Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 28: Playground Games

After I promised to make a stuffed animal for Miss Fabienne, the commotion finally subsided. Now you can check the quality of the new toys.

“First of all, I will explain from Sugoroku. You roll these dice and you can only go forward as far as the number of eyes that come up.”

“So you go through this square.”

“Yes, and you must obey what is written where you stop.”

The rules shouldn’t be too difficult. They all seemed to understand them to some extent, so I decided to teach them the rest of the game as we played it. Each person is asked to choose a card of their favourite character.

“Julius-sama, did you draw this picture too?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“Julius-sama is so versatile.”

Miss Fabienne is impressed. However, it wasn’t my natural talent, it was due to my skill in the game. That’s why I feel a little guilty when I’m looked at like that.

The pictures drawn on the guard are heroes and wizards. This was the so-called “Demon King Subjugation Sugoroku”. The story of a hero defeating a demon king is a motif often depicted in picture books. That is why it was also used in Sugoroku.

“So the first person to reach the final destination, Demon King’s Castle, wins. I see, that’s brilliant. That’s exactly what I’m looking for.”

Edward was drunk with himself. Don’t shake. He’s not a bad boy.

That’s how it started. Roll the dice. The number that comes up is three.

“One, two, three. Um, stay at the inn and take one break!?”

“It’s unfortunate, Julius-sama. In the meantime, I’ll go on ahead of you.”

Gyre rolled the dice. The number that came up was one.

“Um, I got killed by a monster. I’m going back to the village where I started.”


“Gyre, cheer up.”

Christopher, currently in the lead, nudged Gyre. Yeah, he seems to be enjoying himself, for what it’s worth.

“Hmmm, it looks like the only tough part is at the beginning where you get sent back to the village where it all started.”

“Yeah. If you get hit by that close to the finish line, you’ll lose your motivation, won’t you?”

“Huh, that’s true. It’s well thought out. This is interesting.”

It’s okay if you just praise me, Edward. It seemed that the girls were also enjoying it, and it seemed to be quite heated.

After several rounds, it was my sister Rosalia who had the most upsides. Is it a triumph of selflessness or just good luck?

Once the feel of Sugoroku had been confirmed to some extent, they now began to play karuta.

“There is one reader, and the other members take the card with this picture on it. The letters in this circle are the same as the first letters the reader reads. “

“Does this painting mean anything?”

“Good question, Miss Fabienne. The picture is a picture of the card read by the reader.”

“Then this picture of roses tells a story about roses.”

“That’s the way it is.”

I was supposed to be the first reader. I don’t know yet. Just like Sugoroku, the rules of karuta aren’t that difficult, so I think they’ll be able to figure it out quickly.

“That’s it. Aim for the nucleus. Your opponent is a slime. They move slowly.”

“Ka, ka, ka, ka, ka!”

“Slime, slime… there it is!”

Rosalia who found the slime got the first one. She proudly holds it up in the sky. This changed the colour of everyone’s eyes.

“Julius-sama, next!”

“Sorry, but I’ll take the next one.”

“Er, so next, lots of blooms, roses all over the garden.”


Miss Fabienne dives. She was probably aiming for it. Ah, my cards are all messed up…

Despite these problems, the karuta continued. It too seems to have been well received.

After playing for a while, we decided to take a break. Everyone sits around the table. The servants had already prepared it for us while we were fussing.

“Oniisama, it was fun. I still want to play.”

“That’s good to hear. You two are staying the night and we’ll play again.”

“Next time, let’s call father, mother, and brother Cain!”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Do I think it’s safe to do it with that group of people? I think it’s going to be difficult, mainly for Miss Fabienne and Mr Edward’s state of mind. See, they’re both looking very delicate.

“Julius-sama, are you going to sell this game?”

“Hmm? Why, Gyre?”

“Um, I thought I’d like to play with my family.”

Come to think of it, Gyre has a younger brother and sister. They may want to play together. Sugoroku and karuta are both made to support language learning. It should be good for children’s education.

“All right. I’ll look into putting it up for sale as a commodity.”

“So this is how you commercialised that ‘star magic tool’. That’s amazing.”

“By chance, by chance”

I would like it to be that way. Otherwise, I would feel a bit guilty. I wonder if people feel the same way when reincarnated people use their knowledge from their previous lives to make things.

“Have you developed any new magical tools recently?”

“Not at the moment, no. I haven’t really come up with a good idea.”

Edward-kun seems to be as curious about magic tools as ever. He said that the previous advice to draw it big was a good idea and that he was able to recreate the lamp’s magic tool, although it was a little bigger.

He looks a bit disappointed. A new magic tool, eh? What’s up with that?

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