Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 345: Capturing the Adventurers
“Damn it!”
Hagen spat out, and signaling the warrior and swordsman with his eyes, he pounced on Zion, the witness.
He decided that it was still better to keep Zion quiet even in the presence of a large audience than to have him testify.
“‘Range defense’!”
Ragune announced, and a translucent wall formed in front of Zion to protect him from the slashes of Hagen and the others.
While Hagen and the others were surprised, Tauro, with his small sword drawn and unleashed, and Ankh, who had a knife in both hands, quickly closed the distance.
Ankh slashed the warrior and swordsman’s dominant arm with his knife, causing them to drop their weapons.
Tauro flashed his small sword and cut off Hagen’s right wrist, which was holding the sword.
The three of them approached at an unexpected speed, and with Tauro and Ankh slashing at them, they had no choice but to hold their arms and sit on the floor.
Hagen rolled around in pain as his right hand was cut off.
“── Branch Chief-san, it is against the rules to draw a sword in the Adventurers’ Guild, but it’s okay if it’s self-defense, right?”
Tauro moved quickly to confirm with the branch chief who was seizing the wizard woman.
“Ah, no problem. The adventurers here are witnesses. No matter how much the gray vultures have threatened us, they will cooperate with us this time.”
The branch chief looks around at the adventurers in the lobby.
Most of the adventurers averted their gaze and looked away from the branch Chief’s words, as if they feel uncomfortable.
“Damn! What have you done to my right arm? Goddamn it! Ow!”
Hagen was in agony from the pain in his right arm and tried to stop the bleeding himself.
Tauro threw a potion at him and stopped the blood.
Hagen stares at Tauro in surprise.
“There’s a lot I still need you to testify about.”
“…Hmph! Do you think I’ll talk so easily!?”
Although Hagen’s bleeding had stopped, he was still sweating from the severe pain of having his right hand cut off, and yet he still took a defiant attitude.
“It would be better for you if you were more cooperative. ……, – Okay. I’ll have everyone testify except you. You will suffer pain until the day you are hanged.”
Tauro made a gesture of withdrawing an additional potion that seemed to be a painkiller other than the one used for treatment.
“Damn it, ……! Oh, do you know who I am! You know who I am? I’m a friend of the lord of this town. You think you can do this to me and get away with it?”
Hagen showed his anger even though he was still suffering from the pain.*
Then Ankh stepped in front of Tauro and kicked Hagen’s right arm as hard as he could.
Hagen screams out in extreme pain.
The impact of the kick caused his right hand to bleed again.
“Oops, I’m sorry. I kicked you because it looked like you were moving suspiciously again, but when I looked closely, I saw that your right hand had been cut off, so you couldn’t hold a sword anyway.”
Ankh said this with a cold light in his red eyes.
Of course, it was on purpose, but no one tried to blame him for it.
“Hagen-san. Please consider that you have now lost your chance for redemption.”
Tauro told him, and then used a potion to stop the bleeding on his right arm again.
Then he continued.
“I know The law of this city is the mayor of this city, but It is only because he leans on the parent. I will report this directly to that parent, Count Graunewald.”
“…… haha! How could a mere adventurer kid meet the lord so easily? And who do think he’d believe more? the Baron Colon, who is the mayor of the town and has served for several generations as a ruling power?─ ─ simply put, I can’t be judged unless Baron Colon himself is judged. We are in this together!”
Hagen grinned and boasted of his victory with a smile on his mouth, despite the anguish on his face.
“…… that’s all right. We already have evidence of Baronet Colon’s embezzlement. The only thing left to do is how to tell them, but I have connections as well…”
Tauro did not dare mention that he was his adopted son.
Even if he is the son, he is still just a child.
It doesn’t matter what I say.
“Oh dear, I thought it was just a problem with Hagen, but now you’re going after the town Mayor for embezzlement. …… Indeed, that is beyond the scope of the Adventurers Guild. Even in my position, it’s difficult to convey. Are you okay with that?”
The branch chief came into the conversation puzzled by the quandary.
“it’s all right.”
Tauro replied with a smile and nodded to Ahnk and Ragune, who tied up Hagen and the others.
The next day…
Whether by coincidence or by design, the lord, Count Graunewald visited the city of Caxart.
“Count-sama, I haven’t seen you since New Year’s greetings!”
Baron Colon greeted the Count’s unspoken and urgent visit, wiping the sweat that was flowing even though it was not even hot.
“It’s been a long time, Quasi-Baron Huet Colon. I apologize for the short notice. I’ve just returned from the royal capital, and I’ve heard reports that the damage caused by monsters in the salt lakes was increasing. You seem to be in trouble as well, so I’ve brought my territorial troops with me to help you.”
Count Graunewald smiles and pats Quasi-Baron Colon on the shoulder.
Actually, this was another pretext for meeting his son, but he did not mention it.
“It’s such a waste of your time. ……Actually, the outbreak of monsters we in the salt lake has recently been suppressed by adventurers, and the lord himself need not come. But this is me. I am a young man who has only been in office for a short time. I apologize for any concern or worry I may have caused you.”
When Baron Colon heard Count Graunewald’s story and realized that his evil plot had not been discovered, he immediately calmed down and responded.
“Don’t be so formal. Your father, the previous Baron Colon, served me well. I did not expect him to pass on that early just as my father did. …… I know it must be hard for you too, taking over so suddenly, but if you need anything, please let me know. I will always be here to help you.”
Count Graunewald replied with a good-natured smile.
As this exchange was taking place in front of the mayor’s residence, a man who appeared to be a government official burst into the room.
“My lord! This Baron Huet colon has been pocketing the taxes owed to the lord, and is trying to cover it up by creating a mass outbreak of monsters.”
Before the official could finish saying what he wanted, he was seized by Baronet Colon’s soldiers.
“This man is the one we just fired on suspicion of embezzlement. I had been troubled because he had been acting and speaking strangely on a regular basis, but I didn’t realize it had gone this far. ……!”
Quasi-Baron Colon tried to make an exaggerated play to get the intruder to leave.
“Please wait!”
Then another interloper entered.
This time it was a boy dressed as an adventurer and his group.
“Who is it this time?! Hey, someone seize these people! In front of the Count!”
Quasi-Baron Colon ordered his soldiers to seize the adventurers.
The four adventurers were Tauro and his party, and Zion.