Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 66: Arrival
Okay, okay, this time we’ve got zero damage. It’s nothing if you put your mind to it. That’s what I’m talking about. The knights were picking up the magic stone with dubious looks on their faces.
“Julius-sama, a moment.”
I was about to return to the carriage when Lionel stopped me. Your eyes are kind of squinty. I know those eyes. I’ve seen those eyes before, It’s the look of someone who has given up.
“What’s wrong, Lionel? We’re leaving as soon as we finish collecting the magic stones.”
“ of course, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for Julius-sama to lead the fight. If something were to happen, we would be at our wit’s end.”
Oops, it seems he is angry because I took over his job. If he didn’t have a place to play an active part, would he say something like, “you don’t need an escort.” I didn’t mean to imply that at all.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to fall behind any of those Monsters. I even defeated a dragon, remember?”
Lionel sighed deeply. At the same time, he shook his head from side to side. I wonder, Lionel, have you aged a little?
“Maybe so, but you still shouldn’t get involved in anything dangerous.”
“I’ll take care of it.”
“No, not good. Please don’t do this.”
“Oh, oh, all right. I won’t.”
Lionel’s extraordinary spirit pushed me over the edge. He really wants me to stop. From now on, I’d have to make sure Lionel wasn’t around before I did anything.
When I returned to the carriage, my sister Rosalia jumped on me.
“Brother, you’ve gone quiet, what’s going on?”
“Oh, it’s all taken care of. The carriage should be leaving soon.”
I put Rosalia on my lap, patted her head, and waited. After that, the carriage proceeded without any problems and arrived at the next town.
As soon as it arrived at the next town, the merchant again presented me with a gold coin. It was not a threat.
When we entered the inn, We were treated to a little alcohol. Of course, the source of the money was the gold coin given to us by the merchant.
During the trip, everyone ate dinner together. Rosalia seemed to like this and seemed to be enjoying it. I enjoy it too. I wish we could do the same at the mansion.
“Julius-sama never ceases to amaze me.”
“That’s right. He can defeat the great big boar with a single sword.”
“Yes, yes. He also beat all the big boars in no time at all. I honestly wondered if we needed to be there.”
The knights, a little drunk and talkative, were talking in an amusing manner. Rosalia was listening attentively to the conversation. I don’t know, I feel like she’s going to tell my father and mother about it later.
“Brother, what kind of magic did you use?”
“Eh? What was it~ I can’t remember. Didn’t Lionel and the others defeat them?”
Rosalia is glaring at me with a “liar” look. Stop it, don’t look at me like that. I was wondering how to cover it up when Lionel, who was sitting next to me, spoke up instead of me.
“Rosalia-sama, Julius-sama used the magic called ‘Wind Blade’ and ‘Earth Needle’. Do you know this magic, Rosalia-sama?”
Ah, Lionel had planted unnecessary knowledge in Rosalia’s mind! Rosalia is nodding her head a little. Oh, how adorable.
“I’ve never heard of either. Did brother’s teacher teach you that magic?”
Oh no, what should I do? If I said yes, Rosalia might ask Kernel-sensei about that magic next time. The answer would be, “I didn’t teach him that magic.”
Should I pretend that I read about it in a book? No, she might ask to see the book later.
“Yu, I saw it in a dream. In a dream. Well, it seems I have a talent for magic.”
I stuck out my tongue and showed it to them. Rosalia and Lionel are looking at me with mousy eyes. Damn It, can’t I fool them?
“Speaking of which, how did Julius-sama know the monsters were coming?”
The gazes of the knights who were supposed to be making a fuss around me suddenly gathered on me. How to get through this place, how to get through this place…
“It’s a hunch, a hunch. I seem to have an excellent sixth sense. I can feel the reactions of the monsters around me like I can feel them in my hand. ahahaha……”
Thin …… and the place goes quiet. No one laughs. They’re supposed to laugh here. Well, I guess I’ll just have to use my back hand then.
“Oh, no one’s laughing.. Maybe I should stop offering magic potions?”
I glanced at the knights and saw that their faces had clearly gone pale. Once you’ve had a taste of honey, there’s no going back. Do you understand?
“Yes, that’s right! As expected of Julius-sama!”
“Julius-sama’s sixth sense is really half-baked!”
“As expected of Julius-sama! That’s what I admire about him!”
The knights suddenly began to make a commotion. Seeing this, Lionel, as expected, stopped pursuing the matter any further. Only one person, Rosalia, was puffed up.
But that, too, seemed to have been managed by just patting and pampering her.
Despite the unexpected accident of encountering the Great Big Boar, the rest of the trip went smoothly. As we approached the royal capital, the roads became well paved.
“Rosalia, it looks like we will be arriving at the capital soon.”
“I didn’t realize how hard the carriage ride would be. My buttocks hurt.”
It seems that even the soft cushions had their limits. It would have been better if the carriage had been a little less shaky. I wonder if the technology in that area hasn’t developed yet. Since there are magic tools, it would seem that at least springs should have been developed.
“Then, we need to make a magic tool that doesn’t hurt your buttocks.”
“Can you make such a magical tool?”
“Hmmm, I don’t know if it’s possible.”
Apparently, she realized that I was teasing her. Rosalia puffed up her cheeks like a squirrel. As I poked at it and let the air out, Lionel called out to me.
“Julius-sama, Rosalia-sama, the royal city is in sight!”
As the two of us leaned out of the carriage window, we could see a large walled city ahead of us. Is that ‘Spencer’, the royal capital of the Kingdom of Spencer? Looking closely, it seemed that the city continued outside the wall. Further around the city, fields continued to spread out.
Swear to god, Lionel is way too loose lipped.