, there was only one road leading to the entrance of the Grand Clock Tower.
“Ren, what follows will be a little more complicated!”
He said as he alighted his horse.
“There is no such thing as an elevator in the Grand Clock Tower!”
“Eh? Does that mean we have to run up the stairs to the top of this ridiculously high clock tower?”
“No, it doesn’t! But don’t worry! I’ve been working hard on my physical fitness inside the castle until today!”
“Oh, I don’t see how that’s going to be enough!”
But we can’t stop now.
They finally set foot inside the Grand Clock Tower.
After dismounting their horses and entering, they found that the beams spread far overhead, creating a majestic view of the topmost layers of beams. There were several compartments where huge and small gears sometimes fit together, and several walls with intricate patterns.
Some of the knights who had been outside followed them as planned.
Climbing the stairs that surrounded them on all sides, Ren looked at Radius behind him.
“… I’m just thinking of building up my physical strength from tomorrow.”
“Oh, that’s a good idea”
Radius, with a large bead of sweat on his forehead, ran up the stairs as hard as he could with his civilian-leaning strengths.
The time passes by five minutes, ten minutes, but there is still a long way to go.
Radius, who had just lost his footing and was about to tumble backward.
“—-You’ve shown so much determination.”
Ren’s hand grabbed Radius’ arm and stopped him.
“Don’t pull my leg.”
Even with his strong words, he was serious.
Therefore, he didn’t think it was arrogant, but rather he was thankful for the proclamation.
Radius’ eyes narrowed, and the next moment, he said, “Don’t look down on me,” and pushed his body.
“Keep saying it. I’ll say the same words to you Ren, if you do a bad job on the rooftop.”
“Yes…..I pray it doesn’t come to that.”
We have a long way to go.
But this time, Radius didn’t stop once while taking the stairs of the Grand Clock Tower.
◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
It’s enough to get information from those outside but to get information from the seal of the demon cult.
It was both right and wrong.
Radius had a certain conviction that he himself needed to make this arduous trip to the rooftop.
“He should be just down the road.”
It was the man who was behind all this commotion.
The boss of the bandits who decided to attack the clock tower should definitely be here.
“You can wait here if you want.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. What do you think I came all this way for?”
The door to the rooftop sat at the end of a huge floor of gears. This floor of gears is not moving, but is only designed that way.
The cogs moving around it still played a steady rhythm of sound.
“I’ll go first.”
Ren opened the door to the rooftop garden.
A warm summer breeze blew against them.
The jet-black celestial sphere was filled with stars, and looking up from the well-maintained garden, they had a prime position to gaze at the heavens.
There were more than a dozen uninvited guests in that special seat.
Thanks for the chapter
Will this be a harem story? If yes then it’s fine and if not please don’t allow multiple girls to have a romantic interest in him and at the end reject everyone except one. It’s quite painful after going through the entire novel & getting invested in the characters.