Kays Translations
Just another Isekai Lover~
Chapter 113: Guided by the Scent of Roses
“How did this happen……?”
Count Maximilian Zander muttered to himself in the rocking carriage, his head in his hands. It has become a habit of his lately.
Gerhard and Jocel, who were sitting with him, didn’t know what to say, so they could only look at each other and keep silent.
The seed of regret this time is the katana that was presented to the king. He wanted the king to like the katana and advertise that the weapons of the count’s domain were wonderful, but the magic he had given it was so powerful that the king was awakened in a strange way.
The king, who had a reputation of being unambitious and mediocre, burst into life with a powerful force in his hands.
Of course, it’s not like you can take over the world with one of those things. It just gave him the means to physically crush anyone he didn’t like in front of him. This had a greater impact on his psyche than on his position as king.
If something were to happen to the king, or if a dispute were to occur because of the demon blade, Maximilian would naturally be held accountable.
When one problem is solved, new problems spring up. Political affairs are like a sad marathon that continues while spitting blood. Even though I knew this, I could not allow myself to stop.
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this, isn’t something a politician should say. It’s just a lack of imagination. In the first place, it’s our role to act with an eye on the future. But, but…”
Maximilian held his eyeballs with his fingers over his eye lids. He was not sure if it was physical exhaustion or mental, but in any case, he ached all over his body.
“I can’t predict such a development…”
Is it possible that he feels no anger or frustration because he is called a mediocre person? He would have wanted to be a great king, and he must have felt some deep-seated depression because he was called mediocre behind his back.
It seems that being shown the difference in calibre between the king of the allied nation and him at the peace talks had weighed more heavily on his mind than he had anticipated..
Acquiring a famous sword and gaining the means to kill people directly restored the honour of the king and gave him overflowing self-confidence.
What on earth would the king do with the surging tension? Not wanting to get involved, Maximilian and the rest of the family of Count Zander quickly fled from the royal capital.
He came to present the sword to the king, and when he was done, he left. That’s all there is to it, that’s all there is to it. There is nothing wrong with that.
“You don’t have to think about it that deeply, do you?”
Gerhard said to comfort Maximilian who was depressed.
“He’s just having fun throwing away his virginity.”
“What… what?”
“Oh, excuse me. It’s a soldier’s cloak of having killed a man for the first time. Isn’t it quite a thing that, in a way, the king has learned the value of life?”
“Are you serious?”
“No, not at all”
“It can’t be helped,” Maximilian shook his head.
“It’s not something you just imagine bad things about. Your Excellency should also remember that acquiring a famous sword will make your way of thinking positive.”
Maximilian was sickly by nature, but when he got his hands on a light and sharp sword, the “Demon Wailing Sword,” he began to swing it every day and showed an interest in physical training.
It was only for a moment that I thought it was enough to be Gerhard’s opinion, and I immediately changed my mind.
No matter how you look at it, it’s hard to say that a brutal killing method that crushes people is healthy. The sight of the king laughing loudly at the sight of a corpse spitting out its crushed internal organs sent chills down my spine.
“Better yet, let’s gather the owners of the famous swords and hold a tournament. The world will be at peace once we get rid of the last remaining person.”
“Is His Excellency among the candidates?”
“Yes, let’s stop”
He said and smiled. I can afford to joke, and that’s a good trend.
“Now let’s go home and start where we left off…..”
I muttered to myself as I looked out the window. It was the voice of a man who had accepted his fate.
King Rathbald Valscheid was in his private chambers, drawing his katana and looking at the blade. The reflection in the shiny blade of the sword shows a dark smile on the face of the elderly man.
Beautiful and lustrous. I am well aware of the danger. I am sure this is what it would feel like to hold an evil woman in those arms.
I looked out the window and saw that the sun was setting. As I gazed at the blade of the sword, I seemed to have forgotten the time.
Since that day when the prisoner was crushed to death, I have tested the power of the demon blade many times. However, I did not use it against human beings. The craftsmen of Count Zander’s family were said to have used barrels filled with water, so I followed their example.
