Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 195: Stop it, okay?

 I told the servant that I was going to check on the situation in the mixing room, and then I took Axel and Ijidol with me and entered an area that was restricted to anyone except those involved. After greeting the guard knight and passing by, the two’s faces gradually became worse.

“I didn’t know there was such a place. We asked for it, but are you sure it’s okay to go in?”

“No, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it. You two are not spies, are you?”

“Well, of course not.”

 Axel smiles wryly. He didn’t expect this. Maybe he thought it would be like practicing swordsmanship, since a child was involved.

 Even though I was teaching them, they probably thought I was teaching children of the same age.

“This is the mixing room. It’s a place you can’t normally go into, so it’s sure to be a valuable experience.”

 They’ve probably never seen a magic potion being made before. They’ll be amazed. Maybe they will be interested. If that happens, I might get more fellow potion-makers.

 The knights standing on either side of the door saluted me and then opened the door.

 Immediately, a strange odor began to overflow from the room. That’s right, we were now in the middle of mixing a panacea using terrible ingredients. Axel and Ijidol frowned. They looked as if they were already regretting their decision to come.

“Julius-sensei, you have come back here! If you came back here, that means you’ve been given permission to stay overnight.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I was hoping you could take a look at this for me.”

“Now we can definitely complete it.”

 The door opened, and one after another, the royal court magic potions masters, realizing that I had returned, shouted with joy. That’s right, I was called “Sensei” here.

 Both of them made dexterous expressions of frowns and wide-open eyes.

“Julius, Sensei?.”

“You’re the teacher!?”

“Ah, well, it just kind of flowed that way.”

 I know, I should have said no, but somehow it just happened that way. I thought it was okay because it was just for this one occasion, but maybe it wasn’t a good idea after all.

“Hey, do you mind if I call you  Julius-sensei too?”

“Oh, me too, me too!”

“Stop it, okay?”

 This is not good. It’s starting to look like the teacher call is going to spread. If they call me that in the training field, Pietro and Ovidio will definitely take notice of me. They might call me to the back of the palace. It’s dangerous!

“It’s because you all call me Sensei  that this is going to get strange. From now on, it is forbidden to call me Sensei.”

“Oh, no.”

“What should we call you then? ……”

 All the royal potion masters hung their heads in disappointment. Look, your hands are still. I hurriedly instructed them to move their hands and look at the pot. At least the people stirring the pot should focus on that. Don’t pay attention to what we’re talking about.

“then, we have no choice but to call you ‘Great Magical potion Master’ here.”


“Don’t do that!”

 Ooooh!? Because it’s not. It’s getting even worse. And what the heck is a “Great Magical Potion Master”? This is the first I’m hearing of it. You just made up that call, didn’t you, Giovanni-sama?

 Aaah, is it still better to be called Sensei in this case? Is it better than Great Magical potion Master?

“I understand. Well then, you can call me Sensei like before. But Please don’t ever call me  that Great Potion Master.”

“Okay. Julius Sensei.”

 Everyone present said in unison.

“…Axel, Ijidol, call me as you’ve always done.”

“Oh, no.”

 Why do you look so disappointed? What are you two trying to do to me?

 I took a deep breath and took the two of them with me to look around the pots. I provide guidance on areas where the temperature is not well controlled and where the pressure is weak.

“Julius, what is this you are making?”

“it’s a panacea. This story is just between us, so keep it to yourself. I am making it under the direction of His Majesty the King.”

 Suddenly, Axel and Ijidol’s faces quickly turned pale. They probably did not expect the name of His Majesty the King to come up. And they must have realized that they had discovered a terrible secret.

 Welcome, Axel, Ijidol. We are now friends who share a secret.

 I feel bad for the Both of them, but I’m sure brother Alex would have wanted the three of us to share our secrets to strengthen our connection. I need a reliable friend who can help me in the capital. Axel and Ijidol would be just fine.

“I knew he wasn’t normal, but he really was no ordinary person after all.”

“Come to think of it, Julius didn’t seem like a noble from the beginning. I should have realized it then.”

“Hey, would you please stop talking about me like I’m some kind of weirdo?”

 The three of us looked at each other and laughed. Good. It seemed that they had accepted me. I could finally let out a breath of relief. I would have been unable to recover If they had said, “we can’t do it.”

“Hey Julius, can’t you do something about this smell?”

“It will go away when the quality of the materials we use improves. This is just a practice. The next batch we will make will not have the smell and will taste better.”

“I guess it’s bad after all. But is it really going to happen like that? I don’t believe it.”

 Axel puts his fist to his chin and raises his eyebrows. Come to think of it, you two don’t know any proper magic potions. I should let them experience this place.

“Follow me. I’ll show you a real magic potion.”

 I could feel them both swallowing their spit. Was real an exaggeration? Even disgusting magic potions have a certain effect, so when I say it’s real, I mean it’s real.

 They showed some reluctance, but I forcibly took them to the next room.

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