Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 267: Chef's Approval

The high-end teacups clinked as they were placed into the "dishwasher and dryer." Since it's still in the prototype stage, the magical tool isn't that large. However, it should be sufficient for a single family's use.

"The dishes are all loaded."

"Then, we just need to put this liquid detergent in here..."

I poured the dark blue liquid into the inlet at the top. Since it's a smooth liquid, it shouldn't clog. Now we're ready.

"All that's left is to press this button."

Rosalia looked up at the head chef, clearly wanting him to press the button. Noticing this, the head chef nodded and pressed the start button on the side.

Ping-piro-pin, a sound rang out, and the "dishwasher and dryer" started working. Through the small window, you could see water and foam attacking the dishes.

"Now we just wait until it's done. It will take about twenty minutes."


"Twenty minutes... In that case, let's have some tea while we wait. I have some new dried fruit."

"New dried fruit!"

Rosalia, Mira, and Lelie’s eyes lit up like mushrooms. It seems Lelie is also quite fond of it. That's good.

The new dried fruit prepared by the head chef was almost like gummy candy. In fact, it was practically gummy candy. It might be worth selling as a separate product.

Speaking of gummies, it reminded me that we should offer something to the spirits. I think they might enjoy dried fruit. We should make an offering before winter truly sets in. But where?

"Head chef, is there a temple or altar dedicated to the spirits within the Heine Frontier Marquisate?"

"Hmm, I've never heard of such a thing."

He looked around at the gathered cooks, but no one had a good answer. It seems there's a possibility that there isn't a shrine to the spirits in the territory. Maybe not even within the country. I should ask Daniela, my sister-in-law. She probably knows something.

While I was mulling over these thoughts, the washing seemed to have finished. The sound of the magic circle indicating completion, ping-pong-pan-pon, rang out.

"It seems it's done."

Rosalia's face was tense. Now, we would find out if it really washed everything clean. It's no wonder she was nervous. The cooks had already gathered around the "dishwasher and dryer," their faces a mix of anticipation and anxiety.

"Let's check it out."

The head chef, representing everyone, carefully took out the teacups from the magical tool. He meticulously inspected each one to ensure there was no remaining dirt.

It didn't take long to retrieve all the dishes.

"Everything is perfectly clean."


The kitchen erupted in excitement. The head chef has his pride as a cook. Everyone here knew he would never lie to curry favor. Therefore, his seal of approval held significant weight, perhaps even more than mine.

"We did it!"

"You did it, Rosalia. Now we can make the official 'dishwasher and dryer.' It can be used in restaurants and large mansions."

"I must inform Mother at once!"

With that, Rosalia hurriedly left the kitchen, with Lelie quickly following. They'll get scolded by Mother for running like that.


"With this magical tool, we will have more time. Now, what to do with it?"

"Head chef, please teach us new recipes with the free time!"

"Head chef, I came up with a new dish. I'd love your opinion!"

The cooks seized the opportunity to crowd around the head chef. As expected of the Heine Frontier Marquis family's head chef, his skills are top-notch. His apprentices clearly understood this well.

"Head chef, it seems you won't have much free time after all. I look forward to your new dishes."

"Indeed. It looks like I'll finally be able to pass on what I've learned over the years."

The head chef, who usually had a stern demeanor, was smiling happily. Up until now, they must have wanted to share techniques but never had the time. I hope they can engage fully from now on. Rosalia really made a wonderful magical tool.

After leaving the kitchen, I headed straight for Daniela's place. According to Nero, she was likely having tea in the garden around this time. He really knows her well. As expected of Nero.

"Brother Alex, Daniela-sama, may I trouble you for a moment?"

"Of course. Did you get yourself into some trouble?"

"What do you think of me, brother Alex!"

Daniela, watching our exchange, laughed behind her fan. I hope she sees us as close siblings. We actually are, at least for now.

"Sorry, sorry. So, what is it?"

"Um, I was wondering if there are any shrines dedicated to the spirits around here. I thought we might offer something in gratitude for their blessings."

"I see. Julius, you are a special existence to the spirits. Indeed, showing gratitude or faith is important. But a shrine dedicated to the spirits? I've never heard of such a thing."

"I haven't heard of one either. Spirits are said to reside in nature, so they might not have been worshipped in specific places."

Daniela furrowed her brows. She likely never considered such a thing before. The existence of spirits was something people didn’t really believe in until recently. I felt the same way. I thought they were just superstitions.

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