It was a joy just to watch the barrel, which should be sturdy, distort and break just by pointing the sword at it. When I aimed it at the stone statue, it took a little while, but it also shattered into pieces. It is not something I can do too many times, though, because of the cost.
A subdued knocking sound, as if sorry to interrupt the Lord’s enjoyment. It was followed by the voice of a long-time butler.
“Your Majesty, Marquis Eldenberger is here to see you.”
“Send him through here.”
“Awe, yes, sir.”
A nobleman letting the other person through his private room is a sign of trust, or a performance to show that he trusts you. The butler was a little surprised by his master’s instructions, but he followed them to the letter.
In less than five minutes there was another knock.
Rathbald sheathed his beloved sword “Rose Garden” with regret. He was not going to be able to talk calmly with it out in the open.
“Beowulf Eldenberger. I’m here.”
“Come in.”
Beowulf entered the room and his gaze wandered around the room. Then he spotted the Rose Garden and stopped.
……I see, this is what you’re looking for.
Rathbald sensed this.
“It is a great honour to meet you today.”
“Stop the formal greetings, they don’t suit you.”
His voice was strangely cheerful. Beowulf began to feel gloomy, wondering if this was also due to the influence of the spectral sword.
“So, what can I do for you?”
“I heard that His Majesty had acquired a wonderful sword. I was so eager to take a look at it that I came over to see it.”
“Fu, fu… Don’t lie to me. You don’t want this sword pointed at you, do you?”
Rathbald smiled happily and traced the scabbard on the table with his finger. If he had heard about the story at the training ground, there was no reason why he should not know how it all went down.
There is no way he really wants to see it.
“Most likely, you came to see if I’m going crazy, right?”
“No, I would never do something like that…”
“I told you not to lie. If you continue to make false claims, I will declare you a man of two tongues, and I will never trust you again.”
“I wondered if your health had deteriorated due to the influence of the demon sword…”
He couldn’t say that he thought he was crazy just because the king urged him to.
Rathbald snorted with a boring look.
“Don’t worry. Just because I like this sword doesn’t mean I’ve woken up to killing people. I will not start a war easily. I will not ask you to make sacrifices every day.”
Rathbald’s eyes are sane. Beowulf’s chest heaved with relief. At the same time, he felt anger toward the three craftsmen of Count Zander’s family. Those idiots have done it again,” he thought.
“A man who has been called mediocre and incompetent has acquired the power to kill people. It’s not surprising that it gave him confidence as a man, is it?”
“Your Majesty…”
“Don’t look at me like that. I have eyes, I have ears. There’s no reason why I don’t know what other people are talking about. Until today.”
Grabbing the scabbard and pretending to reach for the handle, Beowulf’s shoulders trembled. Seeing this, Rathbald let out a nasty chuckle. Apparently, it was a perfect reaction.
“Now I will be able to take a stronger stand against the Twelve Nobles who treat me like an ornament. I have never shown any interest in armaments, but a man should be able to find and wear an armament that is worthy of his life.”
After nodding his head in satisfaction, Rathbald waved his hand toward Beowulf and showed him. Go now, I guess that’s what he meant.
Beowulf bowed once and obediently left the room.
It’s fine that the king isn’t taken in by the demonic power of the katana, but I wonder how the power balance with the twelve nobles will change with the king gaining confidence. I will have to keep an eye on it.
At the very least, there will be friction with those who want to puppet the king.
How should I navigate this political situation? It’s already decided, there’s no way I can leave the king now. I have been close to the king since the peace talks and have acted as if I were his confidant.
“His Majesty has shown interest in the weapons. I may add the wearing sword to the evaluation criteria. ……”
They might do things like look at people with the armour they wear. He wanted to have something he could confidently present when asked to show his sword.
That reminds me. I had asked Count Zander’s family to make a katana for me, but they kept putting it off because they were busy. It’s about time they kept their promise.