Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 298: What on earth happened?

After getting out of the bath, we headed to the usual “post-bath salon.” On the way, I had Nero fetch Rosalia’s fountain pen. With Nero, Lelie, and sister-in-law Mika’s attendant around, it wasn’t an issue.

“Orange juice after a bath is the best.”

“Oniichan, apple juice is also delicious.”


“Oh, grape juice is quite nice too.”

Mira was drinking milk. She’s still a child in some ways. As I enjoyed my post-bath drink, Nero returned. I instructed him and Lelie to get something to drink as well, then handed Rosalia her fountain pen.

“This is Rosalia’s fountain pen.”

“Wow! It’s wonderful. …This is Mira, isn’t it?”

“Kyuu!? Kyuu!”

At Rosalia’s comment, Mira peered in and let out a triumphant cry. I think she really liked it, judging by the way she kept bumping her head against me. It’s a unique expression of affection.

While Mira, who was still slightly damp, was being dried with the warm and cool air blower, I watched Rosalia eagerly trying out the fountain pen.

Perhaps having heard our excitement, Alex-niisan arrived looking a bit tired. Maybe I had overburdened him a bit? Should I join the business efforts myself? I do have an adult-level intellect, so I wouldn’t be completely useless, I think.

“Alex-niisan, have you had too much work?”

“Oh, no, that’s not it. It’s a different matter.”

“Is it about the Snow Wolves?”

“…How did you know? Ah, I see, you heard from sister-in-law Mika. sister-in-law Mika also… Julius, be careful not to get scolded by Cain, okay?”

It seems Alex-niisan correctly guessed what had happened by seeing the still-damp sister-in-law Mika. I appreciate the warning. But, really, I’m the one who might get scolded if I were to intrude on sister-in-law Mika while she’s in the bath. It’s the other way around this time!

“This is a bit complicated. I’m not at fault. So, there seems to be a problem?”

“I’m not sure if talking to Julius is a good idea, but well, okay. It seems that Snow Wolves are coming from the Cassius Mountains.”

“Cassius Mountains? That’s where the headwaters of the Tradell River are, right? Does that mean something happened in the Cassius Mountains?”

You can obtain various magical potion materials from the Tradell River. If that area gets disrupted, it would be quite troublesome. Besides, I’d like to go to the Cassius Mountains in the future to collect valuable magical potion materials. There might be unknown materials that I don’t know about. It’s an exciting prospect.

“So, we’ve decided to send an investigation team to the Cassius Mountains soon.”

“I see.”

Real winter is already approaching. There isn’t much time left. Therefore, it should be quite a tight schedule. If we get snowed in, there will be nothing we can do.

Establishing the trading company and sending the investigation team—both are important tasks. It must be stressful to have both overlapping.

Father is also busy preparing the villagers for the arrival of winter. This is the busiest time. If we neglect preparations for winter, the villagers might freeze to death. That would be a failure as a lord.

In that case, I, who have experience commanding the knights, would be suitable.

“Alex-niisan, I’ll lead the investigation team.”

“That’s appreciated, but…”

“Of course, I won’t be alone. I’ll have Cain-niisan and sister-in-law Mika help out as well. Plus, I have the blessing of the Snow Spirit, so I’m sure it will be helpful.”

Alex-niisan began to think. It seems he’s quite hesitant. I have the blessing of the Snow Spirit. With that, at least we won’t have a blizzard during the investigation. The weather might be on our side.

“Alex-sama, Cain–chan will also be involved in this matter, right? If that’s the case, it’s reassuring to have as many collaborators as possible.”

With Mika’s suggestion, Alex-niisan let out a big sigh. It seems he has finally made up his mind.

Probably, at the point when he talked to me in detail about this, he hoped to get my help. To minimize the damage, he must have been hoping for the blessing of the Snow Spirit.

“Got it. I’ll talk to Father about this matter. Sorry, Julius, for dragging you into this.”

“It’s no problem. After all, I’m also a member of the Heine Frontier Baron family.”

“I’m a member too, Alex-niichan!”


Seeing they might be left out, Rosalia and Mira raised their hands with a “Hi hi!” It’s truly commendable. We’ll have to handle this problem as the entire Heine Border Baron family. Hopefully, it won’t be a major issue.

According to Alex-niisan, he plans to hold a discussion with the knights tomorrow and then form the investigation team. After selecting the investigation area, he hopes to begin the full-scale investigation the day after tomorrow.

There isn’t much time, but before then, I need to make additional glass pens and prepare magical potions that could be useful in the snowy mountains this winter.

To alleviate the cold, maybe I should make some hot cookies. With these, not just part of your body, but your whole body will warm up.

The main ingredients are flour and chili peppers. They should be in the kitchen. Will it work?

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