Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 9: The Mystery Deepens
When he came back to his room from shopping, he had to show off the things he had bought.
“Tauro, you’re just a kid, it’s okay to be a little fancy.”
Nei was a little unhappy with the simplicity of the clothes.
“It’s a lot more comfortable than my old clothes.”
Tauro compared it to his old clothes, which looked like a sack.
That made Nei feel like she couldn’t say anything else.
Then she pulled herself together.
“It’s a good raincoat and it’s cheap because the material is a bit damaged. Even if I try to appraise it, there’s nothing wrong with the quality. It’s a good bargain!”
Nei checked it as she unfolded it.
“Yes, It’s one of my skills that I didn’t tell you about, Tauro-kun. I can use it on objects.”
“Can’t you appraise people?”
“I can’t because only some of my abilities have been acquired so far. I’m trying everything to clear the conditions.”
She looked disappointed.
“I’m still trying to figure out what I can do. I can appraise the loot brought in by the adventurers from their quests and I don’t get cheated by merchants. In addition, in the beginning, it only displayed your name, so it’s much more useful than it was then.”
She seemed proud of herself.
“I’m sure you’ll be able to do it once you’ve cleared the requirements!”
“The basics are the same, but it also depends on whether or not you have talent. For example… In the case of appraisal, If you have a talent with an appraisal rank of S, you will be able to appraise anything if you meet the conditions, but if you only have a talent with an appraisal rank of G, you won’t get the ability even if you work hard and meet the conditions. However, the rank is not known by the individual, so whether the talent will blossom or not depends on your daily effort and talent. I’ve read that an appraisal rank of S can detect all kinds of individual talents.”
“Then you might be able to figure out what my garbled skills are, too.”
“That’s a possibility.”
“I’ve learnt “Purification”, but can I learn abilities other than my personal skills if I meet the requirements?”
It was a casual question for Tauro, but Nei’s reaction was huge.
“Eh! Tauro-kun, you’ve learnt “Purification”?. It’s a rare magic that healers learn!”
“It seems so…”
“Then your garbled skill should be a kind of healer skill isn’t it?.”
“Is that the case?”
“You only have one garbled skill and if you were able to learn a rare skill like “purification”, you must be a healer!”
Nei said excitedly.
“Ah,” he muttered.
“Tauro, you’ve learned the spell ‘Cleanse’, didn’t you?”
Nei asked.
“No, just Purification.”
Again, Nei was surprised.
“What’s wrong?”
“Purification is one of the high-rank spells that healers can use. But, you have to learn the lower level ‘cleanse’ and then the middle level ‘cleanse’ in order to be able to learn the higher level ‘purification’.”
“What does that mean?”
Tauro was a bit confused about all these, but If that’s the case, then he skipped over the order and learned Purification.
“At least it means that your garbled skill is not that of a healer. Hmm… I’ve never heard of another skill that uses Purification.”
Nei pondered.
Tauro thought for a moment that his garbled skill had been clarified, but he was back to square one.
He asked Nei to appraise the knife, which she did and said it was pretty good and he told her it was given to him for free.
“Eh!!?” Mr. Angus gave it to you for free?”
She was really surprised.
He explained the situation to her while keeping in mind that the dwarf was called Angus.
She laughed and said, “Well, that’s just like Angus.”
“Angus is a craftsman and when it comes to blacksmithing, he’s very enthusiastic. When he found out that I can appraise things, he had me appraise every single one of his pieces.”
Nei looked exhausted as she remembered that moment.
“Maybe you should go and thank him again some other time.”
“Yes, I understand.”
Tauro nodded.