Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 291: Encounter

Having been caught by Rosalia, I ended up teaching her how to make pencils. Since it wasn’t difficult with the ‘Craft’ skill, Rosalia quickly became able to make them herself.

“Just as expected of Rosalia-sama. To recreate the pencil just from listening to the explanation.”

“That’s not true. It’s all because you’re amazing, Julius-niisan.”

Rosalia proudly told Nero this. It’s a bit embarrassing. Maybe every sibling feels this way about their older brother.

Although the plans were a bit disrupted, Rosalia can now make pencils too. It should be enough for use in the Heine Frontier Baron family.

“Well then, when Lelie’s pencils run out, Rosalia make sure you take care of it.”

“Understood. Leave it to me.”

Rosalia, who loves being relied upon, responded happily. Task completed. Now, I need to head to the bath.

I chased Rosalia, Mira, and Lelie out of the room and headed toward the bath. However, it seemed I was a step too late.

“Oh, Julius-chan. Were you planning to take a bath now?”

“Yes, but it looks like I’m a bit late. Since you’re already here, sister-in-law Daniela, feel free to take your time in the bath.”

Well, borrowing the knights’ quarters shower wouldn’t be a problem. I might just use that today. I was hoping to soak in the bath slowly due to everything that happened, but I shouldn’t ask for too much.

“In that case, shall we bathe together?”

“Eh? Sister-in-law Daniela, that might be a bit inappropriate…”

“What are you saying? We bathed together the other day too.”

Sister-in-law Daniela gave a bright and very pleasant smile. Oh, that’s right; Daniela is someone who will seize any opportunity to bathe with family! And since a precedent had already been set, it’s very hard to refuse.

What to do? I guess I’ll have to mention Alex-niisan’s name and have her reconsider. Sorry, sister-in-law Daniela. It’s not that I don’t want to bathe with you.

“Um, but what would Alex-niisan say…”

“That’s fine. I asked Alex if he wanted to bathe together, and he refused.”

What’s okay about that? I mean, it was Alex-niisan who was invited. It seems they’ve been bathing together without my knowing. Unacceptable. Perhaps Cain-niisan and Sister-in-law Mika too… it’s becoming even more unacceptable.

And here I am, having no choice but to bathe with Sister-in-law Daniela to avoid darkening her cheerful face.

If I refuse here, it would surely hurt Sister-in-law Daniela. After all, I have no valid reason to refuse. Even bringing up age doesn’t work since we all bathed together last time. There’s no persuasive power in that.

That said, I’m curious about how Alex-niisan managed to turn down Sister-in-law Daniela’s invitation. Did he say he was too busy with work or something?

Maybe it was a mistake to be thinking about that. I noticed too late that Nero wasn’t coming to the bath with us.

“Huh? Where’s Nero?”

“Nero-kun is waiting at the entrance,” said Daniela’s servant.

Usually, Nero helps me undress, but now Sister-in-law Daniela’s servant, a woman, is helping instead. Looking around, it seems there are only women here. Moreover, the servant in charge of washing is already undressed and completely naked. This is bad.

“Um, Sister-in-law Daniela, I think I’ll bathe at a different time…”

“Oh, Julius-chan, don’t you want to bathe with me that much?”

“No, that’s not it…”

I turned to Sister-in-law Daniela and found myself holding my breath. In front of me stood a woman with a body as beautiful as a goddess, completely naked.

Where’s the towel!? What happened to the towel? There was one last time, wasn’t there?

“Sister-in-law Daniela, please, at least wrap a towel around yourself.”

“Oh? But since we’re siblings-in-law, I don’t think it matters much.”

“But it does!”

How did it come to this? I’m in the bath with Sister-in-law Daniela, sitting side by side in the tub, and she has no intention of covering herself with a towel. I’m covering myself, though. What’s going on with Sister-in-law Daniela? Could it be she enjoys showing her body in front of others? And her tone is completely different from usual. She’s very friendly. Is this her true self?

“Oh, Julius-chan, you’re so serious. You’re just like Alex in that regard.”

With that, Sister-in-law Daniela poked my cheek. It felt like I was being treated like a pet. In other words, to Sister-in-law Daniela, I’m in the same position as Mira. Thinking about it that way makes me feel somewhat relieved. I guess being self-conscious was unnecessary.

“Have you gotten used to life here? How does it compare to being at the castle? Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Well, it’s very enjoyable. I’ve come to realize how confined I was in my narrow world, and how I wasn’t free at all.”

Ah, it seems Sister-in-law Daniela has quite a bit of dissatisfaction with the royal family’s ways.

I must have asked the wrong question. I only meant to ask if she was finding anything inconvenient. Language is tricky. I need to change the subject somehow. That’s right.

“I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying it. By the way, I’ve created some new stationery to make it easier for the servants to write in their notebooks.”

“New stationery?”

Sister-in-law Daniela, who had been looking down, turned her face toward me. Along with her, the servants also turned to look. Everyone has such fine things. …Is it Father’s hobby? Or perhaps the taste of the men of the Heine family?

“Yes. It’s called a pencil with an eraser. I was hoping you might let the servants who assist you use it…”

“You’ve created something new again. You’re truly amazing, Julius-chan. I can understand why Alex is so determined to protect you.”

Sister-in-law Daniela narrowed her eyes. Alex-niisan is trying to protect me? I hadn’t realized that… As I thought this, my head was suddenly filled with a soft sensation.

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