Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 352: The Closing Door

Fabienne was making a magic potion while I headed to the workshop. Without materials, I wouldn’t be able to make the self-closing door.

“Julius-sama, can you really make a door that closes by itself?”

“I should be able to, as long as I use springs properly. Well, there are things I won’t know until I try it.”

I have a general idea of the principle, but I’ve never actually made one before. I think it can be done if I use metal rods and springs in the right way.

In the workshop, I found Rosalia and Mira.

“Oniisan! Has the potion-making finished already?”

“I think I’ve wrapped up for now.”

While Nero held a metal plate that could be useful for the springs, I gathered metal rods and other materials that could be useful. Before long, Rosalia noticed what I was doing.

“Oniisan, you’re planning to make something, aren’t you?”

“Yeah. It’ll be a surprise once it’s done.”

“I’ll come with you.”

She grabbed onto my arm tightly. It was impossible to shake her off. I didn’t want to waste time, so I decided to take her along. Of course, Mira also came with us.

Once we returned to the potion-making room, I decided to first make a small model. I couldn’t just modify the door and risk failure right away.

“How does this look?”

“Couldn’t you have made it in the workshop?”

“I can’t leave Fabienne alone.”

Hearing my voice, Fabienne turned around, seemingly surprised. Her face was a little red. Of course, Fabienne always has attendants with her, so technically she wasn’t alone, but that didn’t really count.

I smiled back at Fabienne and tested the door’s opening and closing with the model. The door was small, but the mechanism attached was life-sized. It moved easily when I pushed it back and forth.

When I let go of the door while it was open, it slowly closed on its own.


“It closed!”

The two of them cheered. Fabienne seemed interested, occasionally glancing over at us. This wasn’t good. It might distract her from potion-making. I stopped working on the model and helped her with potion-making.

Once the potion-making was successfully finished, Fabienne came over to the table.

“So, this is the self-closing door. It’s quite mysterious.”

She kept opening and closing it several times. Since it only used the power of the spring, the principle itself wasn’t that complex. However, adjusting the spring’s rebound force repeatedly to make the door close slowly, and adjusting the length of the rod to make sure the door closed properly, was quite a challenge.

“Now we just have to attach this to the current door. Let’s get started…”

“Julius-sama, wouldn’t it be better to get permission first, just to be safe?”

As I was about to begin, Nero, with a pale face, stopped me. It seemed he was opposed to suddenly drilling a hole in the door to install the mechanism.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry. I’m in charge of the potion-making room. Anything related to the potion-making room is fine to do.”

“Is that really true?”

“…Well, I guess I’ll get permission, just to be sure. If that’s the case, it looks like it won’t be possible today.”

Looks like today is as far as I’ll get. After making a little more of the potion together, I’ll escort Fabienne home.

As the evening started to fall, I decided to escort Fabienne home. It would be a bit troublesome if it got completely dark.

If I use Light magic, I could deliver her without worrying about the darkness, but that would make me incredibly conspicuous. If a shining holy dragon were to stroll through the sky, it would inevitably attract attention.

“If only summer were a little closer, we could spend more time together.”

“That’s true. But I’m worried that the heat might be a burden on Mira-chan.”

“In that case, let’s go out after eating some cold cookies.”


“I’m looking forward to it.”

I mustn’t forget to make the cold cookies. I’m sure this will become a hit product. It will be especially popular with people who work outside.

After safely delivering Fabienne home, I retraced my steps back to where I came from.

When I returned to the mansion, I immediately headed to my father’s office. Of course, it was to get permission for the installation of the device.

He might not fully understand from just my verbal explanation. I should bring the model too. I’m glad I made it.

“You’re being abrupt again.”

My father, with his eyebrows furrowed in a troubled expression, was opening and closing the model’s door. Everyone who sees the model ends up doing the same thing, so it must be quite rare. Someone might ask me to install this in another location.

For now, I’ll limit it to the door of the potion room. It’s the only door that absolutely needs to be kept closed. Should I also consider the workshop door? No, there’s nothing particularly important there, so it should be fine. Rosalia might ask for it, though.

“Understood. I’ll allow it. Go ahead and try it. But once it’s finished, be sure to report the results.”

“Of course.”

The next day, as soon as I welcomed Fabienne to the house, I began my work. The plan for today was to practice dancing with Fabienne in the afternoon. Rosalia would join us for that.

So, before the dance time, I needed to install the “automatic door-closing device” I made yesterday.

“Well then, let’s get started. It’s just installing the device, so it won’t take long.”

Fabienne seemed curious and was watching my work. Of course, Rosalia, Mira, Nero, and Lelie were also in the potion room. Everyone seemed interested.

Even though I had opened and closed the model door so many times yesterday, was it still not enough?

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