Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 258: Puzzle of the Heart
Victor was entranced by the sword. His gaze couldn’t leave the radiant ancient characters engraved on the blade.
As far as he knew, there were only four magic swords with five characters engraved: those held by the king, Duke Eldenburger, and Count Zander, the allied kings. In other words, it was a sword for the chosen ones. Whether Count Zander was a chosen one was a delicate line, but let’s assume it’s safe since he employed Lutz.
The magic sword with five characters handed over by Lutz is now in Victor’s hands. Why does a simple blacksmith have such an item? Well, he’s the creator, but still, there are too many mysteries about him.
“Why did you decide to show me something like this? Didn’t you think I might forcibly take it?”
“At that time, I won’t have faith in anyone again. I won’t approach the royal capital in the future either.”
“And even if a good sword is made, you’ll sell it to the alliance or the empire?”
Lutz didn’t answer. That silence was as good as an answer.
“Really, you’re a pain in the neck.”
Victor returned the sword to Lutz, chuckling.
“Are you sure you’re done with it?”
“Yeah, if I keep looking at it, I might really want it.”
In those words, there was a hint of danger, and Lutz obediently took back the sword. When a professional soldier says “seriously,” one should consider the option of taking it by force, even if it means killing.
While Lutz had placed a short trust in Victor, it was another matter whether he could afford to let his guard down.
“I’ve seen something good. That’s fine, but what does it have to do with Leonard’s sword?”
“The sword you saw earlier, Kyouka Suigetsu, was made in a special way. It was remade into a sword by melting down a magic weapon engraved with four ancient characters that had broken.”
“And what happens then?”
“According to an acquaintance of mine who practices enchantment, this significantly increases the amount of magic that can be infused.”
“I see. So that’s why you want Leonard’s broken sword. By the way, how many times have you reused that magic sword?”
“This Kyouka Suigetsu is the only one. It’s still just an assumption that the amount of magic increases.”
“Well, you can’t just go melting down four-character and five-character magic swords.”
Victor glanced at the sword hanging on the wall. There hung the “Raging Sword,” a reward from the king for years of loyalty. It was a favorite of his, so even if someone asked to borrow it for an experiment, he would never agree.
After all, the circulation of four-character and five-character magic swords had only recently begun. Until then, they had been kept securely hidden in the depths of noble mansions, only displayed for a short time during special ceremonies.
“There are still many unknowns about this enhanced magic sword, huh?”
Victor leaned back against the backrest, and the creaking chair groaned.
“So, you thought you might be able to get a broken sword cheaply since the owner isn’t around, but it turned out to be more complicated than expected, and you’re at a loss?”
“Embarrassingly, that’s correct.”
“Hmm,” Victor grunted and looked up at the ceiling. Personally, he found it an interesting story and wanted to cooperate with the young man who had shown him his trump card without reservation. But with so many problems piled up, he couldn’t just agree to everything.
“In proceeding with this plan, do you understand what the problems are?”
“Yes, first is the issue of ownership. Currently, I’ve heard that the villagers whom Leonard-sama protected are storing the sword, and former members of the Thirteen Knights are demanding its return.”
“That’s right. The people of the village that was ravaged by orcs are guarding the sword in the church. If someone tries to forcibly take it out, they’ll spread their arms wide and say they’ll kill them before taking it away. The Thirteen Knights, who fought desperately against the enemy, seem to be having a difficult time, as they can’t just hit or kill.”
“What about Leonard-sama’s family?”
“His parents have already passed away. He has one sister, but she only took her brother’s body for burial and hasn’t said anything else. Well, that’s normal. Only a romantic would ask for a broken sword.”
“The problem is that all these romantics have gathered in one place.”
“Not quite. What’s the other reason?”
“Creating an enhanced magic sword costs money. Especially with enchantment, as the increase in magic that can be infused into the sword has led to a significant increase in the number of gems required. This condition is fatally incompatible with the first condition.”
“Right. It’s logical for the one who pays to own the sword, but that’s the problem this time. The villagers who have to rebuild the village ravaged by orcs and the knights who have just transferred because the captain died don’t have any money.”
“How about his sister?”
“It seems Leonard had no interest in ‘noble pastimes.'”
Victor said with a sarcastic smile, implying that Leonard’s sister, even if she wanted to, couldn’t claim ownership, as she had neither the money nor the interest.
“The king or other major nobles, like Duke Eldenburger, might provide the money if asked, but that would mean ignoring the feelings of the villagers and former members of the Thirteen Knights. As someone who has accepted the dignity of the Thirteen Knights, I don’t want to behave in a way that would disregard them. If I were to sell the sword, I might end up being stabbed from behind eventually. This time, you can consider me your ally.”
“Thank you. Your words are more reassuring than anything.”
“Boost one side, and the other side falls. It’s a tasteless puzzle. Do you have any guesses as to how to solve it?”
“My wife and comrades are currently visiting the village to assess the situation. I’ll meet up with them and discuss before deciding.”
“Oh, the sexy lady who was next to you at the award ceremony is your wife?”
“I heard beauty fades after three days. How’s that going?”
“I fall in love with her every morning. I have no time to get tired of her.”
“Got it, sorry for the weird question. Regarding Leonard’s sword, if there’s anything I can do, let me know. I’ll cooperate. No, please rely on me. I’d hate to be left out now.”
“Yes, I’ll come back to you later.”
As Victor rang the bell, a young attendant appeared and escorted Lutz outside the palace. In the empty office, Victor, looking at the door after Lutz and the others had left, snorted and muttered to himself.
“You’re the biggest romantic of them all.”