Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 303: A Moment with Friends.
Viscount Saissi plotted to escape when he learned that the knights were heading to his mansion to arrest him.
And the mansion he jumped into for help in his escape was the residence of Marquis Halagoura, the head of the fraction.
The knights immediately sensed this and surrounded the house, but they were dealing with the residence of a powerful man who could be said to be the leader of the aristocratic society.
Unable to storm the house, they sent a messenger to the residence of Marquis Halagoura, demanding that Viscount Saissi be handed over to them.
Of course, the butler from the Marquis Halagoura’s Household came out to respond, but he insisted that there was no such person and that they should do something about the knights who were rudely besieging the house.
The knights had no choice but to lift the siege, and were forced to watch the Marquis Halagoura’s residence from a distance.
Incidentally, during this time, Tauro had gone straight from the headquarters of the Royal Knights to the royal palace to meet his friend for the first time in a long while.
“Long time no see, my friend!”
Prince Fleue welcomed Tauro with a smile.
“Your Highness, it has been a long time.”
Although Tauro was a friend, the other party was a prince of a far superior status.
He bows properly and greets Fleue.
“Tauro is firm as always, haha! So, what’s the matter with you today? You didn’t just come to see me, did you?”
Prince Fleue asks, sensing Tauro’s character.
“I am sorry, Your Highness. I am here today to report to you as a friend and to greet you as a vassal.”
Prince Fleue tilts his head.
Tauro is a free-spirited adventurer.
Knowing this, he could not grasp what Tauro meant.
“Actually──I have come to inform you that I have been adopted into the Count Graunewald family through the intermediary of Marquise Van Dyne.”
“What? Tauro has become a nobleman?”
“Yes, actually there is a reason for this…”
Tauro simply reported that his life was being targeted by an assassination guild, that the client was Viscount Saissi, and that he had become an aristocrat in order to make a case and pursue it by being adopted into the aristocracy.
“What a ……. I didn’t know that was going on! It was rumored that Viscount Saissi-who, by the way, had grown quiet for a while-would just hand over the head of the family to his son and go into seclusion. …… but suddenly he became active, but then this happened! He is a treacherous fellow to aim for the life of my friend! Tauro, why didn’t you tell me about this sooner?!”
Prince Fleue turned the contravention on his friend.
“I am sorry, Your Highness. I had no idea where we might be being watched, so I had no choice but to follow the order before reporting to you.”
“Well, I am glad you reported to me on the day of your adoption, ……. ─ ─ Is that why Viscount Saissi was arrested?”
“I would have thought that by now, the Knights would have raided Viscount Saissi’s mansion and arrested him. ……”
“…… I see. Good then. …… I see, so, a report and a greeting as a vassal.”
Prince Fleue nodded to himself as he finally came to terms with the story.
“Yes, I knew that if I didn’t say hello to you as a friend, you would be upset.”
Tauro finally tried to lighten the mood by joking with Prince Frueh.
“Hahaha! Don’t say that, this guy. As a friend, I’m happy to hear that. ──Even so, Tauro is a noble. And since he’s the adopted son of Count Graunewald, he’s a potential heir. The head of that family is a splendid man, and I’ve heard nothing bad about him. Now that you have become a nobleman, you will have to go through a lot of hardship, but you can count on me, my friend, and I will be more than happy to help you.”
“Thank you, Your Highness.”
Tauro bows to Prince Fleue’s courtesy.
“Yes. How old is Tauro now?”
“? I’m ……13 years old.”
“Thirteen ……. What about school? If you become a nobleman, you must learn how to behave like one, too, mustn’t you?”
“No, my father-in-law, Count Graunewald, has given me permission to do as I please in that area, and I plan to continue traveling as an adventurer for the time being.”
“Is that so? Count Graunewald is rumored to be an oddball among neutral nobles. Well, I for one would be happier if Tauro were free ……”
Prince Fleue looked forward to the letters with adventure tales that his friend in front of him would send him from time to time.
He was more than happy that his friend could tell him in his letters what he could not do himself.
“Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. Yes, between you and me, I have been to a place that would surprise even Your Highness.”
Tauro was pleased that his dear friend was paying attention to him, and decided to tell him about the adventures he had not yet reported in his letter.
“Really? That’s exciting. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard directly from Tauro. Oh, yes, Sebastian, please make some more tea.”
Prince Fleue, who had not heard Tauro’s tale of adventure in a long time, prepared to listen carefully to his confidant who was waiting by his side.