Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 236: The End of the Social Season

 We returned to the townhouse, changed, took a bath, and soon fell asleep like mud. Apparently, I was more nervous than I thought. In my dream, Miss Fabienne accused me of being a “cheater”, which was a miscalculation. Please don’t let any strange rumors circulate to Miss Fabienne.

 The next day, after a good night’s sleep, we woke up at the same time as usual and headed to the bathroom. Nero helped me get ready. I’m sorry, I’m sure you must be tired from last night’s party.

“Now that we’ve done our part. We can finally get back to our normal lives.”

“That’s right. It was a lot of trouble, but we had a good time, right?”

“Thanks, Axel, Ijidol. Thanks to you two, I had a good time too. The manners class was hell, though.”

“Yeah, …….”

“Right. ……”

 The two of them looked at each other with distant eyes. The hellish training had definitely paid off, but it was hell nonetheless. After all, manners are something you have to work on little by little on a daily basis.

“Both of you, don’t forget the manners you learned, okay? Otherwise, you’ll have to go through the hell of etiquette training again, won’t you?”

“I know, I know. I’ll think about it every now and then when I get home.”

“Oh, yeah.”

“Sometimes…I feel like I’m going to have to take another etiquette lesson from hell.”

“Here’s a towel for you, Julius-sama.”

“Thank you, Nero.”

 Their faces are drawn together. As soon as we arrived at the dining hall, breakfast was brought before us. Today’s breakfast consisted of fried eggs, bread, salad, and ham. It was a typical breakfast.

 I greeted my brother Alex, who had already arrived at the dinning room, and  then started eating breakfast.

“I guess us having breakfast together with Axel and Ijidol ends today. Thank you for everything. I really appreciate it. If it had been just Julius himself, I’m sure he would have run away.”

“No, it’s a waste of your kind words. We are the ones who are indebted to you.”

 Axel and Ijidol bowed their heads. You two really took care of me. I wasn’t sure if I would have gotten away or not, but the etiquette course would’ve never gotten off the ground.

“I’ll be attending a few more social gatherings, but if it’s convenient for the two of you, maybe you guys and Julius could join me again?”

“Of course.”

“If it’s okay with you.”

 They both answered like full-fledged gentlemen You’ve grown so much… This dad, is so happy. Nero gently handed me a handkerchief. Oh, when did I cry, me?

 The conversation, which had become somewhat humid for me alone, ended, and the clothes I had prepared for Axel and Ijidol were, of course, given to them as they were. I think they were very expensive clothes. I don’t know how much they cost exactly.

“I’d like to thank you both, but what would you like?”

“Thanks? Hmmm, I’ve received a lot from you already, Julius.”

“That’s right. It would be a shame if you thanked me now. As for us, I think we were finally able to repay you a little.”

“I see. Is that right?”

 The two returned to normal mode. I would appreciate it if they could switch to it properly and use it to their advantage . Even so, what I had already given to the two of them…is this about swordsmanship and magic training? Sure, we trained together, but you can do that without me, right? I feel a little complicated.

“Well, that’s fine. If you two have any problems, just let me know, and I’ll do my best to help you.”


“Julius, if you need anything from us, you let us know.”

 And so the two left the Margrave Heine family townhouse. It’s a little lonely, but Nero and Lelie are here now, so it’ll be okay. I went up to the castle and started preparing to go to the compounding room.

 After that, I attended several social gatherings with the two of them, taught the royal Potion Masters how to sweeten their magic potions, and spent time checking the status of the new ice room that was being installed within the royal castle. 

 During that time, I practiced swordsmanship with Nero at the townhouse, and as I expected, he was strong. I tried teaching him magic, and he quickly mastered it as well. He’s a versatile butler!

 When I got carried away and was about to teach him assassination techniques, brother stopped me. He asked me where I had learned such a thing, so I lied and said, “It was in a book I read a long time ago.” He was furious and scolded me, saying, “Don’t read such harmful books.’’ I thought it was a promise, a competent butler who could use assassination techniques.

 While I was spending those days, the social season came to an end. I had met Miss Carolina several times at the socials I attended, but I could not talk to her as intimately as before because of my thoughts about Lady Chloe and her political standings. It’s a little lonesome, but it can’t be helped. We are children of the nobility, even if we are spoiled. In the end, we are just pawns to our parents.

 I think Axel was working hard instead. Maybe he likes Miss Carolina. He seemed happy to talk to her. I’m glad he worked so hard on his manners. I don’t know what kind of condition Miss Carolina’s butt is in, but I’m sure something must have caught Axel’s sensor. Her breasts are modest, though.

“What’s the matter, Julius? Are you sad to leave the Royal Capital?”

“Well… it’s just that I’m sad to leave everyone I’ve become close to.”

“Hehehe, I didn’t think you of all people would say something like that. I thought you were going to say you weren’t going to come to the royal capital anymore.”

 Brother Alex laughed. He probably expected something like this to happen and called me here to the Royal Capital. I think father also sent me to here in anticipation of this. His plan worked.

 But there was much to be gained. Nero and Lelie would return to the capital with me as planned. It is nice to have my own personal butler and servants. Lelie is still an apprentice, though.

 Now when I return to the territory, I’ll be able to move around more freely than ever before. Even if I stay up late, lock myself in the mansion’s library, or in the compounding room, I won’t be scolded. 

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2 thoughts on “Chapter 236”

  1. Not only will he turn Nero into an Assassin Butler now that he’s getting away from prying eyes, I definitely see a future BattleMaid Lelie happening.

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