Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 206: Icehouse and Social Clubs

 After I finished setting up the magical tool smoothly, Ijidol’s parents had prepared tea and sweets for me. Since they have gone to the trouble, I decide to have some without hesitation.

“Is it really okay for me to receive such a magic tool?”

“Of course. That’s why I made it. The other day, I went out of my way and asked you to stay with me at the royal castle. It’s just my way of saying thank you.”

“It’s a bit much for a thank-you.”

“ right?”

 It seems that I have confused their parents. It would be better to be completely honest here. Axel and Ijidol thought so, too, and they looked apologetic. 

“I have to attend social functions from now on, you know. It’ll be difficult If I don’t have any friends there. That’s why I wanted to build a good relationship with you both.”

 This is an appeal that I am doing this with an ulterior motive. This would be accepted without hesitation. I don’t know if they were really convinced, but he gave me a nod in return.

“You have given Ijidol a lot of guidance, and we are the ones who should be thanking you. If my son can be of help to you Julius-sama, please feel free to use him.”

“My husband is right. The magic control training using light magic that Julius-sama devised is very good training. We are practicing it too.”

 she let out a high-pitched laugh as she said this. Ijidol, are you telling your parents what I said? What are you going to do if any strange rumors start up from there?

“Hey, mom! I told you to keep that story to yourself.”

“Oh, it’s okay if it’s in front of him, isn’t it?”

 It seems that Ijidol had kept his mouth shut, at least for the time being. I gave him a barely passing score. The parents looked at us with smiles on their faces.

 “But it’s a pity. The method you taught us is a really good one. Many people would benefit if you spread it around.”

“If you don’t mention my name, I wouldn’t mind if you spread the word. ……”

“It’s ……”

 Ijidol’s father’s face clouded. It seems he doesn’t like taking credit for other people’s work. I don’t mind it at all. Now, for the time being, “how to control magic using light magic” won’t be public.

 Someone will come up with something eventually. There is no need for me to hurt Brother Alex’s stomach any more. I have to be more and more cautious, because these days I could hurt Daniela’s stomach as well.

“I think it’s time for me to return to the royal castle. Thank you for the feast.”

“No, no, not at all.”

“Thank you for taking the time to visit us.”

 Before returning from Ijidol’s house, I took a good look at the building. Apparently, there is a highly qualitative stone near the royal capital. Using it, we might be able to build an ice house that can last for a thousand years.

 After dropping Axel off at home, I returned to the royal castle. Before lunch, I checked the state of the mixing room. There seemed to be no problems. If this is the case, they should be able to complete it tomorrow without any problems. If we can complete the three panaceas, His Majesty the King should be able to rest easy.

 When I went to the compounding room after finishing afternoon training, I found that the materials for the improvement of the icehouse had arrived. Not all of them, as expected, but I was still grateful. A small amount of wood, which I thought I might not be able to get, had also arrived.

“Thank you, Giovanni-sama. Now we can start improving the icehouse.”

“No need to thank me. I have managed to get some of the wood you mentioned. I asked them to bring only what they had in stock, but they will cut out the rest in a few days.”

 Giovanni-sama answered with a smile. He must be happy because he has found a way to improve the icehouse. I’m happy too. It looks like we won’t have to carry over the improvement of the icehouse to next year.

“Am I asking for too much?”

“No, on the contrary, they were delighted. They had been having trouble finding a use for it. Now they could make money from it.”

 Is it really recognized as such an unusable wood? It has excellent heat and sound insulation properties, though. It is a perfect material for soundproof rooms. Maybe this will be a good opportunity to sell it.

“I have an additional item that I’d like to have. It’s this stone, do you think you could get it?”

“hmm, I’m sure I can get it right away. It is the most used stone in the capital.  I’ll arrange it for you right away.”

 Axel, who was waiting in front of the, was listening. Axel and Ijidol seemed to have learned from the smell from last time, so they didn’t go inside the compounding room. I think I smell it when I open and close the door, but I guess that’s the only time I hold my breath.

 I did not know that. Maybe the royal castle was also built by piling up those stones, too. Or maybe I just didn’t know that. When I return to the capital, I will look into the stone materials.

 Now that I have the materials, I think I’ll improve the ice house right away.

“Julius, what are you going to do now?”

 Axel, who was waiting in front of the compounding room door, asked. Axel and Ijidol had learned their lesson from the previous smell and did not come inside the compounding room. I think they smell it when they open and close the door, but they stop breathing at that time.

“I have received some materials I need to improve the icehouse, so I’m  going to use them to make a few improvements.”

“You ordered it in the morning and it’s already here. That’s great.”

 He seems to be impressed with the speed of the delivery. Indeed, it was quick. Giovanni-sama must have made arrangements as soon as he received my request.

The head of the Royal Palace magic potions division being pushed around, I just hope it didn’t come to that.

 The necessary materials were placed in the room next to the icehouse. According to Giovanni-sama, I could use this room as my base. There is still some free space, but it will be too small once all the materials are gathered. Before that happens, I need to start using what I have.

“I’ve seen this wood before. It’s an unusual tree that becomes brittle as soon as it’s cut down, right?”

“It’s going to become brittle. But I guess it could be used as firewood.”

“Don’t you know, Julius? That wood is not flammable.”

“I see, now that you mention it, it’s also fire-resistant.”

 It has a lot of potential, but it seems to be a very difficult wood to use. It is especially brittle, which is fatal. It would be best used as a buffer material between the two. However, the construction cost will be high. No wonder it is not used very often.

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