Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 91: Start of Examination
While working with Rosalia on the magical tools, I received a report that the soil preparation for the greenhouse was complete.
“Rosalia, I’m going to the greenhouse, what are you going to do?”
“I’m here making magical tools.”
“Okay, I’ll be there. Be careful not to get hurt.”
I had expected it, but I was still rejected. Apparently, Rosalia is not interested in magic potions. I wonder if there is anyone somewhere who might be willing to be my assistant.
“Julius-sama, I hear you are going to the greenhouse. Would you mind if I join you?”
“Of course I don’t mind.”
Instead of Rosalia, Marth-san bit the bullet. It looks like Mira is coming, too. I left Rosalia with the servant and headed for the greenhouse with them.
“Is this the greenhouse in the margrave Heine house? It is indeed large. And it’s well taken care of.”
Marth-san nodded repeatedly. Ah, this is a difficult situation to say, “It looked like an abandoned house earlier, though”. So I smiled vaguely.
When I entered the greenhouse, I was greeted by a muffled, humid air. Apparently, the new magical equipment was functioning without any problems.
Unlike earlier, there were many ridges on the ground. This would allow me to plant seedlings right away.
“Julius-sama, who is that person?”
“Oops, that’s right. This is Marth-san who is studying the holy dragon. He will be studying the holy dragon here for a while.”
“I see. I am the Knight Commander Lionel. Nice to meet you.”
The two greet each other. It was just as well that their faces were known to the knights. In one corner of the greenhouse, there were already medicinal herbs and seedlings of poison-eliminating plants. That’s very thoughtful of you.
“Then, let’s plant the seedlings. This one is the medicinal herb, and this one is the anti-anti-poison herb. Let’s plant them about two palms apart.”
“That’s a lot of space.”
Lionel is surprised, knowing that he usually plants them one fistful apart.
“I wanted to see what would happen if I planted them at a wider spacing once. Still, there’s plenty of room in the greenhouse, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Umm, Julius-sama, why is the soil shaped like this?”
“Oh, this?”
Marth-san said as he put his hand on his chin when he noticed the presence of the ridges. As might be expected of a researcher, he seems to notice things other than his own research.
“This is called a ridge. If you plant the seedlings in a heap of soil like this, the seedlings will drain better, and their roots will grow longer and they will grow well.”
“I see, that’s very well done. Was this Margaret-sama’s idea?”
“Um, yes. I learned it from my grandmother.
Of course, this is a lie. If I said, “I thought of it,” they might look at me as a research subject. I refused to do that. I looked at the knights and silently pressured them to “go along with me.” The knights nodded their heads silently.
I felt like I was doing something wrong. It wasn’t my fault.
While Marth-san nodded in admiration, we quietly planted the seedlings at equal intervals. After planting, we water the seedlings thoroughly. We watered the seedlings with water drawn from a nearby watering hole and transferred to a watering can.
This is a little inefficient. Maybe I should build a sprinkler system. I’ll do that.
“I’ll think of a magical tool that will make watering the plants easier for you, since watering seems like a lot of work.”
“I appreciate that, but have you come up with your next magical tool yet?”
What do you mean, “Already?”
But then Marth-san bit into it again.
“What do you mean by ‘already’?”
“Oh, you see, Julius-sama has only just now developed the magical tool that is attached to it.”
Lionel pointed to an indoor cooling/heating blower suspended near the ceiling. Marth-san rubbed his eyes, as if he had just noticed its existence.
“Certainly there was nothing like that in the greenhouse at the royal castle. Apparently there is warm, moist air coming from that magic tool. ……”
“That’s right. That indoor cold/heat blower magic tool is what is heating this greenhouse.”
Lionel answered with a smile. He looks happy.
“Yeah! Did such a magic tool exist?! No, there wasn’t. Taking everything you said earlier into consideration, are you saying that Julius-sama made that magic tool?”
“Yes, he did. He started making it this morning, and it was finished before lunch.”
Lionel started to brag about it. Stop it already, Marth-san’s eyes are turning into shiitake mushrooms. Those eyes are Marth-san’s eyes when looking at Mira!
“I see. And yet, you’ve already come up with the next new magical tool, haven’t you?”
“I suppose you could say that.”
This is not good. Let’s secretly make the sprinkler magic tools and secretly install them. We shouldn’t attract any more attention from Marth-san. It’s dangerous. Dangerous.
After that, I somehow managed to finish the work.
“I’m home, Rosalia.”
“Welcome back, brother. What’s the matter? You look very tired.”
“Yes, well, I’ve had a lot on my mind. You seems to be doing well.”
When I looked, I saw that she w working a third indoor cold/warm air blower. ……What? Isn’t that fast? It’s true that the sun will be setting soon, but this speed of creation is extraordinary. Could it be that Rosalia has talent as a magic tool master? I was surprised to observe Rosalia using the …… “Craft” skill. When did she learn it?
“Rosalia, when did you learn to do that?”
“When what?”
The cute little sister tilts her head. With my mouth still fluttering, I used my “craft” skill to lightly bend a nearby iron plate with my hand. I hand it to Rosalia.
“I mean this.”
Rosalia was surprised at the situation, but she put the steel plate back together with her hands as well. Then, her eyes widened and she stared at her own hands.
“I didn’t notice. Brother, what is this?”
“Is this some kind of …… special magic?”
Rosalia looks up at me with worried eyes.
Come to think of it, I haven’t heard of any mention of skills in this world. Maybe it is not well known yet. If so, this is a case that needs to be handled with care.
Loose lipped Lionel strikes again
Thank you for the chapter.