Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 283: More local specialties! Yay!
After trying out the pen for a while and seeming satisfied, Alex-niisan finally came to his senses and gently placed the glass pen on the table.
“Julius, how many of these glass pens do you think you could make in a day?”
“Well, if I stay in the workshop all day, I think I could make about a hundred… but I wouldn’t really want to do that.”
“Yeah, I suppose that’s true.”
It seems Alex-niisan is already thinking of selling these as products. In that case, it would be better to have two types: one for commoners and one for nobles.
“How about starting by selling them to nobles? If they become popular among them, it would be good advertising. That way, you won’t have to make so many.”
“Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. It would be nice to have everyone use such a good product, but it’s better to take it step by step and make steady progress.”
Saying this, he immediately began planning with Sister-in-law Daniela.
Uh, Alex-niisan? Could I get back the glass pen I exchanged with Rosalia?
With no choice, I quickly made a glass pen for Alex-niisan. Since I was at it, I made it in the highest quality, just like Sister-in-law Daniela’s. This is no dad joke. The finished glass pen was gladly accepted.
“Julius, I think you should make a glass pen for every member of the family as soon as possible.”
“Funny you say that, I was just thinking the same thing. Rosalia, will you help me make them?”
“Of course!”
So, Rosalia and I made four glass pens in total: one each for our parents, Cain-niisan, and Sister-in-law Mika. Oh, and since we’re always being helped, let’s also give one to Lionel, Gile, and Christopher.
In the end, I spent the entire day making glass pens.
At dinner, I received quite a bit of praise from Father and Mother for the feel of the pens. However, they also looked at me with astonishment.
“I never thought you’d even create special magical tools to make these glass pens. Truly, Julius, you never cease to amaze.”
I could only respond with a dry laugh. But it seemed that was fine. Without the magical stone burner I had made, it wouldn’t be so easy to produce glass pens. This meant we could sell them as a specialty product in the territory for a while.
“Julius-chan, I would like to give glass pens to His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen. Could you help with that?”
“Of course, Sister-in-law Daniela. Once the colored glass we ordered arrives, I’ll make them right away. I’d be grateful if you could help with the design at that time.”
“Of course. I’ll help with whatever you need.”
She said this with a happy expression. With a collaborative design with Sister-in-law Daniela, it’s unlikely anything disrespectful to the royal family would be made. It might even be a good idea to market them as “Royal Family Original Models” at a special price. My dreams are expanding even more.
“Still, I didn’t realize Rosalia had as much talent as you, Julius. I’m looking forward to her future.”
“Yes, indeed. Rosalia, you don’t need to copy Julius’s bad traits, okay?”
Mother seemed to be saying something rude, but I couldn’t deny it. It’s frustrating, but it’s true. I tend to go overboard sometimes.
On the other hand, Rosalia seemed puzzled, not understanding what was bad about me. Should I properly teach her for Rosalia’s future?
“First, we need to hire a craftsman. Then, teach the skills. Ah, but we need to prepare the workshop first.”
“That’s taken care of. I found a suitable property and purchased it, so it’s currently being renovated.”
“I see. I’d like to start selling as the snow melts.”
Father murmured contentedly. It seems things had already started moving without my knowing. I can’t handle finances, so the most I can do is focus on creating things. I’ll do my best in this area where I’m skilled.
Once the workshop is complete, I’ll need to teach how to make glass pens. But that’s not all. I’ll also need to teach how to make magical tools. It would be great if I could also make potions, but that requires certification. There’s a risk of accidentally making poison, so it can’t be helped.
“It seems we should prepare magical tools for the workshop.”
“Yeah. Would it be alright to ask Julius and Rosalia to handle that? Since people haven’t gathered yet, it’s not too urgent.”
Rosalia responded cheerfully. She looked very pleased to be relied upon. It seems it’s better not to take over too much and to let Rosalia handle as much as possible. It’s not because I want to avoid work. It’s to help Rosalia build her confidence.
After asking Alex-niisan to arrange the necessary materials, I returned to my room. Despite everything, it had been a busy day. While I was thinking about this, I received a message from Miss Fabienne. Could something have happened?
“Good evening, Miss Fabienne. Is there something wrong?”
I tried to sound calm. Inside, my heart was pounding. I realized for the first time how stressful communication through the device can be.
“Good evening, Julius-sama. Well, a letter arrived from the Baron of Heine’s frontier estate for my parents… and it was about making me your fiancée.”
“That was quick…! And what did Baron Amber and his wife say?”
“They said I’ve become your fiancée.”
“Quick decision.”
As expected of the nobility. Once they make a decision, things move at an incredible speed. The will of the individuals involved seems to be of little concern. This is how things work in this world. I need to get used to it quickly.
Congratulations when’s the wedding?