Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 280 – Still Preaching
Tauro and his escort team were facing a time of patience.
Yes, the last of the two days after leaving the “break room” on the 201st level to replenish the capture team, they are being given a tremendous sermon by the members of the capture team.
The elite members of the capture group include great sages, true saints, and others with clear-headed skills.
Therefore, the sermon was given carefully and for a long time mainly to those smart dragon people, and the sun was already about to set.
“──Please don’t do this anymore. okay?”
Finally, the sermon was over.
The team of Tauro and his guards were mentally drained and exhausted by the strict sermon, so much so that the words, “Kill me!” occasionally leaked out.
Perhaps it was not just a sermon, but something in their words that affected their spirits.
“T-that’s right. The sun is setting and we need to set up camp. I have some food I prepared yesterday.”
Tauro, with the intention of redeeming his honor, pulls out a bowl of curry from the magic storage.
The escort team shouts with joy at being able to eat curry again as they did yesterday.
The members of the capture group were suspicious of the joy of the escort team, who were supposed to be sorry, but they prepared to camp at Tauro’s suggestion.
The capture team were also surprised by the curry prepared by Tauro.
The support team, of course, was also surprised. It seems that the curry with pork cutlets went very well with the dragon people.
The bad atmosphere from the long sermon was completely transformed into a friendly one.
“During the day, were the monsters you were fighting really strong?”
Tauro asked about the group of Monsters that the capture team had been fighting for over an hour.
“Yes, there are very few weak enemies on this floor. It’s true that the monsters we just fought were certainly strong, but compared to the monsters we encountered yesterday, it was still easy.”
The great hero of the capture group said something amazing.
“Have you encountered an enemy stronger than today’s monster!?”
Tauro was intrigued by the monsters that these legendary warriors said were strong.
“Yes. We had a five-hour battle with it. But it ran away before we could put a stop to it. …… We were too exhausted to pursue it, so we let it go. It might have been the guardian of the domain of this hierarchy. Well, it was wounded quite deeply and may be dead by now.”
What kind of monster could fight for more than five hours against this legendary team!
Tauro was astonished in his heart.
“So you must not come to a place like this, Tauro-dono. If anything should happen to you, we will be isolated on this floor. Do you understand?”
This time, the great hero must not start preaching, so Tauro nodded his head and immediately served everyone a sweet after-dinner dessert, a steamed bun that they could eat with their hands.
This was particularly pleasing to the capture group, who had been fighting non-stop for a long time.
They had not expected to be able to eat something sweet on the battlefield.
Tauro was happy to find that the food was more popular than he had expected, and when he handed over the supplies, he handed over not only curry, but also many steamed buns, a valuable sweet food.
The next day…
First thing in the morning, Tauro was led back to the 201st floor ‘break room’ by the support group led by the female leader.
If asked, they will probably take a short cut and arrive in a full day.*
“I wish you all the best of luck. We will leave now.”
Tauro’s group was seen off by the capture group as they headed back to the dungeon.
On the way back.
“…… Tsugumi-san, there is a silhouette in the forest 250 meters away from Here that I have never seen before in my “true eyes.”
Tauro nervously reported to Tsugumi, who was walking beside him.
The female leader of the support group, who was ahead of us, also noticed it and ran towards us.
“Tauro-dono, it seems that there is a monster up ahead that the Capture group failed to kill. We have decided that it would be better for us to finish it off, so can Tauro-dono and the others please wait a little while?”
The female leader asked us to wait with a serious look on her face.
Yes, of course. Please take Tsugumi-san and the others with you. They are originally a reserve unit of the support group, so they are perfect in terms of strength, aren’t they? The supply group will stay here as my escort.”
“…… Even though that monster is deeply wounded, it is an enemy that we failed to kill once. We can’t let our guard down, so thank you.”
The female leader nodded and turned to head into the forest.
“Tia-san, it has noticed us and is coming toward us!”
The person in charge of searching for the enemy in the support group hurriedly reported to the female leader, Tia.
I saw it approaching us from between the trees in the forest, billowing up a cloud of dust.
“…… No choice, change of plans, we’ll intercept It here. The supply team is to shield Tauro-dono. The escort team will be between me and my support team, andI’ll take care of him.”
Tia quickly made this decision, and everyone formed up without hesitation.
In the meantime, a large beast covered in darkness jumped out from the forest.
At first glance, it appeared to be a wolf-like monster.
According to the information we received last night from the capture group, it should be a subspecies of the two-headed holy wolf covered in darkness, Fenrir.
If the information is correct, it should have a high resistance to light and dark attacks, a high resistance to physical attacks, and be difficult to kill by magic itself.
In other words, it was a natural enemy of Tauro, which has strengthened his light attribute.
However, since he was deeply wounded, Tauro’s attacks might have some kind of chance to penetrate.
based on Tauro’s naïve expectations, The battle was about to begin.
Is it still getting translated? The last update was July