Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 32: The End of the Azul Company

"Grace-sama, please wait! The Company Chairman is very busy at the moment...."

"What are you talking about? Is that something that takes precedence over me, a member of the royal family?”

“That is....."

The guards of the Azul company {TN: Previously Azul chamber of commerce} stopped moving at my words and let me pass with a look of tears on their faces. I feel bad for them, but I can't afford to be sentimental right now. I mean, it's amazing that royalty is allowed to have such a shitty attitude. As I was thinking this, my eyes met with Edward's, who had just joined me in front of the Azul company and he smiled at me.

“Edward-san, please take care of the rest. Let's go, Galatea.”

"Yes, leave it to me, Grace-sama. I've already talked to them about it, so I'm sure it will go smoothly.”

“I can't wait to see what his face will look like, Master.”

“Yes, I'm sure he'll have plenty of regrets.”


While smiling back at Galatea, who happily says something nasty. I parted with Edward-san and proceeded to the chairman’s office without waiting for a guide and Galatea in tow with a large baggage. Then, without knocking, I opened the door roughly.

There was Raymond, drinking a bottle of wine that looked expensive on the table, as if it was a victory drink. He looked dumbfounded when he saw me, but I guess he realized what was going on. His face turned pale, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Oh, no..... Grace-sama...... why are you here...... and why are you dressed like that,......? ".

"Oh, I came to say hello again, sorry about the dirty clothes. I was attacked by some thieves that someone hired.”

"Master, I sense unprecedented fear and agitation in the man before me. Now is our chance."

I smiled at Raymond's reaction and at Galatea's words. It was worth the effort to rush here in the carriage without changing clothes after the battle.

Perhaps they hadn't even received a report of their defeat yet. Now Raymond wouldn't be able to escape. I was afraid that tomorrow he would be running away at night.

“So.... Grace-sama, what is your business today...?”

“You know why I’m here. You and Kyle had my village attacked, didn't you?”

“What are you talking about ......?”

In response to my question, Raymond's pale face turns more pale, but he refuses to look at me and I give him a souvenir.


"Yes, Master."


At my command, she took the gagged and unconscious Silva out of the burlap sack and placed him on the table as if to throw him. I'm certain it's not my imagination that Raymond's complexion turned even bluer when he saw him and screamed.

“You may recognize him, he's the traitor you sent to my territory. He told me that he came back to my territory on your orders and I have proof that he had contact with you.”

"No no no, Grace-sama, that's not the case. He asked me for money saying he would infiltrate your territory and I stopped him ..."

"I see...."

Raymond is dripping with cold sweat as he lays out these excuses. As expected of a merchant he can really talk. Watching him with cold eyes, I visually signal Galatea to give him additional souvenirs.

“So you didn’t give him a direct order, right...?”

“Yes, that's correct, sir. I wasn’t..... going to antagonize you in the first place, that's..... no way......"


“Oh, this is Kyle, who you were close to. I'm sorry, he’s gotten so small."

Raymond was still saying crap, but when he saw the iced arm that Galatea brought out, his expression hardened again. Yes, this is Kyle’s arm which was cut off by Vigna. The distinctive ring proves it. To prove the truth, the best thing to do would be to bring the person himself.....

"Huh..... Master Kyle is your own brother, isn't he? That's ......"

“A brother who raids his brother's territory is no brother at all and besides, I've already found out that you've been working with Kyle. I told you, the next time you mess with me, there will be no mercy...... Don't move, I'm serious. Or do you ...... want to be like this?"

I then pulled my gun out of my pocket and pointed it at Raymond in front of me. I'm certain he knows from Silva's report what this is all about. His face twists in fear.

“It's not the same. Kyle threatened us and we had no choice but to lend our assistance, please.... just our lives.”

"You're going to cut off Kyle too?.... Oh well. I'll spare your life. In exchange, I will put this business under my control and your property will be confiscated. This is in lieu of compensation. What should I do with the rest? ......"

