Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 302: The scheming Marquis.
When Count Daredar visited the residence of Marquis Van Dyne, without even finishing their greetings, Marquis Van Dyne, Count Graunewald, and Count Daredar, accompanied by Tauro, appeared before the authorities of the Royal Order and accused Viscount Saissi of the crime.
Viscount Saissi, although of low rank, is a nobleman of Marquis Halagoura’s faction who has recently risen to prominence due to his wealth.
The fact that Viscount Saisi was being indicted jointly by three heavyweights from the prime minister’s faction and from the neutral faction caused even the Knights’ Order authorities to become agitated.
They were immediately sent to the back of the room to hear what had happened.
So, the on-site manager, who was shown the story of Marquis Van Dyne and the evidence, realized the gravity of the situation and immediately left the room to report it to his superiors.
Soon after, the Commander of the Knights of the Kingdom appeared in the reception room.
The Royal Knights are entrusted with the protection of the country, and are ranked above the Guard. The Royal Knights are often in charge of arresting nobles.
Since the captain of that knight order has appeared, he must be aware that the problem is a big one.
Tauro stood by and watched the situation without speaking.
Once again, when he appealed to Count Ombini, Commander of the Order of Knights, about Viscount Saissi’s crime and showed him the evidence, Commander Ombini looked made a sour face.
“We have also received reports on the operation to wipe out the assassination guild branch in Count Daredar’s territory. I had no idea that you had even recovered such evidence. ……”
Commander Ombini glanced at the victim, Tauro, who also confirmed it, and also made a reluctant face.
“As I recall, your wife is the daughter of Viscount Kiranwaren of the Marquis Halagoura faction, isn’t she?”
Marquis Van Dyne asked, understanding Commander Ombini’s reluctance.
“Yes. ……. But of course, even though my wife is the daughter of Viscount Kiranwaren of the Marquis Halagoura’s faction, I am the Count of the Ombini family, a neutralist, so I don’t show favoritism!”
Realizing what Marquis Van Dyne is trying to say, Commander Ombini makes his excuses.
“But you know the family over there will have a lot to say about that later, won’t they?”
Count Daredar pointed out, seeing through Ombini’s mind.
“Well, well, if we can keep it civil, that’s all the better. ……”
Commander Ombini let out his true feelings.
Tauro, the victim of this incident, stared at him with a look that said, “This guy is the worst.”
Commander Ombini, who noticed that gaze, was taken aback.
“Of course, a crime is a crime. I will fulfill the duties of the Order! …… but, sir…”
Still in a simpering attitude, Commander Ombini tried to continue with his excuses.
Then there was a knock at the reception room, and a knightly-looking man appeared.
It was a knight whom Tauro knew.
“Commander, while I was waiting next to you, I heard what you were talking about, and if you are unable to fulfill your duties, shall we, the Knights of the Kingsguard, take over?”
It was Count Conowen, the leader of the Kingsguard Knights who had lent his support to Aeris’s escort in the royal capital who answered.
“Count Conowen, please wait a little longer. No, if the Kingsguard moves, it means that the royal family moves. That’s not good. Let’s be calm here. ……”
Commander Ombini panicked as the problem seemed to get worse.
“Then, Commander Ombini has no choice but to take action. I hear that you have all the evidence you need. Since he is involved in the attempted assassination of the heir to the throne of Count Graunewald, a leading figure in the neutralist faction, Viscount Saissi must be ordered to appear before the court immediately. No, shouldn’t you immediately move the Knights to arrest him? Fortunately, Viscount Saissi is currently in the capital. I think it is important to arrest him before he returns to his own territory. It is essential that we do it right away and end this before the commotion grows too big. If things get too big, Commander Ombini will be held accountable ……”
Count Conowen folded his arms as he said this.
“My responsibility!? ──That’s right! It’s just as Count Conowen said. Someone! Send a squad of knights to Viscount Saissi right now, arrest him immediately and report this attempted assassination. Pursue it!”
Commander Ombini, not wanting the matter to become a matter of blame on him, ordered the arrest of Viscount Saissi with the advice of Count Conowen, whom he was scheduled to meet later in the day.
“Count Ombini. I was scheduled to meet with you later, but you will be busy now. I would like to return to the headquarters of the Order of the Kingsguard and do what I can about Viscount Saissi’s case. We will meet again next time.”
Count Ombini nodded at Count Conowen’s offer.
“That’s right. I can’t stay like this. I must be ready to move the Knights and be prepared for the worst.”
Commander Ombini, who moves quickly once he makes a decision, greets Marquis Van Dyne and the others and hurries out of the room.
“Count Conowen’s acting has improved as well.”
Marquis Van Dyne, an old acquaintance, grins and shakes hands with Count Conowen.
“Ha-ha-ha. I was nervous. Marquis Van Dyne.”
Conowen replied with a wry smile.
Huh? You mean ……?
Tauro looks over at the faces of Marquis Van Dyne and the others.
“Count Conowen is a setup, Tauro-kun. He will offer a meeting at this time so that He can be there and interrupt us at the right moment. It was a plan to get Count Conowen to give him a nudge and move the indecisive Count Ombini.”
The Marquis of Van Duyne had drawn up the plan, he confided.
Marquis Van Dyne is a schemer…!
Tauro was simply amazed that there was a plot behind this sequence of events.