Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 301: Adoption approved
The day after sending Salaman, head of the Adventurers’ Guild Dragon People’s Village Branch, to the 110th level of the dungeon.
Tauro was picked up in the morning by Ragune’s “dimensional corridor” and used it to travel by “spatial transfer” to the residence of the Marquis of Van Dyne in the royal capital.
“Good morning Tauro. Today’s interview is just a final confirmation, and after that, once you sign the papers, the adoption with Count Graunewald will be finalized.”
Aeris welcomed Tauro, who had come all the way from the village of the Dragon People by “spatial transfer,” with a smile and immediately explained the day’s schedule.
“After that, we are going to sue the state for the fact that Viscount Saissi was plotting to assassinate me, right?”
“That’s what I meant. We are going to appeal to Count Daredar of the Prime Minister’s faction at noon, along with the documentary evidence.─ ─ Even though you are adopted, you are the child of one of the leading figures of the neutralist movement, so the state should be able to move quickly. Finally, Tauro won’t have live in fear for his life from assassins.”
“In that case, I will have to greet His Highness Prince Fleue immediately afterwards.”
Tauro mentioned the name of a friend of different status.
“Yes, I think so. I hear Prince Fleue is now a more Influential member of the royal family, and I’m sure he’ll be able to push for and provide support once Tauro becomes a nobleman.”
Aeris understood Tauro’s thoughts.
“No, it’s not that, it’s about becoming an aristocrat, or in this case, reporting after you become one……, and if I don’t do that, he might be upset, right? In case you’re wondering, I’ve been writing to him regularly, but I haven’t reported this time at all.”
Tauro was distressed that he had to report after the fact to Prince Fleue, even though they were friends.
He could not tell Prince Fleue first because he knew that Prince Fleue, a man of great friendship, would be concerned and would want to cooperate if he knew that his friend was becoming a nobleman because he was being targeted by assassins and was becoming a nobleman to sue the main culprit.
Then he might have moved the royal family even for Tauro, a commoner.
That would have been too big.
There is an order to things.
First, Tauro must be adopted by a nobleman who can move the country, and then he must sue Viscount Saissi. If the royal family were to move on behalf of a commoner, Marquis Halagoura, the head of the faction to which the viscount belongs, might move in an all-out confrontational stance.
Because it will be demeaning the nobility of their faction for a commoner.
But if Tauro is an aristocrat, it’s a different story.
If the charges against Viscount Saissi are brought along with the evidence, threatening the life of a nobleman is a felony, and it would be difficult for Marquis Halagoura, the head of the faction, to publicly defend him.
This is because Viscount Saissi is absolutely at fault.
Here, for the first time, if the royal family moves in conjunction with it, it will be more perfect.
That is why I could not talk to Prince Fleue, however much of a friend he is.
He is an intelligent man, so if I explained it to him, he would understand immediately, but there is a high possibility that he would be upset because I did not say a word to him, my friend.
So I have to go see him right away, right away, to explain as well.
I could have told him on the condition that he keep it a secret, but the inside of the royal palace is a phantom hall where spies from each faction are mixed, and I didn’t know where the leak would come from.
There was no way I could tell him first.
So today,
The adoption of a child is approved
Sue Viscount Saissi to the State
Report to Prince Fleue
All must be finished by the end of the day.
By doing it without taking Our time, Viscount Saissi’s side should be on the back foot.
And it becomes important not to let Marquis Halagoura, the man behind him, and whom I fear the most, do anything.
No matter how much Viscount Saissi has been placed in an important position in the Marquis Halagoura faction in the past few years, it can be said that he is just a viscount, just one of the golden vines.
Let Marquis Halagoura be forced to make such a decision and cut off the lizard’s tail.
The odds are good.
If this were against the Prime Minister’s faction, it is possible that Marquis Halagoura would get impatient and play a variety of cards, but this time it is Count Graunewald, one of the leading figures of the neutral faction.
Rather than playing cards, prolonging the situation and making the neutral faction into a complete enemy, he would probably choose to cut off the Viscount.
It was Aeris who laid the framework for this plan.
The details were probably worked out together with her father, Marquis Van Dyne, Count Graunewald, and others, but the plan that she came up with out of a single-minded desire to save Tauro is about to fall into place.
Tauro has nothing but gratitude to Aeris.
Tauro, who was trying to get by on his own, could not imagine the option of becoming a nobleman.
his original plan was to directly attack the assassination guild with the information gathered by the dragon people once the surveillance was relaxed, or to seize the weakness of the original culprit, Viscount Saissi, and either force him to withdraw the request or remove him from his position as Viscount. It was a plan that would take several years to drag him down from the viscount’s seat, he never expected to be able to solve the problem so quickly.
Aeris had really grown up in the little time he had been away, Tauro thought.
While Tauro was lost in these thoughts, an official came to visit and the final meeting for the adoption took place.
He confirmed his intentions and signed a document certifying that his intentions remained the same.
“You have done your job. The adoption is now complete. Congratulations. Count Graunewald has a worthy successor.”
An official congratulates them on the adoption.
“Thank you for making the process so smooth.”
As he said this, Marquis Van Dyne also remembered to hand over his thanks for completing the formalities on his way out.
This is another customary practice in aristocratic society.
The official would return to the government office with a relieved look on his face, taking the documents with him.
“All right, Count Graunewald. When Count Daredar visits, the next thing, we’ll be taking Viscount Saissi’s crimes to the authorities.”
The Marquis Van Dyne was smiling and puffing, very happy that his friend had an heir.