“You can't be so arrogant.....”.

“Grace-sama, we'll accept on those terms and Raymond will be imprisoned for this incident. We have the evidence here."

The one who interrupted us was another young man who came in through the open door with Edward. He was probably the one Edward had been talking to beforehand.

“It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Kaiser, the vice president of the Azul company and I apologize for any inconvenience Raymond has caused this time. This matter was entirely at the sole discretion of Raymond and some of the merchants. We have all the evidence that he was trying to invade your territory with Kyle. We, the Azul company, pledge our allegiance to Grace-sama from now on. As proof of this, we promise to remove Raymond from office and pay compensation."

"Kaiser..... you!”

“I told you not to move.”


With a dry thud, a bullet grazed Raymond's cheek as he tried to pounce on Kaiser. He screams and keeps silent. It seems that he was so shocked that he fell back and fainted. No, that's not all. The area between the legs is damp...... he must have peed himself in shock.

"Oh man.... did I overdo it....?"

When I was pulling a little more than I expected, Kaiser and even Edward had a cramped smile. It's unexpected. I didn't mean to scare him so much. ......

But this is an opportunity. I need to switch my thoughts and change my strategy to going crazy.

“I have no mercy for those who stand in my way. I didn’t even consider Kyle. You know what happens when you make an enemy of me, don't you, Kaiser?"

"Of course, sir! We were originally opposed to joining forces with Prince Kyle and this attack. All those involved in this invasion of Asgard territory will be punished and will swear allegiance to Grace-sama! So, please have mercy on us...."

As much as possible, I stare at him with a nasty smile and Kaiser replies with tears in his eyes. In fact, it's probably half lie and half truth.

He was not on good terms with the Raymond faction and I guess he was not in favor of attacking my territory. But I don't know if he was really against it. Well, I guess he has no choice but to make it up to me by letting me use him in the future.

“Grace-sama is very kind to his allies, don't worry.”

“Oh.... of course, I won't go against you...."

Edward's words were met with a cold sweat from Kaiser as he stared at Raymond's disheveled appearance.

Apparently, Raymond had cut off a lot of people, but now, it seems that it’s his turn to be cut off. In fact, I had asked Edward to get in touch with someone from the anti-Raymond faction. They were originally looking for Raymond's weakness and decided to take advantage of our victory to oust Raymond.

Of course, they claimed to be loyal to us, but I don't believe them. However, the sudden collapse of a large merchant association like the Azul company would cause a lot of problems and there would also be a backlash from the nobles who patronize them, so it won't be a good idea to destroy them carelessly. Well, it looks like they're going to give us compensation and we've expelled the people responsible. Besides, it looks like we will be able to deal with them in our favor from now on. I guess it's time to move on.

In addition to that, the future of the Azul company will be bleak in any case, as they will no longer have Kyle's blessing and will not be able to get any technology from us.

“Okay, let’s talk about the details later. I'm counting on your sincerity. Edward-san, can you handle the rest of the negotiations? I'm going back to the estate.”

"Yes, please leave the rest to me. I’ll proceed with the reparations, punishments and all the other things. I'll come back later with all the documents.”

"Grace-sama, please wait a moment."

As I turned on my heel to head for the exit, Kaiser held me back. I didn’t think he’d be able to talk to me seeing how I threatened them so much. Is he willing to negotiate something?

“I've heard that Grace-sama is looking for Souzi's relics. I don't think it's enough as an apology, but I found this in my collection, so you can have it.”

Kaiser then held out a sturdy-looking box to me. Souzi's relics are expensive and valuable. Even when I asked Edward for it, he was unable to get it.

To give it out so easily without any conditions… this guy threw his private fortune for the sake of the company... I changed his evaluation a little… he might be a better person than I thought.

“I'll take it without reservation, thank you. Let’s go, Galatea."

"Yes, Master."

And so I took the box from him and returned with Galatea to the estate.

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