Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 23: Full-Body Enhancement Magic

Meanwhile, Isamu was also struggling to master old magic.

In his case, he was struggling not just with the distinction between old and new magic but with the fundamental concept of magic and, more specifically, the manipulation of magic power itself.

“Hmm, I still can’t gather magic power effectively…”

Magic power was still only gathering around his palms.

Ideally, he should sense the magic power circulating within his body and gather it, but he couldn’t seem to feel this circulating magic power. Isamu had asked Liddell and Marcella about their sensations, but he couldn’t perceive the same thing.

“Different from casting spells, the manipulation of magic power is too sensory…”

Isamu, a “logical” person who loved manuals and experimentation, struggled with the idea of sensation-based magic. Since he hadn’t made much progress so far, he decided to change his approach.

Until now, he had been practicing magic by casting spells that originated from his palms. However, this method only allowed him to gather magic power near his hands, which meant his magic power wasn’t moving much. Since it wasn’t moving, he couldn’t sense it. To address this issue, he thought about using a spell that activated throughout his entire body instead of just his palms. This way, he would be able to feel the movement of magic power throughout his body.

Yesterday, he had arranged for several intermediate-level spell books and searched for spells that could be used for experimentation. He selected three:

1. **Levitation**: A spell that allows the caster to levitate.

2. **Concealment**: A spell that conceals the caster’s presence from others.

3. **Full-Body Enhancement**: A spell that enhances the entire body.

Since these spells could be potentially dangerous, Isamu decided to consult Annemarie and Nicolette for confirmation.

“You chose rather difficult and subtle spells again…”

Nicolette’s first comment on this selection was not very encouraging.

From Isamu perspective, they all seemed like highly useful spells, but it appeared that was not the case.

“Levitation is a convenient spell, but it consumes too much magic power to maintain. With Isamu’s magic power level, you’ll probably reach your limit at about 5 melte’s distance…”

The high magic power consumption could be a problem since it meant shorter practice times.

“Concealment is a bit challenging to understand its effects. After all, you can’t sense your own presence, can you? You need someone who can sense presences to observe you. But it’s challenging since we are limiting old magic practice to the current members for the time being.”

The point about needing someone who can sense presences was indeed valid.

Ultimately, by process of elimination, Isamu decided to try the Full-Body Enhancement spell.

“Isamu-sama, the Full-Body Enhancement spell is less effective compared to spells that enhance specific abilities. Because of that, not many people use it in actual combat. However, now that you’ve started practicing old magic, it made me realize that maybe this is because enhancing specific abilities is easier to imagine. So, Isamu-sama, you might be able to use Full-Body Enhancement effectively!”

“That would be nice, but I’m still at the stage before that… What I need right now is to grasp the sensation of magic power moving through me.”

It hurts to see Annemarie’s sparkling expectant eyes, but Isamu doesn’t want to step on his feet any further, so he has no choice but to do his best.

Check the chant again.

(O flowing blood, feed on magical power and circulate. Become a droplet that causes miracles, and become new flesh and blood that gives strength to your body. Huh…Does it feel like magical power is circulating throughout the body like blood, and it becomes even finer particles and strengthens the muscles? I wonder what it is, compared to the magic I’ve seen so far, it feels a lot more concrete or scientific. Well, I hope it’s easy for Earthlings to understand…)

Body strengthening is classified as advanced magic. This is because the chant is long and there are few people who can activate it. Moreover, even if it were activated, the effect would be weak, as Annemarie said. Isamu thinks so. It would be scary if there were people who could imagine such content.

However, except for Isamu himself…

Just like the first time he used the Water Ball magic, Isamu started chanting the spell, stopping just before the spell’s name to observe.

(So, let’s see, I should first imagine magic particles in my blood, right? Then, I should make them spread from my veins throughout my entire body… Yeah, that should work.)

After a few mental simulations, his image began to solidify.

“Okay, I’ll give it a try.”

Isamu said this to Nicolette, and began chanting the spell.

“Blooding blood, feed on magical power, go around. Become a droplet that causes miracles, and become new flesh and blood that gives strength to me.”

At that moment, something extraordinary happened. Isamu’s body was enveloped in a golden light. The magic power visible only to Isamu was golden as well, but even before activating the spell, it seemed like the surface of his body was faintly glowing with that golden light.

“Whoa, what is this…? My body feels so warm…”

However, Isamu was more bewildered by the sensation within his body. It felt like a warm liquid was coursing through his entire body, much like the sensation of warmth that spreads from the throat to the stomach after drinking strong liquor. But in this case, the warmth extended from head to toe and continued unabated, an entirely unique sensation.

However, it wasn’t painful, despite its strangeness.

(Is this magic power…?)

With this thought, Isamu stopped concentrating on the sensation and gently opened his eyes.

