Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 396: Before the Duel
The day after the commotion caused by the spoiled son’s night-time visit, Tauro and his friends headed for a small hill on the outskirts of town.
That was because this was the site of the duel between the Spoiled brat and Tauro.
The appointed time was noon.
When I arrived at the hill early, I found that the mayor’s spoiled son had already arrived there with about ten of his followers.
“You’re right on time. I’m surprised you didn’t run away. I’ve never heard of a team called the ‘Black-Golden Wings’, but I admire your guts.”
The spoiled son exuded a sense of ease throughout.
That’s what I’m supposed to say, though…
Tauro was astonished to see that this spoiled brat was extremely confident, looking down on everyone, It was appalling.*
Tauro is a D+ rank adventurer, and a capable individual who could easily rise to the C rank at any time.
A little research would have revealed this, but it seems that the spoiled brat may think that Tauro is just a figurehead leader.
If he really understood the situation, he would have had one of his deputies stand in for him in this duel.
Yes, it is not strange for the parties involved in a duel to have a proxy for each other.
Well, even though the spoiled son is a noble, he is still from a Magician family, on par with a Knight family.
Just being the mayor of this fairly large city of Wasan means that he is being treated quite well, but there is no difference in the fact that the spoiled son is an unofficially appointed official.
He is not of a status high enough to appoint a proxy.
As for Tauro, zion had offered to take his place, but he quickly rejected the offer because zion was not skilled with a sword.
Besides, this is a duel that I accepted, so I have no intention of leaving it to someone else.
In that sense, I was somewhat impressed with the spoiled son.
After all, the spoiled Son already had a dueling sword in his hand.
He seems to be very motivated.
“I’ve prepared some child-sized swords for you.”
the spoiled brat announced, and one of his cronies behind him tossed several small swords in front of Tauro .
The blades of the swords were all smashed.
Even though it was a duel, it wasn’t a fight to the death.
It is a game, a means to win or lose in order to prove one’s innocence or assert one’s claim.
Of course, even if the blade is crushed, it is still a piece of iron.
If it hits the wrong place, it can injure you, break your bones, and in the worst case scenario, you could die if you get hit in the wrong place.
However, to prevent this from happening as much as possible, witnesses and doctors are prepared.
Tauro chooses one from among several short swords and shakes it lightly to check it.
He checks it properly with his “true eyes” and does not miss even one small trick.
Fortunately, none of the short swords seem to be using any tricks, as they think they can win by sheer ability.
However, when he appraised the spoiled son’s dueling sword with his “True Eye,” it was found to have been endowed with “lightened”. *Weight reduction
…So in the end, your confidence comes from cheating?
Tauro chuckled inwardly, but if he thought he could win with just that, he was really underestimating him.
Tauro decided to overlook this, thinking it was a disadvantage.
Then the witness that Tauro had asked for arrived.
It was the village chief and his escort.
The village chief was alarmed and tried to make his case to the spoiled son.
“Why don’t you stop this?! Tomorrow is the wedding and what will happen if you get hurt?”
“ Don’t worry, I won’t get hurt. Besides, I have a doctor and precious potions at the ready just in case. But if your boy gets hurt, we have no obligation to treat him!”
the spoiled brat laughed along with his cronies as he said this.
The village chief was worried about Tauro, who had saved his life.
Besides, he was his own hired bodyguard.
Of course, if the spoiled brat gets injured, it will be his responsibility, and even if Tauro gets injured, it would be a problem as one of his bodyguards got injured.
For the village chief, it was stomach-churning.
After the village chief’s attempts at persuasion prove in vain, the spoiled brat was very motivated.
“I’ll show you what happens when you defy the Mage Baron family that rules this city!”
He exclaimed in excitement..
No, no, no, you were the one who was caught attempting to sneak into her room at night. Aren’t you shifting the issue?
“Before we get started, can we go over the terms of our agreement? I can’t start without your signature.”
Tauro reminded the participants that they had to sign the pledge before the duel could begin.
The pledge was then to be verified.
The content of the argument was about the claim that the spoiled son was innocent of the attempted night crawl, and that if he won, the loser should admit it.
Tauro’s argument was that since he was the type of person who would sneak into their night at night before they were married, they made it a condition that the bride’s wishes be respected before she gets married here.
As for the spoiled brat, he seems to think that even if he loses, it won’t be to his disadvantage.
Depending on the daughter’s wishes, the marriage could fall through, but the spoiled son doesn’t seem to be considering that possibility at all.
He thinks that since he is in love with the person, there is no way they would turn him down.
“Is he just a case of ‘love is blind’? Or is he just an idiot? Either way, it’s unfortunate for the village chief’s daughter…”
Tauro muses.
“Once you sign it, you can’t run away either, you know? I’m not the kind of person who will go easy on you, so once it starts, I’ll come at you until a witness stops me!”
The confident spoiled boy is determined to win.
Tauro ignored him and signed the pledge right away.
Once the witnesses had confirmed it, they showed the pledge to the spectators present.
“The duel will now begin. Victory or defeat is sacred, and nothing can be allowed to tarnish it. Now, both of you, step forward!”
A thin man dressed as a priest, whom the spoiled brat had brought along to begin the match, declared this to the spoiled brat and Tauro.
The two of them stepped forward in silence.
“We will carry out a final check. Once the match is over, the outcome is decided. It will be the same even if you surrender. You will not be allowed to find fault with the result after the fact. –Finally, is there any possibility of a settlement?”
Tauro and the spoiled brat answered at the same time.
“Then let’s begin!”
The duel finally began with the declaration of the thin, priestly-looking man.