Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 170: The Second Shop
The guest room of the Garfish Trading Company.
The discussion with the representative, Mardai, about the product is over.
“Then all we have to do is wait for the sales.”
“I guess so. Oh, here’s one suggestion: ……”
Mardai’s face turned into a merchant’s face again.
“The curry shop in Tauro-dono’s name in Saisi city. Hey, do you have any intention of opening a second store in the capital?”
“Is it urgent?”
“No, in case you are wondering, Paulo of the Saisii branch has been proposing it for a long time. However, that store is in your name, so I wondered what to do…..”
Mardai had not wanted to bring this up until this point because Tauro did not want his name to be in the foreground.
“Well… The store over there is run by a trustworthy adventurers guild, so it’s viable, but that’s not the case here…….”
“Of course, if you can have it served here, we will manage it responsibly. Curry is now a firm favorite as a specialty in the city of Saisi. I’ve had it myself, and that stuff is delicious! It’ll be good if it’s in the royal capital, so I can eat it anytime I want. …… It will surely become popular!”
Oh, now he was getting all personal.
Tauro laughed inwardly, but the Garfish Trading Company would be able to manage it.
“Why don’t we make a big name for ourselves here, and even consider opening branches all over the country!”
Apparently, Mardai was serious.
Although a nationwide expansion would be too big a stretch, I myself would be happy to see a branch open in the village of Dansas.
But the first thing to consider is money.
Right now, Tauro doesn’t have much money on hand.
He spent too much on visits to the nobility.
As a result, his efforts were wasted when the royal family became the guardians, so he didn’t want to think too much about money at the moment.
However, he was glad that he had spread the money around as a necessary expense since it helped Aeris show her face and provided some protection as she thrust herself against the Vandyne family’s turmoil.
” Then Mardai.-san…… please lend me the money to build a second store in the capital.”
I told him the thing I most hated to say.
In my previous life, I had never borrowed money.
But now that I’m here, I finally have a second loan.
The first debt was to Mauve-san.
It was the money I needed to register to become an adventurer.
I needed the money to survive, so I had no choice but to take it, but I had always thought it was safer to live a life without debt.
“Well, since we’re the ones who offered, we’ll pay for it, won’t we?”
“No, I paid for the first store myself, so I put it in my name. I would like to open the second store under my own responsibility. However, I will leave the management to you, but please lend me the funds.”
“I understand …… I’ll lend you the money. But my guess is that Tauro-dono will pay very quickly, right? Hahaha!”
Mardai said meaningfully and laughed.
Tauro did not quite understand what he meant, but he decided to borrow a large sum of money from Mardai since he intended to pay back what he borrowed.
When that happened, Mardai introduced me to a good storefront property that day, and I previewed it and signed a contract right away.
This time, I decided not to buy the property, but to lease it.
I also decided to do the remodeling work myself.
I could have asked the Garfish Association for the funds, but that would have meant more debt for me.
So I decided to do what I could do myself.
A few days later, Tauro completed the remodeling work by himself, and the owner of a restaurant nearby was so surprised at the results that he had to politely decline the offer to decorate his own place.
And the menu, which would be competitive, was made the same as that of the Saisii restaurant.
I don’t know if we will expand nationwide in the future, but we will compete with a common menu.
In the future, we may have a local menu or local toppings.
Oh, in the village of Dansas, they could have curry with pork cutlets, their specialty!
Once Tauro realized this, he decided to open a third restaurant in the village of Dansas.