The warmth inside his body disappeared instantly, and he felt a refreshing sensation, much like stepping into an air-conditioned room from a hot bath.

Nicolette, who was watching, had her eyes widened to the brink of losing her eyeballs.

“Isamu-san, what just happened? Your whole body was glowing!”

Nicolette asked, excited. Her proximity, as always, was uncomfortably close.

“Nicolette-san, a bit close, too close!! …Anyway, when I was reciting the spell while visualizing its image, I felt this warm sensation, like something hot was circulating from the top of my head to my toes. Could that be the feeling of magic power circulating within me? Also, did it light up to your eyes? I thought only I could see it, haha.”

“A warm sensation, huh… People sometimes feel warmth, so that might be right. But I’ve never heard of a whole-body enhancement spell making the body glow… “

“I see… Well, I’ll try reciting the spell again, and this time, I’ll try to activate it just to see.”

Isamu decided to give the Full-Body Enhancement spell another try.

Once again, he felt the sensation of warmth, like a warm liquid coursing through his body. This time, however, he was able to see the golden magic power emitting from his entire body. It seemed that his magic power was indeed circulating throughout his body, just as he had imagined. The golden color probably matched the light attribute of the Full-Body Enhancement spell.

With the golden light as his guide, Isamu began practicing the manipulation of magic power. He couldn’t control it perfectly immediately, but it was a huge improvement compared to his previous lack of progress.

After about 30 minutes of practicing magic power manipulation, Isamu was exhausted. He knew that his concentration was wavering due to the exhaustion. Therefore, he took a deep breath to relax.

“My concentration is running out, so I’ll activate the magic now.”

“Alright! Be careful; it might consume a lot of magic power.”

Nicolette advised him. Annemarie and Marcella, who had been conducting a mock battle, were now standing by and watching.

Isamu nodded slightly in their direction and began to chant the incantation.

“Blood, boil with magic power, circulate, circulate, become splashes that bring forth miracles, and become a new flesh to bestow strength upon me… Full-Body Enhancement!”

As soon as he finished the incantation, Isamu saw a golden light manifest in the air and quickly enter his body. In response, the light within his body grew even stronger, transforming into extremely tiny particles that were absorbed throughout his body. Isamu suddenly felt like he had become much lighter.

Even though he was standing on both feet, it felt as if there was no weight to his body. Simultaneously, the warmth that had been circulating inside his body disappeared.

“Did it work??”

Since enhancing the entire body didn’t result in any visible changes, IIsamu wasn’t sure if the spell had activated. He clenched his fists, but he didn’t feel any discomfort or increased strength.

Then he remembered the sensation of becoming lighter and decided to test it. He performed a light jump in the same manner as before.


Isamu’s voice was tinged with embarrassment as he jumped about a meter into the air.

What he thought was a modest jump had propelled him to a level comparable to a world record in Earth’s standards.

With a thud, he landed, but there was no impact felt in his legs.


After landing, Isamu pondered for a moment and then jumped even harder.


This time, he leaped upward at a speed that was distinctly audible, as though he was taking off rather than just jumping. It wasn’t merely a jump; he was soaring. If he looked at a spot on the third floor of the mansion’s facade, he had likely jumped nearly five meters high. When he stopped ascending and looked down, he could see the faces of the people below, and their eyes widened.

With a powerful sound, he landed again. This time, too, there was no shock felt in his legs.

Not just jumping power. It seems that the strength of the body has also been strengthened at the same time.

“T-t-t–that’s amazing!!”

“Wait, what’s going on now?”

Annemarie and Nicolette come running towards me with shocked expressions.

“I was concerned if it would activate properly, but it seems to be okay.”

“It’s more than okay! You just leaped like you were using a High Jump spell!”

Nicolette, as always, was getting uncomfortably close.

“Isamu-sama, here I come!”

Suddenly, Marcella clenched her fist and threw a punch.


Isamu instinctively crossed his arms to protect himself.

There was a dull sound as something hard collided with something else. The sound came from Isamu’s own arm, which Marcella’s fist had struck.

“Ow, ouch!!”

Marcella had not used her full strength, but she still winced while clutching her hand.

On the other hand, Isamu’s arm felt no more impact than if he had been hit by a rubber ball.

“Amazing, Isamu-sama. Your defensive capabilities have been greatly enhanced as well.”

Marcella, slightly grimacing and shaking her hand, praised him.

“Are you okay? But seriously, don’t suddenly punch me like that…”

Isamu smiled wryly while expressing concern for Marcella.

“Well, after seeing that incredible jump, I couldn’t resist trying…”

“Just couldn’t resist, huh… Wait, is the world spinning…?”

As Isamu listened to Marcella’s explanation, he suddenly felt his body swaying.

“I… I’m… gett…ing… di…zzy…”

Before anyone could finish their sentences, Isamu lost consciousness and collapsed backward.

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