Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 54. The Dwarf King’s Proposal

We take our seats and a small meal is placed on the table along with our drinks. I thought I would take a sip first, but then I smelled something bad.

I thought it might be a mistake, but they were sipping their drinks with relish. I guess it’s normal for dwarves. Ein seems to be enjoying herself as well, and her face is a little upturned.

“What’s the matter, guest? Is the Dwarf liqour not to your liking? Oh, perhaps this is better. I had forgotten that some humans have a weakness for alcohol. My apologies.”

At Alvis’s words, the dwarf who had been standing by his side brings a glass of water, looking flustered. This time I take a sip and sigh. Apparently, there are many differences between people and dwarves in terms of common sense. I guess Bowman was more accommodating when he was with me.

No, he drank a lot of alcohol and at the worst times he was drinking and sword fighting, but that’s beside the point. I’m going to have to cut to the chase.

“So what is it that you’ve been waiting for me for? It seems that the King of Dwell was waiting for my brother more than he was waiting for me…….”

Remembering what had just happened, I couldn’t help but smile sarcastically. Then Alvis sighed heavily.

“Ah, it seems the Human king has been rude. My predecessor was a more talkative man. We dwarves have no interest in this Georg man. We know from Bowman’s letter and my brother Gimli’s story that you aren’t prejudiced against Dwarves. So I have a favor to ask. Will you accept us dwarven immigrants into Asgard?”

“Immigrants ……?”

I look at Galatea for a moment, and she nods silently. I guess that means Alvis is telling the truth.

“Oh, yes,…… we dwarves are at our wit’s end. With the invasion of the mineral ants, we have no more money to buy food because we can’t dig enough minerals. We are surviving by selling what we have made so far through trade, but it’s only a matter of time. Our country is on the verge of the end….”

Alvis’s face is distorted with sadness. I could tell by his somewhat disheveled appearance and the plainness of the food on the table. They must have been doing their best in their own way. But even so, there was nothing they could do. And it’s not difficult to imagine what will happen to this country, which has lost its source of funds, once the dwarves are gone from the Dwell.

Is this going to be the end of the country my father invaded? I don’t know when the king of the humans will also realize the current situation, but he will soon realize the reality and despair.

Damn you father and damn you brothers, this is what happens when you just take everything……

“So you’re that cornered…… Gimli and Ein were traveling to find out where the dwarves can emigrate to?”

“No, that’s not true. We had really given up on this country, but we had to leave the seeds and technology of our race behind. We were looking for a place where we could live properly and not be prejudiced against dwarves. Asgard has been more pleasant and welcoming than I expected. I thought perhaps they would accept not only me and Ein, but also the dwarves here.”

“Yes, my original intention was just to guide you from Asgard to Dwell, but we saw the future in you, Grace-sama.”

Gimli and Ein’s words reminded me of when we first signed the contract. I had to confirm the terms of the contract many times, perhaps because I was conscious of Gimli, who was from a foreign country and a dwarf, and he had made some unfavorable terms to me.

“Of course, I didn’t say it was for free. In exchange for the money, I will give you the rest of our country’s mithril as a souvenir. Besides, some of my potential immigrants are not as good as Bowman, but they are excellent blacksmiths and know the mines well. There are mines in your lands, and you are in need of engineers, are there not? Our Dwarven skills will surely help Asgard to grow. Please accept it.”

Alvis then lowers his head so much that he almost puts his head on the table. Please don’t do that. It’s hard to say no when you do that. Besides, there is something I need to confirm before that.

“Please raise your head, Alvin-sama. I have a question. Are you among the immigrants?”

“No way! As king, I cannot abandon this land that has been handed down from generation to generation. I will stay here to fight the mineral ants until the end. Most of the warriors will stay behind. In exchange, I would like to send the ruby to your lands. The blood of Dwarven royalty must remain.”

“Father, you are not listening to me! Besides Cain will kill the mineral ants! Hey, Cain!”

“Ruby, calm down. You know I can’t beat them all by myself.”

At Alvin’s words, Ruby was about to get up from her seat to complain, but Kyle, the self-proclaimed “Cain,” stopped her. The fact that he’s so quiet about it shows that he has solid credibility in their relationship.

But the way he said it made me realize that they really don’t want to leave their hometown either. And Bowman doesn’t want to lose his home either. I couldn’t stand the thought of losing Asgard either.

“I understand what you’re saying. But I’m not here to talk about immigration. First, let’s defeat the mineral ants, and then we’ll talk again. I have brought an invention for that purpose, Galatea!”

“As I expected of you, Master. I knew you would say so.”

Saying that, she took out from her bag the magic bayonet and the potato that I had told her to bring.

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