Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 9: Expedition

“Sei, yaa!”

Enju’s cute voice echoed in the Rugen family’s training grounds.

However, in contrast to her voice, the sword stroke she made was sharp, and the wooden sword she swung down created a gust of wind.

“Brother! How was that?!”

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, Enju ran over to Hyde, who had been watching closely nearby.

“Yeah, that was amazing. I can’t compete with you anymore.”


When Hyde lightly patted Enju on the head, she squinted her eyes, just like a cat.

As he looked at Enju, Hyde reflected on the past two years.

Time had passed quickly, and Enju had turned five while Hyde had turned seven.

Since the incident, Hyde had been sneaking out of the mansion every night and diligently training his skills in the forest behind the house. Thanks to that, the risk of losing control was practically nonexistent, and he had fully mastered his skills.

Recently, in addition to that, under Cordelia’s strict supervision, his sword training had resumed.

Although Hyde still acted as if he hadn’t awakened his skill, that didn’t mean he had any reason to stop training.

Apparently, swordsmanship, due to the mana consumption, wasn’t something that could be continuously active in battle, so he needed to learn traditional swordsmanship that didn’t rely on skills.

And just the other day, Enju had secretly come to observe Hyde’s training and awakened the Swordsmanship skill.

Since then, Enju had also been appearing at the training ground alongside Hyde, diligently practicing her swordsmanship.

Dolph had mentioned that it was rare for someone to awaken their swordsmanship without undergoing the Rugen family’s trial—the baptism intended to awaken swordsmanship, as it had been called by the past heads of the family.

(Being able to handle a sword like that at five… skills really are amazing.)

Enju’s swing, using the skill, was sharper than that of the adults in the knight’s order.

If she continued to grow, she would become one of the finest swordswomen in the country.

“Brother, brother!”


“I’m going to get even stronger! So that even if you can’t use swordsmanship, I’ll protect you!”

“That sounds really pitiful for me as your older brother… but if it comes to that, I might just have to ask you for help.”


One thing that had changed was that since Enju had awakened her swordsmanship, she had started saying things like this often.

She probably genuinely believed that she was stronger than her brother.

(It’s not entirely wrong, though.)

If the two of them were to spar with wooden swords right now, Hyde, without using his skill, wouldn’t stand a chance against Enju.

Skills are that powerful, and that’s why the nobility holds so much power.

As an older brother who wants to live peacefully, Hyde was pleased to see his younger sister starting to shine.

That said, he also struggled with whether it was right to let his adorable sister take on everything.

That’s how much Hyde loved Enju… no, he loved the whole family.

(…No, don’t misunderstand. This power is something the gods have granted me, not my own strength. I really don’t have any power of my own.)

Hyde strongly repeated this thought in his mind, as if reminding himself.

 ◆ ◆ ◆

“Accompanying the knight’s expedition, huh?”

At the dinner table that evening, Hyde widened his eyes at the topic Dolph had introduced.

“Yes. Now that you’re seven years old, I thought it would be a good idea to show you. The enemies we nobles fight to protect the common people—the monsters.”


It had been seven years since Hyde reincarnated into this world.

He repeated the name of the creatures he had yet to see, the monsters, and swallowed nervously.

Monsters are creatures that are born from dungeons. Beasts that attack all living things indiscriminately.

They are truly humanity’s enemies.

Dungeons exist all over the world, continuously creating monsters.

And when the number of monsters exceeds the dungeon’s capacity, they are expelled into the world through a transfer space called a gate.

Nobles all own knightly orders to fight and exterminate the monsters that emerge from these gates.

(So that’s why mother has been in such a bad mood since this morning.)

Even now, as she listened, she still looked dissatisfied, but from the fact that she wasn’t interrupting, it seemed the matter was already settled.

“A gate has been discovered near the southern village of Rurya, in the forest of trees. Tomorrow morning, we will head out to suppress it. Hyde, I want you to accompany the unit I lead and observe the battle. Is that clear?”


“Father, I want to go too!” Enju exclaimed.


“Eh~ why not?!”

“You’ve just turned five. As a matter of custom, no one is allowed to accompany expeditions until they turn seven.”

Dolph responded firmly to Enju’s tantrum.

However, Enju was not willing to listen.

“But I can already use Swordsmanship. I’m stronger than brother, so I’ll be fine!”


Dolph shook his head in exasperation.

“Don’t overestimate your own strength. It’s true that Hyde hasn’t awakened his skill yet, but his training in swordsmanship, which doesn’t rely on skills, has been much longer than yours. The reason I told Hyde about this expedition is because I judged that he would be able to endure it.”

“I can endure it too! Right, brother?”

“Even if you ask me…”

Hyde faltered in response to his sister’s hopeful gaze, believing without a doubt that she expected him to support her.

However, it was clear which side he would be on.

“Enju, you shouldn’t trouble Father too much. When you get bigger, Father will take you along too.”


Though she pouted in great displeasure, it seemed that Enju had reluctantly accepted the situation.

Hyde let out a sigh of relief, his hand unconsciously brushing his chest as his thoughts turned to tomorrow’s expedition.

 ◆ ◆ ◆

The Rugen territory is full of forests and rivers, and despite the vastness of the land, the areas where people live are relatively small.

However, due to this, there is also a significant risk of being late in discovering gates, which is why the Rugen family’s knight order is larger compared to other nobles of the same rank.

It makes sense that Dolph is constantly going on expeditions.

In the dim light of dawn, the knight order’s barracks become bustling with activity.

For expeditions, they primarily use horses and cargo wagons.

The cargo wagons are loaded with not only the supplies needed for the expedition but also the support materials for the scout units.

“Hyde, you’ll ride in this cargo wagon. The ride is far from comfortable, but it should be better than on horseback. And don’t mess with the cargo on your own.”

“Yes, understood.”

Under Dolph’s swift instructions, the group set off from the Rügen residence.

As they left the Rügen residence, the city could be seen just nearby.

The capital of the territory, Sentriz.

As expected of the central area of the Rugen territory, the roads around here are well-maintained.

That said, compared to automobiles or trains, the cargo wagon shakes a lot.

(They said it would take about half a day one way to reach the destination. I hope I don’t get motion sick…)

If it gets too uncomfortable, he could always use the【Clay Doll of the Divine Realm】, but Hyde had made it a point not to use his skills except for training.

If he relied on such a powerful skill, it was clear he would start depending on it all the time.

“Still, I feel bad for Enju.”

For a child of that age, it must feel like being left behind when her older brother and father go out.

It’s not as cute as that, of course, but at least he should bring back a good souvenir story.

It was at this moment that Hyde was thinking these thoughts.



The wagon jolted sharply as it caught on a stone or something, causing it to bounce up.

Hyde almost lost his balance but managed to stabilize himself.


It was only a brief moment of relief.

He thought he heard a scream—one that shouldn’t have been audible here…

“No, no, surely not.”

Trying to reassure himself, Hyde looked in the direction of the sound.

Then, he lifted the thin cloth that was covering the cargo and saw what was underneath.

“…What are you doing, Enju?”

“I-I’m caught, huh…”

Enju, who had been hiding in the gap between the cargo, smiled mischievously as usual.

Seeing his little sister’s usual mischievousness, Hyde couldn’t help but hold his head in his hands.

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