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Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 23: A Hidden Gem

Adventurers, for the most part, do not possess powerful skills.

Skills are typically inherited through genetics, so families with powerful skills have already made a name for themselves, becoming nobles or personal knights.

Occasionally, individuals are born with unexpectedly powerful skills, but such people are special… they rise to prominence as adventurers.

So, how do the rest of the adventurers fight monsters?

The answer lies in mana.

Mana is necessary to use skills, but it can also be used to enhance physical abilities.

Compared to skills that enhance physical strength, the efficiency is poor, and the mana consumption is high, so those with powerful skills do not actively use it.

However, for those who lack skills useful in combat, it is an important force.

Then there are the mana stones that drop when a monster is defeated.

Weapons and armor crafted from them are also one of the forces that support adventurers.

“This way. Be careful, it’s dark.”

Helene, who is leading, points to a narrow alley.

It doesn’t look like there would be a shop here, but as I quietly follow, an open space appears at the end of the alley.

And there stands a building.

It’s a dilapidated wooden house, seemingly on the verge of collapsing.

Upon closer inspection, a curtain with the words “Weapons & Armor” is hanging at the eaves.

“Is this the shop you go to, Helene?”

“Yes. It’s a bit old, but the selection is reliable.”

As she says this, Helene slides the door with a creak and enters.


The fact that the door isn’t locked suggests that the shop is indeed open.

Following Helene into the building, the interior is surprisingly spacious and, oddly, faintly lit.

On the walls, ceilings, and various tables crammed into the space, there are all kinds of swords, blades, and armor.

“Most things are here, so I think it’s best to look around for now. The prices are marked with tags.”

“Got it. …By the way, where is the shop owner?”

I thought the shopkeeper might be in the back of the store, but there was no sign of anyone coming out, even though a customer had arrived.

In fact, there was no presence of anyone else in the store besides us.

“I don’t know. They’re never here.”

“They’re never here?”

After repeating the words in her mind, Helene nodded.


“This shop is always unattended. That’s why it’s always open, and you don’t have to talk to anyone, making it easy to use.”

“Isn’t that just asking for theft?”

It’s like an unmanned sales booth, similar to something in my previous life.

However, in this world, there are no security cameras, and no well-developed police forces.

I had thought that such a business wouldn’t work here…

“It’s fine. There’s a skill in place that prevents you from taking anything out of the shop without paying.”

Hyde had forgotten.

In this world, instead of advanced technology, there are extraordinary abilities called skills.

“You could try it, but apparently, as soon as you try to take something, the shopkeeper will be notified.”

“Yeah… let’s not. I don’t want to be thought of as a thief.”

Smiling wryly, Hyde began to browse the shop.


As Hyde gazed at the sword section, Helene muttered with curiosity.

“Wasn’t Shou a boxer?”

“I don’t have a particular preference, but swords just feel more familiar.”

“To be able to fight like that and still be a swordsman… Shou, who are you really?”

“I’m just a rookie adventurer.”

With a slightly annoyed gaze from Helene, Hyde played it off and grabbed a sword.

Until now, he had only ever used a wooden sword meant for children, so the adult-sized sword felt quite long.

(…Yeah, maybe a sword really is better.)

[Guidance of the Martial god] is a skill that can be applied to all martial arts and physical techniques.

With it, one could handle even weapons like spears or great axes at a master level, but it’s probably better to stick with what’s normally used.

“There are so many kinds; it’s hard to decide which one to pick.”

“Pick whatever you think is easiest to use. There’s a place beyond that door where you can try them out.”

“Did you buy your bow here too, Helene?”

“Yes. I think it was a great purchase.”

Helene puffed out her chest proudly with a little “mufufu.”

(She really is childish at heart, isn’t she?)

Hyde thought back to when Helene was hopping around in the 《Goblin’s Nest》.

“What is it?”

“Nothing, nothing. Well then, I’ll try a few things.”

Hyde headed towards the door of the shop, almost as if escaping.

Beyond the door was a small training area, complete with something resembling a scarecrow.


Imagining a virtual enemy, Hyde swung the sword.

He could feel that [Guidance of the Martial god] was supporting his body, allowing him to move as he imagined.

With each swing, a tremendous pressure from the sword swept through the training area, and Helene, who had come to watch, was wide-eyed in amazement.


After finishing his practice, Hyde let out a deep breath.

Then, there was the sound of clapping.

“That was impressive. I don’t know much about swords, but I think it was the most graceful I’ve ever seen from any swordsman.”

“Thank you. I’m glad you think so, Helene.”

“Ah! I-I meant that your swordsmanship, and your posture… it was beautiful in that sense…”

“? I understand.”

Helene hurriedly began muttering with her head lowered and the edge of her hood held down, making Hyde wonder what she was on about as he returned to the shop.

(Huh, now that I think about it… I have this…)

Hyde gathered all the swords within his budget and used [All-seeing god’s eye] to assess them.

Immediately, the sword’s information flooded his vision—everything from the name of the craftsman who forged the blade to the weight, length, and unique characteristics.

Even swords he had never seen before were instantly understood by him.

“Hmm, this one…”

Among the options, one sword stood out.

Appraisal Information

Name: Nameless Sword
Characteristics: The blade is embedded with fragments of a mana stone. By infusing mana into it, both sharpness and durability increase.

(The fact that it has mana stones embedded… I didn’t see that on any of the other swords. Maybe it’s standard for expensive swords?)

Though he had earned enough to buy a weapon, the amount was still modest after just two days of work.

Most of the swords that exceeded his budget were ignored in his appraisal.

Hyde decided to appraise a sword outside his budget.

(As I thought, this sword also has a mana stone embedded. Looks like this one is the best in this price range.)

With a grin, Hyde picked up the sword.

“I’ll take this one.”

“Huh, already? You’re not going to try more of them?”

“Yeah. Uh, I just need to leave the money here, right?”

He placed the payment for the sword and belt at the designated spot and left the shop.

There was no cry of “Thief!” as the shopkeeper appeared—his purchase had been successfully completed.

“Helene, thanks for guiding me. I’m glad I was able to get a good one.”

“I’m happy to hear that… So, what will you do now?”

“Well, it was faster than I thought. If there’s a nearby dungeon quest, I might take it.”

“I see… I’ve been thinking about taking a quest myself.”

Hyde noticed a look in her eyes that seemed to be waiting for something.

“Since we’re at it, how about we take a quest together?”

“Yeah! Sure!”

And so, the two of them headed toward the guild hall.

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