Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 349: Too Soon?

Another day is quickly coming to an end. As I lie down on the bed, I can’t help but let out a sigh.

I never thought I’d feel lonely. It seems I was more dependent on Fabienne than I thought.

Unfortunately, I never shared a bed with Fabienne while she was staying at the Heine Frontier Count’s household. Even though we’re engaged, she’s an important guest, after all. And I can’t betray Baron Amber and his wife, who entrusted Fabienne to my care.

But still, I wonder if sharing a bed just once might have been a small mistake.

At that moment, the ring vibrated, shaking.

“Fabienne? Is something wrong?”

“Oh, no, nothing’s wrong. I was just wondering what Julius-sama is doing right now. Um, I hope I’m not bothering you at this hour?”

“I was thinking about you, Fabienne.”


“I was regretting not sharing a bed with you just once.”


I hear the sound of something banging through the ring. It’s probably the sound of a pillow being banged around. I hope no one hears it and gets suspicious.

“Calm down, Fabienne.”

“Now, you’re teasing me, aren’t you?”

“No, I’m being completely serious…”



There’s no response. It seems like it short-circuited. I’ll just have to wait patiently for it to restart. It seems like it has restarted by now. I hear a cute little cough.

“Julius-sama, did you have a proper dinner?”

“Y-yeah, of course. It was a grilled sea bream.”

What should I do? Fabienne has gone into mother mode. She’s completely treating me like a child.

I might have gotten a little too excited when I received a communication from Fabienne. I admit I teased her just a little. I need to calm down.

“Has everything been the same for you? Well, we just parted this morning, so I guess there’s nothing new.”

“Yes, nothing has changed. But, since Julius-sama isn’t here, it felt like there was a big hole left behind.”

“Fabienne… I’ll come get you right after breakfast tomorrow. So, get ready with that in mind.”

“Yes. I’ll be waiting.”

I end the communication. It was brief, but it seems Fabienne feels lonely too, which makes me feel a little reassured. I know it’s not good to be reassured by the fact that I’m lonely, though.

“All right, I’ll sleep well. I can’t let Fabienne see me with a tired face.”

I decided to get serious about sleeping. If I can’t sleep, maybe I could use a sleep spell on myself.

“Then, I’ll go pick up Fabienne.”


“Be careful. Don’t make any detours, okay?”

“I see, that’s a good idea.”

“Don’t do it, okay?”

It was a joke, but my mother scolded me sternly. I wonder if I can be trusted in this area. I mounted Mira and floated up to about the height of a wall. I waved at my mother, Rosalia, Nero, and Lelie who were seeing me off, and then headed straight for Baron Amber’s household.

I moved through the air at a much faster speed than when I was playing in the garden. As expected of a Holy Dragon. Much faster than a fine horse.

Before long, Baron Amber’s household came into view. I could see people below pointing at us. The rumors would probably spread quickly.

As planned, I landed in the garden of Baron Amber’s household. As I had mentioned before, the servants seemed flustered when they saw us. Maybe we arrived a little too early?

While I was thinking that, Fabienne appeared from inside the mansion, all prepared.

“I’ve been waiting for you.”

“Did I make you wait too long?”

As we exchanged smiles, Baron Amber and his wife also arrived. Both were dressed properly.

That’s a relief. It seems like we didn’t arrive too early after all.

“Good morning. I’ve come to pick up Fabienne.”

“Good morning. Please take care of our daughter.”

“Fabienne, make sure you don’t cause any trouble.”

“Of course.”

Now that I think about it, Fabienne hadn’t caused any trouble during the winter. Could that have been the norm? If that’s the case, then I’m the real troublemaker. I guess it can’t be helped if my family sees me that way.

After exchanging greetings with Baron Amber and his wife, I mounted Mira’s back again. As I rose slightly, I waved to the couple. It was the first time they had seen us flying, so their eyes and mouths were wide open.

On the way back, we glided over the rooftops. Our speed was less than half of what it had been when we came.

However, since we moved stealthily over the roofs, it didn’t seem like many people saw us.

Maybe it would be better to move the same way when heading to Baron Amber’s household next time. That way, the commotion won’t get too big.

Fabienne was clinging to me, but her expression seemed relaxed. She didn’t seem scared. If she gets used to it, she might be able to travel at a faster speed next time.

Mira, carrying us, seemed to be in a good mood, snorting happily. It looks like she enjoys carrying people.

“We’re back.”

“Welcome home.”

“Welcome back.”

“Oh, that was quick~.”

After seeing me off, it seems like they went back to tending the garden. Everyone greeted Fabienne with smiles. I hope Fabienne can relax now. The idea that Fabienne would cause any trouble is just absurd.

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