Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 27: After It Got Cold [later] (part one)

Fiona wasn’t in her room.

Instead, as Klonoa and Edgar walk through the mansion, they saw her from the end of the corridor.


Fiona’s necklace, a jet-black jewel on a silver chain, swings on her chest as she runs.

She stops in front of Klonoa and says ladylike, “It’s been a while”.

“I’m sorry I came on such short notice.”

“No, it’s nice to see you again. So how are you today?”

“I came to check on Fiona-chan, of course!”

“I’m really feeling well, you know. I heard Klonoa-sama was having a good time talking with my father.”

“I guess that means stories matter too.”

Klonoa laughed after she finished saying that and Fiona laughed as well.

Then Klonoa puts her hand on Fiona’s neck. As it is, she closes her eyes and sharpened her senses on her hand.

Fiona was pleasantly surprised by the warmth that came from her hand, a warmth that was different from that of human skin.

She let the warmth wash over her and took a few gentle breaths.

“Yes, that’s enough.”

“Am I okay?”

“You’ll be okay even without medicine. Fiona-chan’s body is growing, and it shouldn’t be like before.”

Klonoa said and stroked Fiona’s head.

Then she raised her index finger and continued “But”

“Beware of the malice of others! Someone might be able to artificially trigger your special power to go out of control.”

“Is that possible?”

“Hmmm…… maybe.”

In front of a flustered Fiona, Klonoa smiles loosely.

These were not words of conviction, but rather words of warning.

Fiona also knew this and smiled helplessly.

“Oh, no. Please don’t scare me!”

“Don’t let your guard down, okay? The demon king has long since been vanquished, but a being like him might appear. If that happens, they might be able to do bad things to us in ways we can’t imagine!”

“Then I guess it’s not just my problem……”

“Fufufu… Actually, you’re right.”

After all, she just wanted to give her a heads up.

Fiona, while exchanging half-joking words, took the current advice to heart, and with the intention of doing so in the future. 

“I’ll be working on the upcoming final exam without letting up.”

“Ah! Our final exam is coming up soon, isn’t it?”

“Yes, I feel a little better knowing that the long entrance exam for the special class will finally be over.”

Compared to the entrance examinations for general study halls, those for the special class at the Imperial Academy of Military Science are divided into several levels.

The process is a long one that starts in the summer and lasts until the winter of the new year.

The reason why Fiona is applying to the academy is because she’s able to take advanced classes according to the policy of the dean of the academy, Klonoa, in addition to the foil that comes with graduation from the Imperial Academy of Military Science.

“Don’t take off that necklace I gave you, okay?”

“Fufu… is it because an existence like the demon king might appear?”

The two of them are exchanging words, and every word they exchange reveals a sense of disquiet, but despite their words, a smile still appears on both of their faces.

They’re alert and on guard.

But the scale and outlandishness of the story didn’t stop them from laughing.

“Oh….. I have to go.”

Klonoa looked at her wristwatch and panicked a little.

She realized that she had taken a surprisingly long time to exchange pleasantries, and finally held up her index finger and placed it against her own lips.

“I’m cheering for you to take the exam. —- it’s just between you and me, okay? I’m still the dean of the school.”

Klonoa turns away, scratching her cheek and looking embarrassed.

Fiona bowed deeply and thanked her repeatedly.

Now Klonoa has nothing left to regret.

She said goodbye to Fiona and then walked with Edgar to head out of the mansion.

Once outside the mansion, Marquis Ignat awaited them outside the door.

He was here to see Klonoa off.

“I’m sorry” 

she said as she walked out the door.

“I’ve actually been to the Baldor Mountains.”

“Well, that’s interesting, but what on earth for?”

“I had prepared for the exam, but one of the exam sites was no longer available. The Baldor Mountains were suggested as an alternative site, so I went there to check it out along with other possible sites.”

Klonoa continued, “But I don’t think the Baldor Mountains were the right venue”.

“I’m asking out of curiosity, but why?”

“There were too many sheer cliffs, plus I hear it’s going to be terribly cold this year —You see, I feel it’s too dangerous for the candidates.”

In response, Marquis Ignat nodded, “Yes”.

“Then you have informed the board of directors so?”

“Yes. I’ve seen a lot of things this winter, so now it’s time to make a selection.”

Ignat nodded

 “Well, then, why don’t you let the board do all the work of selection?”

“Ha-ha-ha, while the board is busy fighting factions?”

“Indeed, it’s quite painful to hear.”

The reason for this is because the nobles on the board of directors belong to some faction, as a matter of course.

The board still functions to maintain fairness for the special class.

Therefore, Klonoa didn’t complain, nor did she take anyone’s side.

“The confidential nature of the information on the exam site is likely to be nerve-wracking.”

The Imperial Academy of Military Science’s special classes are as good as a promise of a bright future upon graduation.

Therefore, in order to maintain fairness, only a select few are told the venue of the final examination.

Besides those who belong to the board of directors and the crew of the magic ship, only the lord of the place chosen as the examination site can get the information.

Not only the parents of the students, but even the other nobles and royalty are not informed.

“By the way, did you have any problem telling me what you just told me?”

“Don’t worry. It’s not something to talk about out loud, but still, we are talking about a candidate site that is no longer in use.”

—- soon.

Just before leaving the main gate, Klonoa stopped and turned to Ulysses Ignat.

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