Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 392: Encountering Good People
Tauro and his group had been on their planned route early and were approaching a certain hill around noon.
When Tauro sensed the presence of about 20 people just beyond the hill, he had them all be on alert.
Surely no one would attack in broad daylight, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
The silhouettes in Tauro’s “true eyes” show people relaxing on the other side of the hill.
They seem to be taking a break.
One of the silhouettes seemed to have noticed us and pointed at us, saying something to the leader of the group, but there was no sign of movement.
However, Tauro, who sensed a slightly unpleasant feeling among them, and told Ragune and the others about it.
“I think it’s all right, but I sense some unpleasant vibes mixed in there, so we might want to be careful.”
“That’s an unusual way to put it, leader. Understood, We’ll be on guard.”
Ankh replied, and Ragune and Zion nodded.
Tauro ran up the hill ahead of them, and when he checked, he found a group of what appeared to be merchants there.
“Are you from the group that was heading this way, boy “
A well-dressed middle-aged man who seemed to be the leader of the group of merchants , noticed Tauro, a young boy in plain but fine leather armor with a small sword on his waist and a bow and arrow slung over his shoulder, and called out to him.
“What kind of group are you?”
Tauro checks just to be sure.
“Group? We are from the Eichton Trading Company, boy. I’m Eichton, the representative of the company. Among us, there are some travelers who are traveling with us, as we’re going to the same destination.”
A man with orange hair and a mustache introduced himself.
“Ours is a group of people from one village who are on their way for a wedding. I am one of the adventurers escorting them. I am not a suspicious person.”
Tauro spread his hands wide, showing that he was hiding nothing.
“Oh! You’re getting married! That’s great news. When you arrive, how about I treat you to a drink of our alcoholic beverages?”
Eichton suggested with a good-natured smile.
Tauro’s “Presence Detection” didn’t detect anything suspicious.
It appears that he is making the offer in good faith.
“–Okay. I’ll go back and ask our head.”
Tauro replied, and ran to the group that was slowly making its way towards them, and told them the whole story.
“I see! The Eichton Trading Company is a well-known trading company in this neighborhood! I would be very happy to make a connection with the representative of such a large company. I’ll take you up on your offer.”
“But, we’re still on the road, is it it’s okay to have a drink…”
“Don’t worry, one person and a small amount won’t affect the rest of their itinerary!”
The village chief, Alimar, was so pleased with Tauro’s report that he hurried the carriage along, and soon reached the hill.
When the group arrived at the hill, the members of the Eichton Trading Company had already prepared their shipment of alcohol and was ready to serve it.
“It’s a wedding procession! It is a chance of fate that we have met like this. Let me serve you some celebratory sake!”
After saying that, the merchant Eichton shook hands with the village chief and handed him the wooden bowl.
Tauro appraised the barrel of alcohol with his “true eyes” just to be sure.
Apparently, there was no problem.
At that moment, a man who looked like a traveler came over with some alcohol and began pouring it.
Tauro did not feel good about the traveler’s presence and decided to be on his guard.
The other people, who also looked like travelers, were going around handing out wooden cups to everyone and pouring drinks, but they didn’t give off good vibes.
Some kind of warning sound is ringing inside the Tauro.
“Eichton-san, I’d like to ask you something, the people who are going around pouring drinks seem to be in a different than everyone else, are they your subordinates?”
“ Oh, I’m surprised you noticed. They are travelers who asked me to let them accompany us because they are going to the same destination. When I told them that I would serve drinks to everyone, they offered to pour the drinks themselves as a token of their appreciation for accompanying me.”
“…I see, so they have no connection to you, Ehiton-san?”
There are five of them in all, so they can’t afford to do anything stupid, but it would be best to remain vigilant for now.
Tauro confirmed this.
Tauro’s ‘Presence Detection’ showed no suspicious figures, at least not in the surrounding area.
So I doubt that just five people would do anything, but let’s be on the lookout.
Ragune and Ankh sipped the alcohol that had been handed out to them after checking with Tauro to make sure they were safe.
“Just one drink, both of you, just to be safe, okay?”
The two nodded and drank the alcohol from the wooden cups they were given with relish.
Zion and I refused at first because we were underage, but then we were told, “It’s a happy occasion, so you should at least give it a lick,” so we decided to give it just a sip as a matter of courtesy.
“This is a pretty good drink, isn’t it?”
Having appraised it with my “true eye,” I knew that the sake prepared was quite good.
“Hahaha! You seem to have noticed that you are still young, haven’t you? This is our pride and joy, our signature liquor.”*
Eichton, noticing Tauro’s reaction, replied proudly.
The others also found the drink to be a good one, and all asked for refills as the five travelers poured it from the barrel into wooden cups.
“Hey you guys, how improper!”
The village chief reprimanded the villagers,
“It’s all right. It is not every day that a bride gets married. One or two cups won’t make any difference. Have a second cup!”
And so, Ehiton was generous enough to give us a splendid banquet.
By the time the second round of drinks was served to everyone, people were already passing out, one by one.
“……? It looks like an easy drinkable drink, but is it really that strong…?”
Tauro was thinking so,
“… Leader, the alcohol gets to you too quickly. I think someone might have spiked t…”*
And when Ankh warned him, he collapsed.
Ragune does not collapse because she is resistant to abnormal conditions.
Zion, too, does not seem to be affected.
Tauro was also fine, but just as Ankh had warned, almost everyone around them had collapsed, as if they had gotten drunk.
The only exceptions were the five travelers accompanying Eichton, Tauro, Ragune, zion, and one other traveler from their side.
“It seems to be working. Signal everyone!”
One of the five travelers told his companion, who nodded and shot an arrow with something attached to the end into the air.
The arrow flies by, making a high-pitched whistle noise.
“Ah! It wasn’t the alcohol, they poisoned the vessel. ……!”
Tauro took a lick and then reappraised the wooden cup he had placed in front of him with his “true eyes” and realized the poison’s ruse.