Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 25: Jealousy

After returning from the tea party, I wanted to give my first aristocratic friend something as a gift. For Fabienne, let’s make it a “Magic Tool of the Stars”. What would be good for Edward? He seems to be interested in magic tools, so I’ll probably give him the three sacred tools for making magic tools: an iron plate, a magic stone and magic ink.

While I was in my room making magical tools, my sister Rosalia came to me.

“Oniisama, are you making new magic tools?”

“No, I’m making the ‘Magic Tool of the Stars’ that I gave to Rosalia before.”

“… Who are you giving it to? A woman?”

Eh, what’s this feeling? Did I do something wrong? Rosalia’s giving me a half-glazed stare.

“I thought I’d give it to Miss Fabienne, who became my friend at today’s tea party.”

“Hmm, do you like her, that person?”

Rosalia is puffed up. Oh no, this girl is jealous! I don’t know why.

“No, I don’t. I don’t have many friends. I have to take care of them. Besides, I’m going to give a present to Mister Edouard, too. And not just Miss Fabienne.”

“It’s nice, it’s a present from my brother.”

Rosalia pouts like a goose. It’s not an atmosphere that he can say that he gave Rosalia a “star magic tool” as a gift.

“Ah, I’ll think of a present for you.”

“Really? I’m looking forward to it!”

She’s innocent, my sister. And even though she’s five years old, she’s jealous. Well, what should I do as a present for my sister? I might even make a stuffed bear. I have sewing skills, so it would be an easy win. Well then, I need to bring me the ingredients.

After completing the magic tool, I immediately started making stuffed animals. Soft fabric is sewn together and stuffed with cotton inside. The eyes are made of buttons. The hands and feet were also sewn on with buttons so that they could move. In order to make sure that the threads do not break easily, I used ‘Muscle Spider’s Tough Thread’, which I created using the ‘Thread Creation’ skill.

The colour is brown so that the dirt does not stand out. I have never seen a bear from this world, so the motif is based on a bear from a picture book I read when I was little. My sister loved those picture books, so I probably didn’t miss her taste.

“Okay, it’s finished. This should be enough to keep my little sister in good spirits. Now then, I have to write a letter to Miss Fabienne and Edward. If I send them out of the blue, they might wonder what’s going on.”

As soon as I sat down at my desk, I started writing letters. Writing a letter can be a hassle later on. Better do it all at once before it happens.

When he finished writing the letter, he asked his servant to deliver the items.

After dinner, I immediately went to deliver the stuffed bear to Rosalia. At this time, she and her mother would be waiting for her bath to be ready in the salon.

I knocked on the salon door and only let the bear’s face peek out.

“Mother, bear!”

“Oh my goodness, what a cute little bear.”

I heard Rosalia’s happy voice and mother’s calm voice. I waved at the teddy bear and entered the salon with it in my arms.

“Rosalia, I brought you a present as promised.”

“Wow! Brother, thank you!”

When I handed the teddy bear to Rosalia, she started loving it with all her might. She was about to give it a name. When I sat down in an open seat, a servant brought me a cup of herbal tea.

This herbal tea is made from herbs I grew in a corner of my herb garden. They say everything smells good.

“Good for you – Rosalia. By the way, Julius, I wonder if your mother has any?”

Nicely, my mother is smiling at me. I can’t tell if she’s serious or joking. I have to ask her directly here.

“Do you want one too, mother?”

“Yes, I want one. My age doesn’t stop me from being a sucker for pretty things.'”

Come to think of it, I do remember that my mother’s room was decorated with stuffed animals and cute accessories. This was a mistake. I should have made one for my mother too.

A hot gaze from my mother is pouring down on me. I didn’t mean to discriminate against her.

“Then I’ll make a stuffed animal for you right away. Is it okay if it’s the same one?”

“Thank you. Please do. I never thought I’d see the day when I’d get one of those stuffed animals my son made for me.”

A happy mother. Seeing my mother like that makes me want to make another one! Next time, I’ll make a stuffed cat. Including Rosalia’s, I’ll have to make three stuffed animals, but I’m sure I can do it.

I immediately returned to my room and started making stuffed animals. I asked for more fabric, as I was short of it. In the end, I continued making stuffed animals that day until I was about to go to bed. When I saw the happy faces of Rosalia and my mother, I completely lost sight of where to stop.

The next morning, after breakfast, I took the stuffed animals I made last night and headed over to Mother and Rosalia.

“Well, you’ve already done it. Julius has a talent for making stuffed animals!”

“You’re amazing, brother! Thank you! I have more friends. Way to go, little bear.”

They seemed to like it. They were constantly checking the comfort of the hug. They were happy with it, so that’s good.

A few days later, I received a thank you letter from Miss Fabienne and Edward.

Miss Fabienne’s letter said that the ‘star magic tool’ was more amazing than she thought, and that the whole family was fighting over it……I wonder, could it be that I handed over something sinful?

On the other hand, in a letter from Edward-dono, it was written that “I immediately disassembled the magic tool and tried to imitate the magic circle that was drawn on it, but it did not work”.

Perhaps there is a mistake in the magic circle. The smaller you try to draw it, the more it connects with neighbouring patterns and the less effective it becomes.

So I wrote in the letter and sent it back, saying, “First, draw big.” If you can make even one magic tool with your own power, it will lead to great self-confidence.

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