Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 170: The Execution of Justice
He wanted to claim that he had nothing to do with the suspicious figure wearing a Hyoutokomen and riding a horse in the town, but there was no way to make excuses when the man approached them.
“Looks like I made it in time.”
Josel said, or rather, the Hyoutokomen-wearing man, as he dismounted the horse in front of Lutz and the others. His sense of timing and taste is quite off, and the men’s eyes conveyed that message.
“Josel-san, what’s with that outfit?”
Lutz, speaking on behalf of everyone, asked directly.
“My name is Masked Knight. I have no knowledge of anyone named Josel.”
Josel replied, pretending not to know the name. His name might sound cool, but it didn’t go well with his comical mask. Lutz decided to ignore his nonsense as it was a waste of time.
“I appreciate you coming to assist us, but are you sure about your position?”
In response, Josel growled lightly before answering.
“I don’t know what the right way is. Maybe there’s no absolute justice in this world. But, however!”
Josel’s index finger pointed to the sky.
“The hearts of those seeking justice exist! When the voices of the people seeking help reach our ears, who will act?! That’s right, the Masked Knight will act!”
“In other words, participating in the war as a knight of the Count Zander family could cause a lot of trouble, so you put on a mask and came after us right?”
“If you understand, please don’t explain it. It makes me cry.”
“I’m sorry, I’m not blaming you. In fact, I’m touched that you went out of your way to join us. But, your words and actions are admirable, yet your Hyoutokomen is ruining it all.”
“Is it that bad?”
When the self-proclaimed Masked Knight removed his mask, beneath it was a dissatisfied Josel. He had practiced his poses and lines during the journey, but it was all in vain.
“Could you lend me that for a moment?”
Lutz borrowed the Hyoutokomen from Josel and imitated the earlier pose while pointing to the sky.
“There’s no absolute justice in this world. But the hearts of those seeking justice exist!”
It was an extremely embarrassing performance. Looking back at his enthusiastic portrayal of a justice hero in a detached manner resulted in this. Lutz handed the Hyoutokomen back to Josel in silence, but Josel wasn’t in the mood to put it back on immediately.
“What do you think?”
“It’s like the face you make when you stub your little toe on a corner of a table,”
“Perhaps it would have been quite cool if you did it in a Hannya mask, right?”
Samurai Mask suggested, raising his index finger.
“Stop it. If you go any further, it’s bullying.”
Josel said, with a face like a struggling comedian who had fallen on his face.
As a side note, there’s a theory that “Hyoutokomen” comes from “Hyottoko,” a comical character who blows a hearth’s fire using a bamboo tube. This might have been a suitable mask for a blacksmith who deals with fire regularly, but Lutz’s knowledge of Eastern culture was limited to what he had heard from his father, Rufus, and it wasn’t detailed.
“Josel, if you don’t mind, shall we cut the mask in half so that it matches Samurai Mask’s style? Trimming the mouth might reduce the comical atmosphere as well. Well, personally, I think it’s not a good idea since it might take away Hyoutokomen’s identity.”
“Do you have the tools for that?”
“I have only simple ones, which I might use for maintaining weapons,”
“In that case, please do it. It’s nice to have a craftsman among our group. Having someone who can maintain weapons is appreciated.”
Josel said, handing the Hyoutokomen to Lutz.
“Now…,” Lutz said, looking around, believing that the situation had settled.
“Shall we go kill some orcs?”
Lutz casually suggested, as though inviting everyone on a picnic. But at this point, no one was putting on the brakes. They all understood what they had to do and were prepared for it.
“Dennis, do you happen to know which direction the orcs came from in the city?”
Lutz asked Dennis, the client, who had been placed slightly aside during their discussion.
“I might know where they’re living. There’s a small base up on the mountain,”
Lutz was surprised.
Knowing their location is helpful, but Dennis mentioned the condition that we’ll need to take down their base. At this point, it’s not suitable to turn back. I frowned, and Dennis quickly clarified his statement.
“When I say base, it’s not a proper stone fortress. It’s just a simple camp surrounded by wooden fences. It’s nothing more than a campsite.”
It was a relief that they didn’t have to siege a fortress. Dennis was desperate, asking them not to leave at this point.
“Even so, they’ve established a foothold in the territory, and we can’t ignore it,”
Josel muttered. It appeared that the sluggishness of the knightly orders was a common problem. It seemed that no matter where they went, the knights were reluctant to act unless the town where the lord lived was attacked.
“Right now, it’s a squalid gathering place, but over time, it could develop into a proper fortress. We should deal with it promptly,”
Josel nodded while furrowing his brow at Lutz’s words.
If Josel and his group could resolve this issue instead of relying on the count’s knight order, the count would likely end up thinking, “Well, it wasn’t that big of a deal.” Then, if a similar situation occurred again, they would just repeat the cycle of neglecting it. What was the point of that?
However, offering the townspeople, who lived away from the central area, as sacrifices just to reprimand the rulers was out of the question. When people in need are right in front of you, you should help them, and worry about the consequences later.
“Um, could you take me with you as a guide?”
Dennis, who was not supposed to have any combat skills, said with a serious expression, perhaps fueled by the determination he saw in the men.
“Well, but…”
Lutz hesitated, and Josel interjected.
“It’s fine. Having a local guide is reassuring. We’d find it rather unfunny if we said we got lost after much hesitation. But, Dennis, do you understand? If we lose to the orcs, you won’t get off scot-free either.”
“I don’t mind. I’m willing to risk my life as well!”
Dennis yelled with determination. He might not seem reliable, but his expression clearly showed a man who had made up his mind. Josel had no habit of refusing someone who had steeled themselves.
“Alright, then you can come with us. It’s painful to put regular folks in danger, but…”
“I’m technically a regular person too, you know,”
Josel just gave Lutz a side glance and completely ignored his comment. It was a bit too late for someone who repeatedly stuck his neck out. Who would genuinely believe that he was just a blacksmith?
The horse-drawn carriage, with Lutz and his group, including Dennis, set out from the town. Josel rode his horse, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings while following.
Duty, redemption, suspicion, justice, and prayers. With these various thoughts in their hearts, the men headed towards the mountain where darkness lurked.