Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 346: Quasi-Baron Arrested
Count Graunewald is surprised to see his son, Tauro, suddenly appear, but he realized that something was wrong.
“What do you mean?”
Count Graunewald felt it would be best not to interrupt Tauro’s offer and urged him to continue.
“Wait a minute, Count-sama! There is no need to listen to this little boy, whom you do not know. He may be one of the embezzlers, judging from the way he is defending the man who fired him! You two, quickly seize these people. I will interrogate them myself later!”
Then Baron Colon, sensing the danger, tried to capture Tauro and the others as well
“We have evidence of embezzlement by Quasi-Baron Colon.”
Tauro replied, pulling out a bundle of documents from his magic storage and showing them to him.
Ankh had obtained them by bribing officials at Tauro’s suggestion.
The soldiers on the quasi-Baron’s side did not care and tried to capture Tauro
Then Ragune and Ankh stepped forward and stood in front of the soldiers.
“Are you trying to resist!? You’ve admitted your guilt! —Count-sama, please step back. Leave this to me!”
Baron Colon announced as he conveniently interpreted Tauro and the others’ reactions, and then he got in between him and Count Graunewald and kept Tauro away from him.
“Eh, wait! Baron Colon! That boy is—”
Just as Count Graunewald was about to tell them about Tauro’s true identity, Tauro disappeared for a moment in front of their eyes and appeared in front of the soldiers, but then disappeared immediately, and the next moment he appeared right in front of Baron Colon.
It was a “spatial shift”.
Since I’ve been using it every day for over half a year, the distance it travels seems to have increased a little.
Tauro took a step forward, lightly pushed aside the surprised Baron, then appeared in front of Count Graunewald to hand him the documentary evidence.
“Please accept it, Count Graunewald. Not only do I have the documents, but I also have the witnesses.”
Tauro said and pointed to Zion.
“…… it seems, Baron Colon. There was a lie in what you told me.”
Count Graunewald briefly looked over the document, and his gentle expression changed from a moment ago to a dignified, sharp look as he glared at Baron Colon.
“Wait a minute, Count! This is a misunderstanding! …… Yes. As I said before, that evidence must have been embezzled by the official who was just fired over there. And the witness is just a child? You can’t trust someone who can’t even determine such facts!”
Baron Colon, approaches Count Graunewald with great force.
However, he was unable to do anything because Tauro grabbed his wrist and twisted it.
“Ouch! What are you doing kid! Let go of this hand! I’m a quasi-baron, you insolent prick!”
Baron Colon wriggles, his face contorted in pain.
“Baron Colon, please be quiet. There seems to be enough evidence. Soldiers, seize him!”
The soldiers, who had been watching the situation, moved in unison at the order of Count Graunewald.
The territorial soldiers took over the arm that Tauro was holding and grabbed them his arms from both sides, making it impossible for him to escape.
“Count! It’s a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding! It’s just a mistake in the books! No, it must be a conspiracy! A conspiracy by those who are jealous of my position!”
While being taken to the prison in the mayor’s residence, Baron Colon continued to insist on his innocence.
“…It seems like I’ve inconvenienced you earlier, Tauro.”
Count Graunewald smiled bitterly and looked tired when he and Tauro were alone.
Then he continued.
“I’ve known that Huot well since he was a child, but it seems he didn’t grow up well… The previous Baron Colon was a very loyal and honest man, a man who could be considered a mirror to his subordinates… I trusted him to take charge of this city because he was his son, but it seems I was wrong…”
Count Graunewald seemed more disappointed than he had expected.
“…Father. I think there is no doubt that we can trust the loyalty that is handed down from generation to generation. It would be wrong to betray that trust. Since I am an outsider, I was able to see this in a way that has nothing to do with them… ──That’s right…!For the time being, I would like to explore the territory as an adventurer. Is that okay?”
Tauro asked his father for permission to tour the territory.
“Of course, Tauro. … I want my child to live freely. If that’s what you want, then do it. And thank you. Thanks to you, the people of the land will not have to suffer any more.”
Count Graunewald let out a sigh and put his hand on Tauro’s shoulder.
“My son, Tauro. From now on, I am ordering you to serve as a patrol officer in the territory.”
Count Graunewald’s gloomy expression changed completely and he declared that.
“What? A territorial patrol officer?”
Tauro asked back at the unexpected order from his foster father.
“if you want to go around concealing the fact that you are my son, wouldn’t it be convenient to hold such a position? Incidentally, the previous Count Graunewald, if my father had not died so early, it is something I myself would have wanted to do. I’ll have my son do it for me.’’
Count Graunewald replied as he looked warmly at his son.
“I understand. …… father, for the time being, I would like to travel around the territory to broaden my horizons.”
Tauro cordially calls this kind-hearted father-in-law father, and he nods.
Tauro nodded as he called this kind-hearted foster father “Father” with all his heart.